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The Leader's Report: Week of January 1, 2007

January 05, 2007


Welcome to the first issue of the Leader's Report.  This e-newsletter will keep you up to date on my activities and provide summaries and links to my major statements and press releases from the week.

As the 110th Congress begins, I am proud to report that we have already begun the task of ensuring that this institution is transparent and accountable to the people of the United States.  The rules package currently under consideration will help to return integrity, civility, and fiscal responsibility to the House of Representatives, and it will help to restore the faith of the American people in our ability to govern fairly and effectively.  Next week, we will turn to the 100 Hours agenda, outlined in one of the press releases below.

I am also proud that the House has, for the first time in its history, elected a woman as our Speaker.  Speaker Nancy Pelosi and I are both committed to producing real results that will improve the lives of our fellow Americans, and we will work hard to exceed their expectations.

Looking forward to serving you as the House Majority Leader and with kindest regards, I am
Sincerely yours,
Steny H. Hoyer

Hoyer on New Minimum Wage Report
On Tuesday, Americans United for Change issued a report that found the CEOs of the nation’s top corporations earned in just two hours and two minutes what it takes a minimum wage worker to earn over the course of a full year.  In response, Majority Leader Hoyer said that this clearly demonstrates the immediate need for Congress to raise the minimum wage.
Read more.

Majority Leader Hoyer Releases Schedule for First 100 Hours
In the 110th Congress, the first 100 hours of the legislative session will be devoted to passing the Democrats’ “Six for ‘06” agenda.  Majority Leader Hoyer revealed the schedule for the 100 hours, set to begin on Tuesday, January 9.
Read more.

Democrats Unveil New Rules to Bring Integrity, Civility and Fiscal Responsibility Back to House
Demonstrating their commitment to reforms promised during the campaign season, Majority Leader Hoyer and Rules Committee Chairwoman Louise Slaughter introduced a new package of rules to govern the House.
Read more.
* To find out more about the rules package, follow the links below:
FACT SHEET: Honest Leadership Rules Changes
FACT SHEET: Civility & Fiscal Responsibility Rules Changes

Hoyer Says Democrats Are Committed to Changing the Way Business Is Done in Washington
Majority Leader Hoyer spoke on the House floor on Thursday to express his support for the new rules package.
Read more.
