
district of california
  • Royce Welcomes Anh "Joseph" Cao to House of Representatives
    Jan 6, 2009  - Today, Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA) welcomed newly-elected Member of Congress, Jopseph Cao to Congress at a press conference outside of his office. Rep. Cao (R-LA), who defeated nine-term Democratic Congressman, William Jefferson, in a run-off election in Louisiana, won by a margin of 49.6 percent to 46.8... More
  • Royce Introduces Legislation Calling for Vietnam to be Returned to list of "Countries of Particular Concern"
    Jan 6, 2009  - Today, the first day of the 111th Congress, Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA) introduced a resolution in the House of Representatives calling on the U.S. government to re-designate Vietnam on the list of "Countries of Particular Concern" for gross violations of religious freedom. Representative Anh "Joseph" Ca... More
  • House Passes Resolution Condemning Islamist Terrorist
    Dec 10, 2008  - Today, H.Res. 1532, legislation to condemn the series of Islamist terrorist attacks that rocked Mumbai two weeks ago, unanimously passed the House of Representatives. Nearly 200 were killed in the terrorist attacks, including 6 Americans. Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), the Ranking Member of the Terrorism, ... More
  • Royce Legislation to Strengthen U.S.-South Korea Alliance Passes Senate; Sent to President for Signature
    Oct 2, 2008  - Legislation to upgrade South Korea's military procurement status, authored by Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), passed the U.S. Senate late last night. The measure now goes to the President, who is expected sign it into law in the coming days. With this change, foreign military sales with Korea would be treat... More
  • Prayers for N. Korean Refugees
    Jul 13, 2008  - By ERIKA CHAVEZ THE ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER As the world tunes in to witness the pomp and pageantry of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, Sam Kim is working to ensure the international spotlight will also cast a glare on China’s spotty human rights record. Kim, executive director of the Irvine-b... More
  • Royce Presses for Greater Human Rights in Vietnam
    Jun 19, 2008  - Today, several Vietnamese-American human rights groups held a press conference in our nation's Capital to speak out about the continued human rights abuses in Vietnam. Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), a senior member of the Asia, the Pacific and the Global Environment Subcommittee, and a major voice on Vietn... More
  • Congressional Caucus on Vietnam
    May 14, 2008  - Today, Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), member of both the Congressional Caucus on Vietnam and the Caucus on Human Rights, gave the following statement during a hearing to address the human rights conditions in Vietnam: We received some good news the other day. It appears as if Viet Tan party member and U.S... More
  • Keynote Address by Rep. Ed Royce
    May 6, 2008  - This morning, Rep. Ed Royce gave a keynote address, "Gauging the Six Party Talks," to the U.S.-Korea Institute at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies: It is a pleasure being here at the U.S.-Korea Institute. In a few short years SAIS has become a major center of Korea-relat... More
  • Royce Commemorates 14th Annual Vietnam Human Rights Day
    May 5, 2008  - Today, Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), Member of the Asia, the Pacific and the Global Environment Subcommittee attended the 14th annual commemoration of Vietnam Human Rights Day. Rep. Royce gave the following remarks: I'm glad to be here before you today. I wish, however, that we were here under different ... More
  • Syrious Blow to Nonproliferation
    Apr 28, 2008  - The following oped, by Rep. Royce, appeared on National Review Online and was reprinted on the blog, Flashreport. Last week, the administration broke the deafening silence surrounding Israel’s strike against a Syrian nuclear reactor last fall. Media reports indicate that U.S. intelligence confi... More