
district of california
You may e-mail me by filling out your information and comments below. Otherwise, please call, fax, or write your request to me.

1110 E. Chapman Ave, Suite 207
Orange, CA 92866
Phone: (714) 744-4130
Fax: (714) 744-4056305

* First Name
* Last Name
* Address
* City
* State
* Zip Code
Phone Number
* Email Address

Indicate the number of which flag(s) you would like below:
Only checks, money orders or cashier checks will be accepted as payment. Please make your check payable to "Congressman Royce's Office Supply Account".

3 X 5 Cotton @ $9.25 each
3 X 5 Nylon @ $9.00 each
4 X 6 Nylon @ $13.50 each
5 X 8 Cotton @ $20.00 each
5 X 8 Nylon @ $18.00 each
Do you want the flag flown over the Capital? ($4.05)
Do you have a date preference?

If yes, please fill in date (allow one week's notice prior to desired date):
What occasion or person will this flag be for,
as you would like written on the certificate?
*Please note that the first paragraph of the certificate will read 'This is to certify that the accompanying flag was flown over the United States Capitol on (specified date) at the request of the Honorable Edward R. Royce, Member of Congress' The second paragraph will be written as you requested it below."

Send Flag(s) to (if other than listed above):
*Please note that there is an additional franking fee for flags that are sent via the U.S. Postal Service. For details, please contact Rep. Royce's District Office at 714-992-8081

Street Address