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The Leader's Report: Week of March 12, 2007

March 16, 2007


This week, the House passed five bills that continue our efforts to make government more accountable and transparent.  These bills will increase public access to government information by strengthening the Freedom of Information Act, restore public access to presidential records, require the disclosure of donors to presidential libraries, provide whistleblower protections to federal workers who specialize in national security issues, and end waste in government contracting by reducing the use of no-bid contracts.  These bills passed with strong bipartisan support. 
On Monday, March 19, the Iraq war will enter its fifth year.  Americans have made clear that they want a new direction in Iraq, and next week we will consider a bill which will do just that.  The U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Health and Iraq Accountability Act supports our troops and veterans, holds the President and the Iraqi government accountable to his own benchmarks for progress, and refocuses on the war on terror.
Also next week, we will consider the Gulf Coast Hurricane Housing Recovery Act that will provide more flexibility and funding for housing and help those who need housing assistance more quickly and effectively.  And, at long last, we will consider a bill that will give the District of Columbia full representation in the House of Representatives.
Sincerely yours,
Steny H. Hoyer

Hoyer Statement on Restoring Accountability in Government
On Thursday, Majority Leader Hoyer spoke on the House Floor in support of the five government accountability and transparency bills that were passed by the House this week with broad, bipartisan support.
Hoyer: Reports on Iraq Demonstrate the Need for Accountability Measures in Iraq Accountability Bill
After the House Appropriations Committee approved the U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Health, and Iraq Accountability Act, Majority Leader Hoyer released a statement saying that this bill will forge a new direction in Iraq by finally holding the President and the Iraqis accountable to real benchmarks for progress.
On Thursday, the Democratic Leadership sent out a memo regarding the U.S. Troop Readiness, Veteran's Health, and Iraq Accountability Act, which passed the House Appropriations committee that same day.  This memo details how the bill will hold the Bush Administration and Iraqi government accountable, ensure that our troops have the training and equipment they need, and refocuses on the war on terror.
Read the full memo here.
