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October 12, 2007


This week, Democrats continued to pressure the President to change direction in Iraq by passing the War Profiteering Prevention Act.  This legislation will strengthen our ability to prosecute criminals who cheat American taxpayers during a time of war.  As October continues, we will keep bringing legislation to the House Floor to affect a change of policy in Iraq.   Next week, the House will consider a resolution criticizing the Administration for trying to hide information on corruption in Iraq.


This week the House responded to recent consumer safety issues by passing four bills that create tough new regulations and penalties to ensure that products that enter the United States are safe for consumers.  The House also passed an affordable housing bill to help alleviate the current housing crisis by creating a fund to help state and local governments reconstruct public housing.


Next week, the House will consider a new surveillance bill, the RESTORE Act, which will replace the FISA bill passed in August.  The RESTORE Act will keep our nation safe while ensuring that the rights of American citizens are protected.  These are not mutually exclusive goals.  Under this new legislation, the intelligence community is given all the tools it needs to monitor foreign targets, but prohibits warrantless surveillance of American citizens, thus restoring the checks and balances that were not included in the August FISA bill.


The House will also try to override the President's veto of health care for children.  Democrats are working hard to convince our Republican colleagues to vote for our children, rather than serve as a rubber stamp for the President.  This is a bipartisan, compromise bill that is fiscally responsible.  We hope Republicans will join with us and provide health insurance to the low-income children this program was designed to help.


Sincerely yours,
Steny H. Hoyer

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Hoyer Responds to President on Surveillance Bill

On Wednesday, Hoyer responded to remarks President Bush made about new surveillance legislation that will be on the House Floor next week.  Hoyer stated that the RESTORE Act is responsible legislation that protects American citizens while protecting their rights at the same time.

Read release 


Hoyer Statement on Tax Collection Responsibility Act

Hoyer spoke on the House Floor on Wednesday in support of the Tax Collection Responsibility Act, saying that this legislation will restore efficiency, security, and professionalism to the tax collection process by returning this responsibility solely to the government.

Read release 


Majority Leader Hoyer Congratulates Al Gore on Nobel Peace Prize

Hoyer congratulated former Vice President Al Gore on winning the Nobel Peace Prize today for raising public awareness about global warmings and the need to address this issue quickly.

Read release
