Employee Free Choice Act: Supporters

Statements in Support of the Employee Free Choice Act

Other Organizations Endorsing the Employee Free Choice Act

  • AFL-CIO (website »)
  • AFSCME (resolution »)
  • AFT (resolution »)
  • Alliance for Retired Americans
  • American Library Association - Allied Professional Association (resolution» -PDF )
  • American Public Health Association (resolution »)
  • American Rights at Work
  • Americans for Democratic Action (resolution »)
  • Americans United for Change
  • Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance
  • California Church Impact
  • Center for American Progress
  • Center for America's Future
  • Center for Community Change
  • Center for Corporate Policy
  • Church Women United
  • Clergy and Laity Network United for Justice
  • Coalition of Contingent Academics Labor
  • Coalition of Labor Union Women (resolution » -PDF)
  • Council on American-Islamic Relations
  • Coalition on Human Needs
  • Coalition of Immokalee Workers
  • Demos
  • Democratic Leadership Council
  • Democratic National Committee (resolution »-PDF)
  • Earth Action Network
  • Grassroots Policy Project
  • Gray Panthers
  • Gray Panthers - Austin, Texas
  • Gray Panthers of California
  • Human Rights Watch (resolution »)
  • Japanese-American Citizens League
  • Jewish Council for Public Affairs (resolution »-PDF)
  • Jobs with Justice
  • Labor Council for Latin American Advancement
  • League of United Latin American Citizens
  • Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund
  • National Council of Women's Organizations
  • National Employment Law Project
  • National Federation of Filipino American Associations
  • National Immigration Law Center
  • National Latino Congreso  (resolution »)
  • National Puerto Rican Coalition
  • National Stonewall Democrats
  • National Workrights Institute (resolution »)
  • Ohio AFL-CIO (resolution »-PDF)
  • Pax Christi USA (resolution »)
  • Presbyterian Church USA - Washington, D.C., office
  • Press Associates Union News Service
  • Pride at Work
  • Progressive Jewish Alliance
  • Progressive Maryland
  • Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism (resolution »-PDF)
  • Sierra Club
  • Tikkun/The Network of Spiritual Progressives
  • United Church of Christ - Justice and Witness Ministries
  • United for a Fair Economy
  • United Methodist Church - General Board of Church and Society (resolution »-PDF)
  • United Nations Association of the National Capital Area
  • United States Student Association
  • United Students Against Sweatshops
  • Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations - Washington, D.C., office
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