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oh yeah, here till saturday. visiting hours are until 8pm
@natemaggio i thought ur aim name was nateulus? I'm 3700 california room 109
I am a mighty morphine power ranger
Thinking about switching to Tumblr. Good idea or bad idea?
Slides for the board mtg. Can't they just take my word that we've been doing the right things, & will continue to? Why they need details? ha
@Mickipedia you are right, seems awesome...thank you for the link!
@jonathangrubb so do all the SNL writers.
lazyweb: what should I tivo? already have House, Monk, CSI, and Bones. I know, I'm super vanilla, whatever. What else?
uploading pictures to my dog's profile on Facebook/dogbook. This is a weird world!
insomnia haiku: at 5am in my bed/Macbook you seem to/have bought me lesbian clogs
I am awake. I am never awake at 4am.
still depressed, but thank you heidi for the vodka, jaegermeister and risotto.
It is completely sad how coffee takes me from feeling totally crazy to totally on top of everything.
I blogged! Holy shit. I never do that.
@youknowwhoyouare seriously, I am thankful for you. And would love to hug the fuck out of you. ASAP.
@scamper and @doomdoomdoom you boys are so adorably emo. Are you listening to Garbage and singing along? "I'm only happy when it raaaaiinns"
Just spent ten minutes clustered around my MacBook watching Billy Ocean videos. I am saturated.
@violetblue "fuck-a-rama"? Do tell!
@DieLaughing your momma so fat she lost her macbook air in her thigh fold


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