Boehner: President’s EPA Memorandum Could Place American Jobs in Further Jeopardy

Washington, Jan 26 - House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) expressed disappointment with President Obama’s presidential memorandum ordering the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to reconsider the denial of California’s request for a waiver permitting it to set stricter emission standards for greenhouse gases from motor vehicles.  Reversing the decision could open the door to states setting their own standards, forcing struggling American automakers – which recently received billions in taxpayer funds – to comply with potentially dozens of different and costly standards across the country.  Boehner issued the following statement:

“The President’s action today is disappointing.  The effect of this policy will be to destroy American jobs at the very time government leaders should be working together to protect and create them.  Millions of American jobs will be placed in further jeopardy if automakers are forced to spend billions to comply with potentially dozens of different emissions standards in dozens of different states.”


NOTE:  Boehner wrote to Energy & Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA) last month, urging him to reconsider his support for legislation that would allow his home state of California to impose stricter automobile regulations than the rest of the country.  Boehner’s letter to Waxman is available here.


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