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wants to tweet something, but I choose to hold my tongue.
Why do things wait to break until right before a presentation?
@gedeon I think the stabilization happens on the fly, once it computes everything it needs about the clip to make that possible
creating a PowerPoint slide about yourself for someone else's presentation is a little odd.
@chartier so it didn't recognize your face?
@jsnell the stabilized version of you cutting the turkey looks kind of creepy for some reason.
@coryb well, there isn't a new Kindle yet, but the rumor is that'll change on Feb 9th.
yes, I will be buying a second gen Kindle.
I'm wearing makeup.
@mw4dice it is the color of awesome. And blue.
that's right, I bought a blazer and I look good. Deal with it.
just watched Smallvile for the first time ever (thanks, @fancast!) and I'm not sure how I feel about it.
@marusula Oh! I could use one of those for my bedroom!
@katriord It is the sound of happiness. ;)
ahh, the lovely sounds of a MacBook Pro on my desk. All is right with the world.
@tangofoxtrot it makes it easier to know what to wear in the morning!
@tpryan Are you writing a book?
@zorn that's even better! :) Thanks.


Manton Reece Justin Williams Gavin Blake Burris Jonathan Wight Geoff DiMasi Alex Hillman Alex Rudloff Ryan Stewart Colin Devroe Maura Chace Ted Leung Matt Heerema bear joy Chris Clark Christopher Masto Grant Hutchinson rands Daniel Bergey John Gruber David Chartier ʎɹɹəquəʞɔoɥ ƃıɐɹɔ Gedeon Maheux Snaggy Corey Marion Anthony Piraino David Lanham D. Luna Laurie Duncan Kevin C. Tofel Dan Lurie Clint Ecker Jacqui Cheng Rogue Amoeba Dori
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