News Item

Contact: McCall Avery 202-225-4201

Shame that Lou Dobbs Isn’t Getting the Right Facts About the New Employee Verification Act

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Washington, May 16, 2008 -

On his May 15, 2008 show, Lou Dobbs talked about the “New Employee Verification Act,” or NEVA, bipartisan legislation which I introduced this Congress.

My constituents and those in Congress know I’m for combating illegal immigration and NEVA is a step forward in the right direction.  Here are facts about NEVA in response to Mr. Dobbs’ erroneous report:

Allegation: NEVA replaces the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) voluntary E-Verify employment verification process with a whole new system.

No - NEVA doesn’t replace E-Verify, it makes it better by adding new features, protecting the privacy of U.S. citizens and avoiding a “big brother” law enforcement agency building new databases on law abiding citizens.    

Like E-Verify, NEVA still relies on databases maintained by the DHS and by the Social Security Administration (SSA) and still relies on DHS to enforce the law. 

But NEVA goes even further by:

1. Replacing the current paper-based, error-prone, I-9 work status verification process with a mandatory paperless, reliable verification system for all new hires;

2. Making the system simple for employers to use by requiring they transmit verifying information through a system they already use to enhance child support enforcement, their State’s system to find dead beat dads;

3. Requiring both DHS and Social Security to certify the accuracy of their databases;

4. Protecting U.S. citizens’ privacy by ensuring they are verified only by Social Security and not a “big brother” law enforcement agency;

5. Safeguarding workers’ identities through creating a voluntary system using the latest technology to authenticate and protect a worker’s identity; and

6. Making sure Social Security has the resources it needs to deliver the essential services the American people have earned.

Allegation:  Replacement program would make it impossible for local governments and state governments to clamp down on illegal immigration and illegal employers.

No – The reason we have an illegal immigrant population that has grown to over 12 million by some estimates and a patchwork of conflicting state and local laws is because Congress hasn’t done its job.  Some states have passed laws to fill this void, but many haven’t – and some cities have chosen to become sanctuary cities.  NEVA mandates employment verification for all employers, no matter where they do business and ensures that employees are treated fairly.  My legislation eliminates the ability of illegal immigrants to work in sanctuary cities.

My legislation creates a reliable system that will work and that will help remove the burden of illegal immigration that decades of federal inaction has placed upon the states.

Allegation: NEVA would prevent information sharing with “immigration enforcement officials,” making it harder to crack down on employers who hire illegal workers.

No – my legislation contains several provisions that will immediately aid the efforts of immigration enforcement officials. 

1. My proposal provides enforcement officials with critical information on employers who submit bogus information to the U.S. government in order to hire illegal workers.

2. Immigration officials will play a lead role in verifying the lawful employment of non-citizens.  If a non-citizen submits bad information in order to obtain illegal work, immigration officials will know immediately.

3. If by “information sharing” Mr. Dobbs refers to sharing private and sensitive Social Security and IRS information on U.S. citizens with the Department of Homeland Security, well then Mr. Dobbs does have that right – I am opposed to sharing this personal information on law abiding citizens.

Allegation: It is a shame and an outrage.

No - the simple facts of my legislation help to set the record straight.

1. The failures of the federal government have forced states to enact a patch-work of laws that hurt employers and that leave pockets of illegal employment through out the country.  This is wrong and Congress has a responsibility to act.

2. We have a responsibility to enforce our laws and we can do better than the E-Verify system.  American citizens should not be required to receive permission to work from a law enforcement agency and I believe we should provide effective tools so that our law enforcement agencies can get the job done.

3. NEVA provides a way forward by ensuring a legal workforce, safeguarding workers identities and protecting Social Security. 

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Do you think that the United States should grant blanket amnesty to illegal immigrants?