
district of california
This page will provide you with a reference for information about both government and private entities that offer financial assistance to individuals, businesses, non-profit organizations and local governments. The links on this page offer helpful information that will enable you to research efficiently and will guide you on writing grant proposals. This is, however, only a partial list and you should not limit your funding search to only the internet addresses on this page. Please contact Rep. Royce at (714) 744-4130 with any questions on grants or for more information on the grant process that is not listed on this page.

Click here for a list of and links to all the federal departments and agencies.

Royce to Hold Grant Workshop September 26

Rep. Royce will host a Congressional Grant Workshop on the 26th of September at the Joint Forces Training Base. The event will take place from 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. in the Conference Room of the new Veterans' Service Center (Building 244). Royce is happy to announce that the Director of the Tech Transfer Program Office with the Department of Defense will be in attendance from Washington, DC. In addition, speakers are confirmed from the California Offices of Homeland Security and Emergency Services. The topic of discussion will include various federal and state grant opportunities of interest to our first responders and military personnel. For more information, please contact Yeghig L. Keshishian in the District Office at (714) 992-8081.

General Grant Information:

In addition to authorizing funding to various federal agencies the federal government also provides a great deal of funding opportunities to the state in the form of block and/or project grants.  According to the latest figures, CA ranked #2 in overall federal dollars received in FY05.  In dollar figures, it received $207,194,453,653 billion, which accounted for 9.3% of total dollars for FY05.

While the following sites are an excellent source to consult if you are looking for federal grants, please remember that much of the grant opportunities in the form of block and/or project grants are money reserved to the state to oversee.

(Courtesy of FedSpending.org)

Applying for Federal Assistance (CFDA):
Individuals looking for guidance on how to apply for a federal grant can refer to the CFDA website which provides step by step direction, including the standard form used for applying for grants in other Federal assistance.

Developing and Writing Grant Proposals (CFDA)
Grant seeker looking for information on how to write a Federal grant proposal -- including, the initial proposal development and information on guidelines and literature -- can consult the following CFDA link for assistance.

Key Federal Funding Sources:

Grants.gov is your source to find and apply for federal government grants. There are over 1,000 grant programs offered by all federal grant making agencies. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is proud to be the managing partner for Grants.gov, an initiative that is having an unparalleled impact on the grant community. Grants.gov allows organizations to electronically find and apply for more than $400 billion in federal grants.

Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
The Catalog (CFDA), issued annually and updated continuously on the Web, describes some 1,600 Federal grants and non financial assistance programs. Grant seekers can identify programs that might support their projects and can learn the program's objectives, requirements, application procedures and contacts. For current notices of funding availability, please also consult Grants.gov.

USA.gov links all major federal government departments with their websites. It can be consulted, if you would like to search for grant opportunities by their respected departments.

Small Business Administration (SBA) Grants
This government site provides general information on grants and loan programs administered through the U.S. Small Business Administration.

Government Benefits, Grants and Financial Aid
This link is from USA.gov, the official U.S. gateway to all government information. It provides links to all federal government benefits and grants. It allows its users to obtain official information on grants, loans, financial aid, and other benefits from the U.S. government. To assist in your research, this site organizes information into subject categories to facilitate in yoru search for greater information on grant opportunities and benefits from the U.S. government.

Weekly Federal Funding Report
The online Federal Funding Report is a weekly compilation of items published in the Federal Register which affect Federal Domestic Assistance Programs. The summary consists of three parts: (1) Federal Register Summary, (2) Early Warning Grants Report, and (3) Disaster Loan Applications. While this link provides useful information, it is a site that does not provide the same caliber of grant opportunities as Grants.gov or CFDA.

Federal Points of Contact for Agency Assistance:

Regional Federal Agency Contacts by Department
Much of the federal grant budget moves to the states through formula and block grants. Local Federal offices in turn would handle the grant applications and funds disbursements. Some grants listings may refer the grant seeker to a state or regional information contact as listed in Appendix IV. Applicants should in this case contact the regional/local federal department, or agency office listed, before applying for funding to obtain the most up-to-date information. The following links nicely lay out the list of federal contacts by both agency and/or state.

State Points of Contact for Agency Assistance:

State 'Single Points of Contact' (Courtesy of Office of Management and Budget)
Under Executive Order 12372, some States require Federal grants applicants to submit a copy of their application for State government level review and comment. The State offices listed here coordinate both federal and state grants development and may provide guidance to grant seekers. The Order allows each State to designate an entity to perform this function. Below is the official list of those entities. For those States that have a home page for their designated entity, a direct link has been provided below by clicking on the State name.

It is estimated that in 2008 the Federal Government will outlay $449 billion in grants to State and local governments.

State and Local Agencies and Offices
This link is particularly helpful if you would like to contact State and Local Agencies and Offices in your respected State.

For help in identifying State-level grants, it is useful to additionally consult the following State government agencies Web sites:  State and Local Agencies by Topic, the Library of Congress' State Government Information and National Association of State Development Agencies.

Federal Grant Opportunities For Nonprofits:

White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives:
The respected websites list over 170 programs by various Federal agencies of interest to small, faith-based and community groups. You can learn more about grant opportunities through the White House (www.fbci.gov) and Health and Human Services (www.hhs.gov/fbci) faith-based websites. Many are "formula grants" made available to States and local governments, which in turn award grants to grassroots and local organizations. To learn about these types of grants, it is helpful to contact local and State agencies that administer the programs.


ACF Compassion Capital Fund
The funding opportunities below, organized by the latest opening or closing date, provide links to the Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) grants and funding announcements for the Compassion Capital Fund (CCF).

Non-Profit Resources:

The Non-Profit Resource Center/Volunteer Center of Orange County
The Center offers a range of classes on grant writing and grant-searching. It is a valuable resource for non-profits in Orange County.

USA.gov for Nonprofits
Links Federal department, agency information, and service for nonprofit organizations -- including fundraising and outreach, grants, loans and other assistance, laws and regulations, management and operations, online services, registration and licensing, and tax information.

The Foundation Center
Supported by more than 600 foudnations, the Foundation Center is the nation's leading authority on philanthropy, connecting nonprofits and the grant makers supporting them to tools they can use and information they can trust. The Center maintains the most comprehensive database on U.S. grant makers and their grants. It also prepares nonprofit organizations to seek out and identify potential sources of foundation support. A basic primer on the grant seeker process and an introduction to the available resources.

Cooperating Collections
The Cooperating Collections provides a collection of Foundation Center publications and a variety of supplementary materials and services for individuals seeking grants. These libraries, community foundations, and other nonprofit resource centers serve the nonprofit communities.

The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP)
AFP represents nearly 28,000 members in more than 190 chapters throughout the world, working to advance philanthropy through advocacy, research, education and certification programs. The association fosters development growth of fundraising professionals and pormotes high ethical standards in the fundraising profession. It has chapters all over the world and is comprised of fundraisers and consultants. They are good association to be affilitated with if you are looking for ways to raise money for nonprofits.

Orange County Community Foundation
The OCCF provides professional planning to assist nonprofits and donors alike by strenthening Orange County through philanthropic means.

The Grantsmanship Center
The Grantsmanship Center conducts some 150 workshops annually in grantsmanship training, as well as earned income strategies for nonprofits. There are numerous resources online for grantseeksers available at no cost. These include daily grant announcements from the Federal Register, archives of The Gransmanship Center Magazine, indexes of funding sources at the local, federal and international levels, and more.

Federal Funds Express
The listed sites on this webpage are recommended sources of information for researching grants, procurement, and other resources on the Internet. This website features some useful resources for small businesses and features a number of links to help you obtain and manage grants.