Employee Free Choice Act: Worker Rights Under Attack

Did You Know?

  • An active union supporter as a 1 in 5 chance of being illegally fired for union activity during an organizing drive.
  • 25% of employers in organizing drives fire at least one worker for union activity .
  • 75% of employers hire unionbusting consultants to help fight union organizing drives.
  • 78% of employers force employees to attend one-on-one meetings against the union with their supervisors.
  • 92% of employers force employees to attend anti-union captive audience meetings.
  • In 2005, 31,358 workers received back pay because of illegal employer discrimination for their union activities.
  • 51% of employers threaten to close the business if the union wins the election.
  • 31,358 workers in 2005 alone received backpay awards because of unlawful employer behavior, a 500% increase from 40 years ago.
  • Even if workers succeed in forming a union, one-third of the time they still do not have a first contract with their employer two to three years after winning their election.  An employer's anti-union campaign often carries on beyond the election and into bargaining, to avoid every agreeing to a contract.

Worker Rights Are Under Attack by Bush Administration

Analysis released on July 13, 2006 by Rep. George Miller details how President Bush's success at stacking the National Labor Relations Board with anti-union members has led to serious rollbacks of workers' rights protections:

Worker Rights Under Attack by Bush Administration: President Bush's National Labor Relations Board Rolls Back Labor Protections ยป
July 13, 2006
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