As Gas Prices Soar, Congressional Democrats Are Feeling the Heat
House Republicans Promote GOP Plan to Lower Gas Prices While Democrats Watch Prices Surge Toward $4 Per Gallon ... And Do Nothing About It

Washington, Jun 2, 2008 - With gas prices soaring to $3.98 per gallon over the weekend, according to AAA, the House returns officially from Memorial Day break tomorrow.  But, believe it or not, not a single piece of legislation to help lower gas prices is on the House schedule this week.  This is particularly amazing since then-Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) promised the American people a “commonsense plan” to lower gas prices way back in April 2006.  And it’s particularly troubling since House Republicans unveiled a comprehensive plan to lower gas prices two weeks ago and promoted that plan across the country during last week’s Memorial Day recess.

Instead of delivering on their April 2006 promise, however, the Democrats in charge of Congress have only delivered a staggering $1.65 Pelosi Premium, meaning consumers are forced to pay $1.65 more per gallon of gasoline compared to what they paid on January 4, 2007 – the Democrats’ first day in the Majority.  For an average family that fills up its two cars once a week, that’s an astronomical $2,574 more per year that they are forced to pay at the pump.  That’s $2,574 less families have for their children’s educational expenses.  $2,574 less for family vacations this summer.  And $2,574 less for food costs (which also are skyrocketing thanks to the Pelosi Premium).  No wonder Democrats are continuing to feel the heat for doing nothing – NOTHING – to address the rising costs of gasoline. 

Here’s what a column in this morning’s New Hampshire Union Leader notes about what Congress has done to contribute to American families’ and small businesses’ pain at the pump:

“Here is a quick look at what Congress has done to help people who are hurting:"

"Congress refuses to remove, even temporarily, the 18.4 cents per gallon federal gas tax.”

“Congress has prevented the drilling in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge, which could be providing 1 million gallons of oil per day.”

“Congress has put 85 percent of the US coastal areas off-limits for drilling.”

“Congress has recently prohibited the processing of oil shale, which could provide substantial quantities of oil economically…”

“To sum it up, Congress has done nothing to help, but lots to increase our dependence on foreign oil and increase the price Americans pay for oil and gas.”

An op-ed published over the weekend in the Athens (GA) Banner-Herald turns up the heart even further, making the case that the Democratic Congress has contributed to the recent surge in gas prices:

“[D]rilling is prohibited in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge – a potential source of 1 million barrels a day, 5 percent of America’s daily oil consumption.  Also off-limits is 85 percent of America’s coastline, which Shell estimates contains some 100 billion recoverable barrels – 13 times America’s annual oil consumption – and the vast majority of oil shale in Colorado, which Shell estimates at 1.5 trillion barrels…”

“Americans deserve to know the story – in all its gory detail – of what their government has done and is doing to cause high prices at the pump, and to make gasoline – indeed, all energy – more scarce and more expensive in the future.”

Rep. John Carter (R-TX), House Republican Conference Secretary, penned a column last week in the Austin-American Statesman on the House GOP plan to bring gas prices down in a comprehensive and responsible way:

“Congress must take action to encourage conservation and promote the research and innovation necessary to develop energy sources and technologies.  And we must unlock energy supplies here at home.  Republicans in Congress recently unveiled an energy plan that will bring the much needed relief for American families by safely and responsibly increasing supplies.  These reforms are the only way Americans are going to see lower prices at the pump.”

Indeed, while Democrats have offered nothing more than broken promises and policies that drive up gas prices, House Republicans have unveiled a comprehensive plan for lower gas prices and energy independence.  The GOP blueprint promotes alternative and renewable fuels, harnesses technologies already being employed successfully by our global competitors, and unlocks America’s natural energy resources through the responsible exploration of oil and gas in the United States – a reform backed by 57 percent of Americans, according to a new Gallup pollHow much longer will Democrats ignore the will of the American people by keeping the House Republicans’ plan off the House floor?


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