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May 11, 2007


Last night, the House passed the U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Care, Katrina Recovery and Iraq Accountablity Appropriations Act of 2007, after the President chose to ignore the will of the American people and veto the previous Iraq supplemental bill.  This bill - once again - fully funds our troops, in addition to providing funds for improving America's military readiness and ensuring quality health care for our veterans.  Just as importantly, this bill holds the President and the Iraqi government accountable for making progress.  By providing full funds for three months and then reassessing the situation in Iraq in July, this Congress is sending an important message to the Iraqi government that they must take the lead in restoring security and stability to their nation so that our troops may return home safely and soon. 
In addition to the Iraq Accountability Act, the House also passed the Homeland Security Authorization Act and the Intelligence Authorization Act.  Both bills are key to keeping our country safe and Americans protected.
Next week, we will continue our efforts to defend our country with consideration of the Department of Defense Authorization Act.  We will also take up the Federal Housing Finance Reform Act, which will create a new fund to promote affordable housing in the Gulf Coast and nationwide, and reform oversight of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal Home Loan Banks.
With kind regards, I am
Sincerely yours,
Steny H. Hoyer

Majority Leader Hoyer's Statement in Support of the Iraq Supplemental
Last night, Leader Hoyer spoke on the House Floor in favor of the Iraq Accountability Act, which fully funds the troops and holds the Iraqi government accountable for stepping up and making progress.
Majority Leader Hoyer's Statement on Homeland Security Authorization
Leader Hoyer spoke in support of the Homeland Security Authorization Act on the House Floor on Wednesday, saying that the highest duty of government is to protect the American people and defend our homeland, and that this legislation better equips the Department of Homeland Security to do just that.
Hoyer, Feingold Send Letter to President Bush on Darfur
On Monday, Majority Leader Hoyer and Senator Russell Feingold sent a letter to President Bush, urging him to deliver a strong message to the Sudanese government that they must follow through on all agreements that ensure humanitarian access to the more than two million Darfurians who depend on international relief groups for survival.  On Wednesday, Leader Hoyer signed a letter from House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Tom Lantos to Chinese President Hu Jintao, urging him to take immediate action toward bringing an end to the conflict in Darfur.
Majority Leader Hoyer Statement on Student Loan Sunshine Act
The House passed the Student Loan Sunshine Act on Wednesday in response to recent scandals.  This bill will ensure transparency in the student loan industry and assure students and taxpayers are getting their money's worth.
Read about House Democrats' Strong Record of Passing Legislation That Matters to the American people.
