
district of california
Rep. Royce has compiled these tips for you with the hope that they will assist you in planning your visit to our nation's capital. Whether this is your first time to Washington D.C. or you come on a regular basis, these suggestions should make your trip more enjoyable.

Bring comfortable walking shoes.

D.C. has an extensive public transportation system, and all the major sights are within walking distance to each other.

Utilize the public transportation system.

Taxicabs can become very expensive in D.C., driving is often confusing and parking is generally difficult. The Metro is extremely time and cost efficient. Visit Washington's Metro website for more detailed information on fare specials for tourists, and use the Ride Guide option to assist you in planning your various visits.

Washington's Metro homepage

Printable Metro map

Trip Planner

Dress in layers.

D.C. weather can change very quickly, so it's best to always be prepared (especially in transition seasons like Fall and Spring).

Always practice common-sense safety.

DC is like any other major city. You should always travel with someone, and be aware of your surroundings. If you find yourself lost, stop, and ask someone for directions. Before leaving your hotel/residence always take a business card, or write down the name, address and phone number of where you're staying (many hotel chains have several different locations in the D.C. metro area, and just saying the hotel's name to a cab driver will not be of any help).

If you're visiting D.C. in the summer:

Always bring some water with you. Although bottled water can be purchased at street vendors, you should always have some with you just in case. D.C. gets very humid compared to the dry heat in Southern California, so make sure you stay hydrated.

Bring rain gear (umbrellas, rain coats). Unlike Southern California, D.C. often has thunderstorms during the summer with heavy rains, so its best to always be prepared.

Bring a light sweater/coat. Because it can get so hot and humid outside, several
buildings increase their air conditioning, and this can make you very cold, especially when walking in from outside where you have been perspiring.

Bring sun protection. Hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen are always a good idea no matter where you go. Be sure to always have this with you, because like Southern California, you can still get sunburned on an overcast day.