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(May 13, 2008) Lipinski Delivers UIC College of Engineering Commencement Address PDF  | Print |




Lipinski Delivers UIC College of Engineering Commencement Address

WASHINGTON – On Saturday, Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-IL) delivered the Keynote Address at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) College of Engineering graduation ceremony.  The UIC College of Engineering is widely recognized for its academic excellence with undergraduate and graduate programs in bioengineering, chemical engineering, civil and materials engineering, computer science, electrical and computer engineering, and mechanical and industrial engineering.

In his speech, Rep. Lipinski highlighted important work undertaken since 2006 by the House of Representatives and the Science and Technology Committee, including efforts at improving science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education in the U.S., as well as legislation that puts the country on a path to a more energy independent future.

“I am hopeful that some of you will take advantage of these new opportunities we have created [with the America COMPETES Act] and either become researchers who develop the next generation of technology or teachers who help lead the next generation of students,” said Lipinski.  “But everyone needs to play a role, because there are so many challenges that we face.  I believe that the greatest challenge America faces is improving energy efficiency and developing clean, alternative sources of energy that will free us from our dependence on foreign oil and will combat global climate change.  This will not be a simple task, instead requiring major changes in policy including vast, long-term investments in science and engineering that will lead to the development of innovative new technologies.  These new technologies will depend on quality engineers and an engineering focus to provide cost effective and innovative solutions.  I hope that one of you may help find the key technological advance that will transform our energy economy, and improve our national security, economic security, and environmental security.”

Rep. Lipinski holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Northwestern University, a Masters in Engineering-Economic Systems from Stanford University, and a Ph.D. in Political Science from Duke University.  His background in engineering allowed him to secure a seat on the House Committee on Science and Technology, on which he serves as Vice-Chairman.

“A degree in engineering provides students with strong problem solving skills that allow them to transcend any career field they may want to enter,” stated Lipinski.  “My degrees in engineering taught me critical analytical and problem-solving skills that have been invaluable as a Member of Congress.  I am certain that an engineering degree from UIC has prepared the graduates for a lifetime of accomplishments and contributions to the world.”

Click Here to view the commencement speech.

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