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Small Biz Computing gives CS4 their 2009 award for Best Productivity software- sweet!
Got an early drop on my '08 taxes during lunch today. Damn straight I know how to party.
Trying to relax into my all-too-frequent state of always being about 4 days behind with email/to-do list/etc. Stress is for noobs.
@bryanveloso - yeah, definitely a bummer :(
Have to miss SXSW this year. Damn. Springtime w/o an Austin trip is gonna be odd.
@phillip - in practice, I don't disagree. Most meetings outlive their usefulness after 15 minutes, IMHO ;-)
In a brain-numbing all-day meeting. Sure, there may be high points- but any meeting longer than 2 hours is always suspect IMHO.
Apparently the home improvement gods have decided to chew me up and spit me out today. In drywall anchor hell.
Heading out of the office to fetch the Munch from daycare, and make it home before my 3pm meeting starts. Whoosh.
Abundance of thumbstyle bass last night = blood on my space bar this morning. Hunting for a fresh band-aid.
Kindle-surfing for new reading material. I swear this thing is like literary crack.
Cooking fliet of sole stuffed with curried crab & a marinated edamame/arugala salad. Nice bottle of pinot grigio to accompany. Score.
When's daylight savings time kick in again? This whole 'dark at 5pm' situation is getting old right about now. Need more sun.
@garazi Just $160? Either you've got a hella affordable electrican, or that list wasn't very long! I didn't get off that easy last week.
Diamond Dave is alive and well in Flash (awesome):
@munter I'm WAH today, and relatively unscalded so far - but the day's young. ;-)
With a little concentration, I may just spill coffee on every surface here by noon. Wish me luck.
@Lenser - totally agreed, nothing changes a channel faster here than Ann Coulter appearing onscreen. Waves of nausea follow otherwise.
@sugarfreejones - Adrian Mendoza (amendozer) saved and posted it. Crazy! Admittedly I was more a bassist than a tech geek then, tho.
um... URL for prior tweet would help. funny shit.


Dom Sagolla veen Mr Messina deeje Scott Janousek Dan Cederholm Simon Smith Desiree Fegette Molly E. Holzschlag Justine Jeremy Keith Mike Chambers Ryan Stewart phillip Hickensian ashleystar Aaron Gustafson Drew McLellan Wilson Miner Derek Featherstone Beep. luxuryluke Snook Garrett Dimon Veerle Pieters Nate Koechley Paul Hammond Geert Leyseele Scott Boms Jesse Rodgers Greg Storey Georgene John Gruber Andy Clarke Christopher Schmitt Niqui
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