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(May 22, 2008) Lipinski Helps Pass Bills to Aid and Honor Servicemembers and Veterans PDF  | Print |

Lipinski Helps Pass Bills to Aid and Honor Servicemembers and Veterans


[Washington, D.C.]  This week, Congressman Lipinski helped pass 17 pieces of legislation aimed at supporting and honoring those who have served in the U.S. military, past and present.  These pieces of legislation, which include tax breaks for veterans and improvements to veterans' health care, enjoyed overwhelming bipartisan support in the House of Representatives. 


"Next Monday, America will observe Memorial Day, a holiday set aside to remember those brave men and women who have died during military service to our country," said Rep. Lipinski.  "But as we remember those brave individuals who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country, it is only right that we also recommit to supporting and honoring the men and women currently serving our nation and those veterans who are still with us."


"We have made enormous strides this Congress in making sure that support for our troops does not end when they return home," said Rep. Lipinski.  "Last year, I helped pass the biggest funding increase in the history of the VA, and this week I was proud to support these 17 pieces of legislation that honor and support our nation's servicemembers and veterans.  We must continue to fight for these brave men and women who have so heroically fought for us."    


The 17 veteran and military related bills passed by the House of Representatives this week include:


  • H.R. 3819, Veterans Emergency Care Fairness Act of 2007 - Cosponsored by Rep. Lipinski, this legislation requires the VA to pay for veterans emergency treatments at non-VA hospitals until that individual can be transferred to a VA facility.  This bill ensures that veterans can receive emergency treatment at the closest medical facility available.   


  • H.R. 6081, The Heroes Earnings Assistance and Relief Tax Act of 2008 - This legislation contains several tax provisions intended to help veterans, military personnel, and their families, as well as other public servants such as volunteer firefighters.    


  • H.R. 5826, Veterans' Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2008 - This legislation provides an increase in the rate of compensation for disabled veterans and their families


  • H.Res. 986 - This resolution honors Vietnam POWs and calls for a full accounting of the 1,729 members of the Armed Forces who remain unaccounted for in Vietnam


  • H.Res. 1054 - This resolution honors the women who have served or are serving in the Armed Forces
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