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The Leader's Report: Week of January 29, 2007

February 02, 2007


This week, Congress demonstrated that we are focusing on issues that are important to the American people.  On Wednesday, the House passed a Joint Funding Resolution that will keep the federal government working for America through 2007.  This, along with fiscal responsibility measures passed during the first 100 hours, show that Democrats are keeping their promise to put this country's fiscal house back in order.   
In recent years, the month of January typically saw no legislative business occur: Members would be sworn-in at the beginning of the month, and return only for the President's State of the Union Address.  This January, however, Democrats have had the House open for business, and passed major pieces of legislation that will improve the lives of the American people.  Democrats are committed to changing the way Washington is run.  We are listening to the people and getting things done.
With kind personal regards, I am
Sincerely yours,
Steny H. Hoyer

Majority Leader Hoyer's Statement in Support of Joint Funding Resolution

On Wednesday, Majority Leader Hoyer spoke on the House Floor in support of the Joint Funding Resolution.  This resolution will keep the federal government running through 2007, and is a result of the Republicans' failure to pass 9 of 11 appropriations bills last year.

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Majority Leader Hoyer's Statement on the Senate's Passage of the Minimum Wage Increase

After the Senate passed a minimum wage increase, Majority Leader Hoyer expressed his hope that this measure will reach the President's desk soon.

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Majority Leader Hoyer's Statement on the Celebration of Black History Month

Majority Leader Hoyer recognized the countless contributions African-Americans have made to our nation on the first day of Black History Month.

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Majority Leader Hoyer's Statement on the National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq

The Bush Administration released its National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq.  Majority Leader Hoyer stated that the NIE demonstrates the need for a multilateral effort in order to achieve a political solution in Iraq.

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