
district of california
  • Royce hears out trade horrors
    Jul 18, 2008  - By BRITTANY LEVINE THE ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER Nancy Weinstein went to Rep. Ed Royce, R-Fullerton, for help when her dream of opening an interior design store in China turned into a nightmare because of an "evil" landlord who she said forced her to pay him $1 million more than she owed. "This... More
  • Rep. Ed Royce Pledges to Work to Find Solutions to the Healthcare Crisis Facing Small Businesses
    Jun 16, 2008  - Rep. Ed Royce showed his commitment to addressing the healthcare needs of the small business community by signing the National Federation of Independent Business’ (NFIB) Solutions Start Here SM petition. In doing so, Royce pledged to work with the next president and Congress to enact meaningful re... More
  • Royce Votes to Crack Down on Lawsuit Abuse
    Sep 14, 2004  - Today, U.S. Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA-40) voted in favor of a series of fours bills aiming to crack down on lawsuit abuse in America, which have been bogging down our legal system, costing consumers millions of dollars, and putting small business at risk. All of the bills passed the House and now head to ... More
  • Small Business Health Fairness Act Clears House
    May 13, 2004  - U.S. Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA-40) voted in favor of legislation today that will bring relief to millions of small businesses around the country and allow them to join together to provide their employees with better, more affordable health insurance coverage. The Small Business Health Fairness Act of 2004... More
  • Royce Supports Small Business Health Fairness Act
    Apr 1, 2004  - Orange County small businesses are finding it increasingly difficult to provide quality employee health care coverage. Employers should be able to obtain good health care for their workers at an affordable price. Representative Ed Royce believes the Small Business Health Fairness Act [H.R. 660] is... More
  • Royce's Mortgage Clarification Legislation Passes House
    Mar 19, 2003  - A bill authored by U.S. Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA-40) clarifying current law governing the mortgage servicing industry cleared the House today. The bipartisan Mortgage Servicing Clarification Act [H.R. 314] now heads to the Senate for consideration. "When someone takes out a loan to buy a house, it is... More
  • Royce Statement on the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2003
    Mar 19, 2003  - Mr. Speaker, last year my colleagues and I on the conference committee for the Sarbanes-Oxley Act sent to the President a bill that included tough new criminal penalties for corporate malefactors. I think at that time we took a number of steps that were important. We drastically increased the senten... More
  • Royce Statement on Mortgage Servicing Clarification Act
    Mar 18, 2003  - Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support of this bipartisan legislation, H.R. 314. This is the Mortgage Servicing Clarification Act, which I have introduced with my colleague, the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. Kanjorski). This carefully written legislation addresses a specific problem for co... More
  • Royce Says Bush Economic Plan Will Kick-Start Economy
    Jan 7, 2003  - Saying the plan will create jobs and spur growth, U.S. Rep. Ed Royce (CA-40) issued the following statement today in support of President Bush's economic growth package: "The President's plan is necessary to restore confidence in our markets and to get people back to work. By helping to create ... More
  • Royce Named "Guardian of Small Business"
    Sep 27, 2002  - U.S. Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA-39) received the National Federation of Independent Business' (NFIB) "Guardian of Small Business Award" for his strong, consistent pro-small business voting record in the 107th Congress. Royce received a 100 percent rating from NFIB, America's largest small-business advocacy... More