News from Congressman Vernon J. Ehlers  
Thursday, June 28, 2007 Kevan Chapman
Communications Director
(202) 225-3831

Ehlers promotes sustainability in U.S. manufacturing


Congressman Ehlers highlights efforts of Steelcase in environmentally-friendly products and practices


WASHINGTON – Congressman Vernon J. Ehlers is pointing out efforts at Grand Rapids-based furniture manufacturer Steelcase as an example for manufacturers across the country. In offering an amendment to the Green Jobs Act of 2007 (H.R. 2847), Ehlers said efforts to increase sustainability in operations and products at Steelcase should serve as a model for manufacturing in the United States.


“Steelcase uses a ‘design for the environment’ approach to creating products that excel in every environmental dimension to protect, replenish, and restore the communities in which we live and serve,” said Ehlers. “In fact, Steelcase’s global energy consumption has declined by 46 percent over the past five years.”


The amendment would add “sustainable manufacturing” to the list of industries eligible to participate in the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Worker Training Program, which provides federal grants for worker training in “Green” jobs.


Ehlers says his amendment could spur the creation of sustainable manufacturing jobs in Michigan. It would provide incentives for employers to adopt sustainable practices and train workers with the skills needed to understand “Green” manufacturing.


“This is a win-win situation for both manufacturers and workers,” Ehlers said. “It is certainly worth providing sustainability training to job seekers while at the same time providing incentives to manufacturers to use environmentally-friendly and sustainable practices. It is my hope that the ‘Green’ movement will create new jobs that will satisfy the growing demand for these new practices.”


On June 27, the Education and Labor Committee passed this bill. It now awaits consideration by the full House of Representatives.
