
district of california

Royce Opens Doors to New District Office in Orange

Orange, Jan 5 -

Today, Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA) announced the opening of his new district office located in the city of Orange at 1110 East Chapman Avenue, Suite 207, the office phone number is (714) 744-4130.

"I encourage all of my constituents to visit me and my staff in my new office. Constituent services remain the cornerstone of my office. As always, I think it is important to hear from the people I work for," said Royce.

"During this transition, I apologize for any inconvenience constituents may incur while contacting my office. I am working diligently to ensure there is as little delay as possible bringing my new office up to speed."

Please click here to view the new location of my district office through the google maps feature on my website at www.royce.house.gov.

Rep. Ed Royce is an Orange County native and currently serves as a senior member on the House Financial Services Committee and the House Foreign Affairs Committee.


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