House Republican Uprising Live Blog

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on August 4th, 2008

Today House Republicans continue their history-making crusade to force Speaker Pelosi to reconvene Congress for a vote on the American Energy Act.

As there are no cameras on while the House is not in session (or microphones for that matter) we will be live-blogging updates throughout the day.

You can also follow events on member Twitter accounts such as @johnculberson and @gopleader. Twitter users following the action are using the hashcode #dontgo to identify their tweets. Summize is a very useful service for tracking the #dontgo tag in real-time.

First to speak this morning:

Congressmen Mike Pence (R-IN):

“We come today on behalf of all Americans that believe Congress should come back in session for a vote on real energyRe

Rep. Tom Price (R-GA):

“Without your help we won’t be able to do anything…like the founders of this country we’re going directly to the American people.”

Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK):

“The oil might not flow for a year or two, but the jobs will start immediately…Right now, this House is an obstacle, not a platform.”

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This entry was posted on Monday, August 4th, 2008 at 8:02 am and is filed under Energy, gas prices. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

399 Responses to “House Republican Uprising Live Blog”

  1. Kimberly Pharris Says:

    Freeper kudos to y’all! I’m not overly happy with my R presidential choice, but this, THIS makes me proud! THIS is doing your job!
    Go, Go, Go! — kPharris

  2. Marcus Says:

    Drill here, drill now! I am proud of the GOP in the House taking a stand for what this country needs.

  3. Netmilsmom Says:

    You go guys!!!!

  4. Frank Says:

    For the first time in several years I am very proud of the Republicans in Congress. Keep up the great work.

  5. Michelle Malkin » Rock the House: What should Republicans do now? It’s on…Culberson: Every day on the House floor this week Says:

    […] Scroll down for updates…10:00am Eastern Monday 8/4…GOP Rep. John Culberson is Qikking the Revolt, Pt II now…go here…Mike Pence right now: “What you are about to witness is the beginning of a sustained effort to demand that Speaker Pelosi bring Congress back to Washington DC and give us an up and down vote on an energy bill that includes more access to American oil”…Culberson: “House conservatives will be on the floor every day this week”…Boehner live blog here…. […]

  6. Lennie Says:

    Thanks for finally standing up for the citizens. I wish you guys had done this several years ago and Madame Pelosi wouldn’t be in charge now. Stand strong and keep listening to the citizens of the great Nation.

  7. DJ Says:

    You know the Dems talk about the poor being the most hurt all the time. This is definitely one time when the poor cannot get to work, because the price of oil is so high that they cannot afford to work. We need to push this all the way to polls

  8. Rodguy911 Says:

    We here at FreeRepublic are behind you guys all the way keep up the good work.

  9. FlashBack Says:

    Drill, Drill, and Drill….and when your done with the Dims go drill for some oil!!!!!!

  10. Eric Odom Says:

    Maybe a little love for the site?

  11. Lawanda Holloway Says:

    Now that you have fire in the belly, go after em! Don’t compromise, the American people have spoken. We pay their salaries and I think what we say GOES.

  12. Dave Says:

    You guys rock! Keep it up.

  13. SCOTT Says:


  14. Kathy Says:

    Never, Never, Never give up!!! I’m proud to be a Republican!!!

  15. Netmilsmom Says:

    Where can we call to get pizza and donuts sent in!

  16. Thomas Says:

    Keep up the fight for increased oil supply, and increased energy supply.

    With you taking up this fight I’m inspired to contact my local candidate who is challenging an incumbent democrat office holders.

    I’ll do what I can to help. I’ll volunteer, I’ll contribute time. We need to break the democrat blockade on oil.

  17. Mike O Says:

    About bloody time! Better late than never; keep it up. People should visit Nancy on her gas-guzzling book tour and ask her why she isn’t in DC attending to the People’s business?

  18. Ron Says:

    How can we be sure that environmental special interests won’t tie the drilling up in court even if we pass this legislation?

  19. Rock the House! Says:

    The Light of Liberty was almost snuffed out Friday by a foreign born communist who has infiltrated our Government. She would have you believe that power is in the hands of the elites, and our way of life is hers to turn off with the flick of a switch. And then, there were a few tiny points of light. And a few brave men and women stood up and said “THIS IS THE PEOPLES HOUSE” and we will not surrender to TYRANNY. And the lights grew in intensity until it seemed there were A THOUSAND POINTS OF LIGHT! And that spirit grew throughout the Country igniting a burning flame in many thousands who stood up to say: We will no longer abide the assualt on our values, our borders, our way of life nor the continued assualt on our Constitutional form of government by a group of one world order meglomaniacs and their delusions of grandeur.
    So on Monday, I will attempt to contact each and every one of those brave people in the House who are standing up for me to say “Thank you, I stand with you as you are standing for me”.

  20. Catherine Says:

    Great work….I agree with an earlier poster…I too for the first time in years am proud of Republicans

  21. Catherine Says:

    I agree with all above, and am proud of Republicans!

  22. Michele Says:

    Can we get a list of who all is participating?

  23. Peter Hughes Says:

    Hi from one of the posters at, the “not-so-vast gay right wing conspiracy,” where we fully support the House GOP’s efforts and are sick and tired of (not my) Speaker Pelosi’s attempts at running her own politburo. You go, guys & gals! Tell the Dhimmicrats that we Americans are sick of their partisan games and GIVE US OIL.

  24. Jimt222 Says:

    Fireworks in August! Hang tough, don’t back down!

    A huge majority of American’s favor more drilling.

    Dem’s refusal to even allow a vote is simply undemocratic and even blue staters can see that.

    Heck, I’d send you guys pizza and sodas if I could.

  25. Heather Says:

    Came over here from Michelle Malkin…

    This is amazing. I’m so proud of every one of you! This is the most excited and optimistic I’ve been about the Republican party in months.

    Keep it up!

  26. prairiegal Says:

    Thank You! It is very critical for America to be energy ‘independent’. It is critical for our sovereignty, economic growth, productivity growth, employment growth and NATIONAL SECURITY!! We must stop our dependency for ‘foreign’ sources and we don’t want to be dependent on terror sponsored countries for our energy. We want to be a FREE America! Again, Thank You!!

  27. USMCdaughter1 Says:

    Keep up the pressure and don’t let up. The more the Dems ignore the louder we need to get.

  28. Mugwump Says:

    I gave up my affiliation with the Republican Party in disgust because of corruption and careerism. It’s going to take a real effort by the party to return to our conservative roots before I re-up. I welcome the current effort on the House floor, but for me it rates a tiny first step to regain my allegiance. Conservatism first, party second. You have been warned.

  29. DagneyT Says:

    I’m proud of you one and all. I wrote to my congressman, and asked him why we wasn’t there with you! You’re doing the countries work, and underlining why we need to get the majority back into Republican hands…that is, if y’all think you have learned your lessons! I wish you had shown this intestinal fortitude when you had the majority to make the tax cuts permanent! C’mon, November! Let’s get the House and Senate back in CONSERVATIVE hands!

  30. LisaRV Says:

    Drill here…Drill now!

    Please keep this up! Do NOT back down!
    This is the leadership we’ve been waiting for!!!!

    I’ve emailed my conservative rep and senator and told them to please join in this fight, if they’ve not done so already.

    Thank you so much!

  31. Robert Kerr Says:

    GREAT JOB! Stay together and hold your line until you get a committment from the speaker!!

  32. Duty Honor Country Says:

    It’s time for the Democrats to listen to the American People and the People are tired of $4.00 gasoline. While they turned off the lights and camera’s to shut down dissent, they started their 5 week vacation, I had to cancel mine because I couldn’t afford to go anywhere. Ask the President to call a special Session and lets have a vote, make Democracy work and Show the World we don’t need OPEC and Foreign Oil.

  33. Michael Klintworth Says:

    I believe the next step would be to send a message directly from the american people to the speaker! We need a directed campaign for all americans to go down to the hardware store, buy a drill bit, and send it to the speaker.

  34. Todd MacLeod Says:

    WorkingConservative is in full support of the republican effort. Keep it up!!

  35. Eddie Says:

    It is absolutely fantastic to see you guys enthusiastic about something, and even better that you can share it with us across the nation.

    You’d think they’d come up with a better rationalization than “it’s a plot” and “you can’t drill your way to lower prices,” for their position. It’s becoming very obvious that this is about self-destructive environmental posing and forced “behavioral modification” of the citizens. The longer attention is forced to this issue, the thinner the anti-petroleum facade becomes.

    Congratulations, and keep up the good work!

  36. Rick David Says:

    This is great!! Keep up the pressure. We need the local GOP leaders to organize protests and sit-ins at local Dem. congressional offices. I’m a working American from Iowa, so I can’t come to D.C., but I sure would take some time to camp outside Loebsack’s office.

  37. Wendi Capehart Says:

    What’s taken so long? Don’t give up. Make her hold the vote.

  38. Duty Honor Country Says:

    It’s time for the Democrats to listen to the American People and the People are tired of $4.00 gasoline. While they turned off the lights and camera’s to shut down dissent, they started their 5 week vacation, I had to cancel mine because I couldn’t afford to go anywhere. Ask the President to call a special Session and lets have a vote, make Democracy work and Show the World we don’t need OPEC and Foreign Oil.

  39. Connie Says:

    BRAVO Republicans!!!! Lets take America Back!! These dems
    have lost their minds.

  40. RM Says:

    We support you. Keep up the good fight. Please don’t let Ms. Pelosi arbitrarily block democracy by refusing to permit discussion of something she doesn’t like

  41. Len Says:

    Well done, action that ordinary Americans can truly get behind on an issue that’s very real to us all. It truly is “groundswell” time. This is hard line action by our duly elected representatives in defense of the common man and woman!! Go team R, make no mistake those who pull the load are paying attention!! Maybe someone other than the squeaky wheels will finally get a dab of grease.

    The arrogance of Madame Pelosi is astounding, she’s set herself up as dictatorial queen. She said yesterday she has a “planet to save”. It can’t be earth, we’re doing fine here in PA. I say let’s get her a ticket back to her home planet (sorry, couldn’t resist that!).

    Please continue this fight, she’s got to cave and for good reason. We all know our budgets are being impacted, but this is also an issue of national security. I call to mind the fact that a major player in our victory in World War II is that we “ran ‘em out of gas” and plain out-resourced them. They couldn’t keep up with anything we did and it demoralized them.

    Your actions serve as a reminder of what made and MAKES America great, it is gratifying to follow this. The American spirit will shine through this. God speed.

  42. Larry Easterday Says:

    Keep up the good work Congressmen. At least Rep. Pence is there. I am extremely disappointed in my rep from my 3rd district in Indiana. You make us proud.

  43. sdmoderate Says:

    Drill, drill, drill, and in 7-10 years the oil which would make up 1% of our current daily usage will hit the world market! Ye ha!

  44. Hot Air » Blog Archive » Open letter to Pelosi: Republicans just want a chance to vote; Boehner’s Live Blog Says:

    […] Boehner’s office has started a live blog to keep up with the events today. Keep checking back during the day.� Here are a couple of nuggets […]

  45. Linda Strickland Says:

    Way to go..this is what we out here in “flyover” country have been waiting for from Republicans on the Hill. I just sent a donation online to the Republican National Congressional Committee, because now I think you just may have the (*) to go after Pelosi and posse….I sent my Rep. Randy Forbes an E-mail and told him to get himself up there and put in his time. Linda in Chesapeake, Va

  46. Terry Berke Says:

    Stay strong!

  47. Les in NC Says:

    Keep up the good work. I am deeply disappointed in my rep. Walter Jones and have let his staff know daily.

  48. upinak Says:

    Thank you all for this as it is in the best interest of hard working Americans who are worried about the future.

    Lets face it, more people are starting to become agitated at the prices of fuel, heating and everyday goods due to the high and inflated prices of oil.

    I found out 5 minutes ago (I called her office and asked if she was coming down) that my Senter, Lisa Murkowski is coming down to be part of the GOP Protest! OCS and ANWR should be on everyones mind and those who go against it, go against what the American people want.

    Thank you again!

  49. Douger Says:

    Finally…Republicans doing their jobs. Where have y’all been for the past 10 years?

    At any rate, thank you. You have my heartfelt appreciation and support.

    Give ‘em hell.

  50. Vance Says:

    Bravo! People need to get vocal and get the options on the table for a vote.
    I personally am sick of being misrepresented! When the vast majority of the population is in favor of something and a single individual stands in the way for her own personall petty reasons I think we are boardering on activity that should be thought criminal.

    Personally I called the speaker’s hotline to make my voice heard. It probably won’t mean much but when we have reps brave enough to stand up, I think it is our obligation to follow that up by jamming their phone lines and in boxes to show our support.

  51. Mike Says:

    Finally! Invite C-Span to bring their cameras to the steps of the The Capital and hold your sessions there! Never quit, never surrender. Ya’ll make me proud.

  52. Just A Grunt Says:

    Finally a reason to get excited about the Republicans. Where have you guys been? I fully support this action and as other bloggers are saying if the Mainstream media won’t cover this then the Mainstreet media will and must.
    Please get these speeches on a video sharing site so that they can get them disseminated across the web.
    If the cameras can’t come in send folks out once in awhile to where the cameras are.
    Once again thank you, and since my representative David Scott (D-GA 13) is not there and can’t be found in his home district right now you are doing the job my elected representative won’t.
    I encourage folks to call their rep, whatever party they are and either give them encouragement or ask what they are doing about our energy concerns.

  53. Glenn Says:

    Remember “Mr Smith Goes to Washington”? Get letters and emails printed and dump them on the House floor.
    Hand out tire pressure guages labled Dem Energy Polcy

  54. Eichendorff Says:

    Republicans must not back down from this confrontation, no matter what the eventual outcome is. This message will resonate all the way to the election.

    But, Republicans, be warned. If your political fortunes improve and you are returned to the majority at some point, you had better govern with strict integrity as true conservatives. If you don’t, the people of this country will turn their fury on you. You can’t repeat the mistakes of the last few years. The future of this country depends on true Conservatism.

  55. Tammi Says:

    Oh, it’s just wonderful that the democrats can still afford to go on vacation while many of us hard working Americans cannot afford to do so!

    Our daughter attends college on the other side of the country and we cannot afford the $2000 airfare to bring her home for the holidays. But, as long as the dems can still visit their friends and family, who are we to complain?!

    Thank you Republicans for trying to bring this to a vote.

  56. Tom Shepherd Says:

    Congressman Goode needs to finish his commitments today and get back to Congress. Drill here, drill now. Who wants to live in a country owned by those who want to destroy us?

  57. Mr Smith Says:

    Tell the Dhimmicrats that we Americans are sick of their partisan games and GIVE US OIL.
    Hang tough, don’t back down!
    A huge majority of American’s favor more drilling.
    Please keep this up! Do NOT back down!
This is the leadership we’ve been waiting for!!!!
    I’ve emailed my conservative rep and senator and told them to please join in this fight, if they’ve not done so already

    This is history! Keep on going because the American people are behind you. This is like something from an old Frank Capra movie.

    This is what makes the US a great nation, and there is no reason to stop. I’m already calling the news outlets to find out why they are not covering this in detail, continuously. Finally, someone stands up for the little guy, the average joe.

  58. Aubrey Says:

    You guys make me proud! Keep up the fight and don’t back down.

  59. Maurice Garoutte Says:

    This is a good frontal assault on energy policy.

    Obama’s flanking plan from his speech this morning is to agree to off shore drilling only after the oil company’s capital has been confiscated. No capital no drilling.

    He “gives” everyone $1000, he agrees to drilling, and he blames big oil for not drilling.

    Watch your back.

  60. Passionate Conservative Says:

    Good work, Representatives! Nancy Pelosi wants to save the planet. It’s not her job. Her job is to represent her district to the House, and the House to the Executive Branch, the Judicial Branch and to the Senate. Remind her of that. Hold her feet to the fire. Don’t let her bully you into voting for anything less than full domestic energy rights.

    It’s not Democrat vs Republican; it’s a question of national security.

  61. Wyznowski Says:

    You guys hang tough and don’t quit this thing. The whole country is getting behind this movement. Real people are hurting out here and this can actually make a difference for a change.

  62. Steve From NYC Says:

    Thank Goodness,
    Enough is enough, I can’t go on vacation because I can’t afford it. Why should they. Im happy to see the Republicans grow a spine, Ive been waiting too long.
    Last I checked this was a representitive democracy NOT a politbeaurea.
    We need it all, we need it now. Nancy Do It Now. That included drilling.

  63. MS Says:

    Just sent my $$$ donation checks to the RNC and the NRCC - now that you are actually standing up for us…

    We don’t need Hope and Unity, we need conservative and American centered actions on the issues of energy (need more) and immigration (need less). With these two actions, we will achieve balance between supply and demand and lower prices.

    Thank you, Mr Boehner.

  64. M. Simon Says:

    I learned yesterday that my Congress Person Don Manzullo was in on the beginning of the fight Friday. Don has a safe seat. It is safer now.

    Give ‘em hell Don. And the rest of the Rs. Keep up the pressure. Break the back of the Saudis. The Russians. Chavez. And the rest of the crooks/terrorists running the oil business.

    BTW high oil prices are killing Detroit.

  65. kerretarded Says:

    Thank you to ALL Congressmen who are taking part in this! Finally, someone is taking it to the Do-Nothing Democrats who enjoy watching Americans suffer for their own political gain. Well, NO MORE!



  66. Linda D in Nevada Says:

    Perhaps with enough pressure on Congress even the Dems will begin to listen. I have a vision of the current majority taking steps to remove this self-appointed Dictator from her position. What a wonderful side benefit that would be to more domestic drilling!
    Huge kudos to all the Reps who are there speaking. Please don’t stop the fight — you all are making me proud, once again, to be a Republican. Bravo!

  67. David Starr Says:

    Do. Not. Stop! Keep up the pressure. Don’t let them subvert the will of the people.

  68. Freedomlost05 Says:

    Keep it up!! I emailed the president Friday asking him to use his constitutional power to call Congress back in session. I hope he does. Keep the heat on!! I have to say, This should have been done when you guys were in power. I hope this means you’ve seen the error in your way and will start working for us again.

    Thank you!

  69. Oroso Says:

    Now all we need is for the President to force Congress back into session.

  70. Ray Says:

    Keep you the great work. Tell every member participating that we appreciate them. Get the rest on board and it will just get better.

  71. darwin Says:

    Nothing, but nothing is more important right now than to show strenght in the face of the Democrat hypocrisy that will strangle this nation, it’s people and our freedoms.

    Fight and we’ll fight with you.

  72. syn Says:

    Keep up the good fight for America’s freedom!

  73. Mike Says:

    Thank you for showing the hipocracy of Nancy Pelosi, in wanting to reduce our energy dependency. We are a great nation because of our resources, so lets start using them.

  74. Tom Says:

    Keep up the great work!

  75. Alexa Says:

    We’re proud of you for taking a stand.

    Show Pelosi for the demagogue that she is, a power obsessed tyrant. Her side-kick, Reid is also a disgrace.

    Keep it up, fellas! We support you!

  76. Katherine Says:

    Thank you for standing up for us, the American people! We need to drill NOW and we need to drill HERE! You GO guys!!

  77. Norman Says:

    You are showing comrade pelosi that the US Congress is not her kremlin. We are proud of the republicans and what you are doing there for us all.

  78. Marilyn Says:

    Thank you for stepping up for the American people! ~BRAVO!~ BRAVO!~

  79. John Says:

    Right on!

    I would recommend adding to your discussion that the oil we use has to come from somewhere. The best protection the environment will get is when the USA does the drilling, not China, Mexico, Venezuela, or in the Middle East. Charles Krauthammer had a great article on this last week.

    Rock on!

  80. Tom Wavra Says:

    Do it for America! Let’s end buying Middle East Oil. The Dems are losers on this issue.

  81. Paul R Says:

    Pelosi’s Politburo must be stopped. Way to go guys!

    Drill Here! Drill Now!

  82. Sherri Says:

    My family supports what you are doing 100% and we love it. Keep up the work, and remember to continue to “work” for the people!!!!!

  83. Ginny Says:

    What can we do to support you?

    Hang in there!
    You are making Republicans proud again.

    Tell us what we need to do to keep this going.

    Let’s expose the Democrats for the self-serving hypocrites they are.

  84. Corky Says:

    Great work !! keep it up Im sending my donation to the RNC today

  85. Karen Says:

    You don’t know what it means to us, the American people, that you are “hanging in the House!”

    What a blessing! We have been praying and interceding for this kind of action, and we received it!

    We thank you for fighting for us, and we’ll continue to support you in all of your efforts on behalf of the American people.

  86. arby Says:

    It is time to free the cameras and microphones from the tyranny of the majority. Why should they control when they are on or off, or what they are pointing at?

    We THE PEOPLE own those cameras and microphones, not Nancy Pelosi. The cameras and mics, as well as the legislative Chambers should be open 24/7. Stream the feeds unedited to the internet and make sure one of the streams is of the entire chamber. We should be able to see what our Congress is doing as it happens, not afterwards through an adulterated record such as the Congressional Record or an abbreviated C-Span video. And the video streams should be open source, not copy-righted.

  87. Susy Says:

    Kudos! I’m proud of you.

    I know that congressmen maintain tight schedules even during what was supposed to be an off time but I am going to be very disappointed if every last single Republican in the House does not make an appearance this week.

  88. PennsylvaniaRepublican Says:

    re: MS Says:
    August 4th, 2008 at 10:08 am
    “Just sent my $$$ donation checks to the RNC and the NRCC - now that you are actually standing up for us…”

    I’ve been withholding donations to the RNC and NRCC for a while now. I think I’ll be donating, too!

  89. Dwight Says:

    Keep it up we need you all to not give up and to keep fighting for us! I hope more congressmen will join you. I have written my congressman to be there.

  90. Harry Knopp Says:

    Collection of links to coverage of the GOP “Don’t Go” protest can be found at

  91. emmekelley Says:

    Continue to keep the faith everyone, spread the word about Nancy Pelosi and the Dems and what their true agenda is so they can see the new “Boston Tea Party” which is now the “America’s Energy Party”.

  92. Bob Reed Says:

    It is disgraceful that Speaker Pelosi will not “allow” a vote on such an issue that is so important to the American people. I commend all of our honerable and valiant representatives for not taking the easy way out and joining Ms. Pelosi in her “vacation”.

    Furthermore, it is also unconscienable that she would have the temerity to try to force members from the floor through the use of the Capitol Hill Police. I would remind her that it is the people’s house, and she is simple the CURRENT speaker…….

    It is not, as the gentleman from Michigan so aptly phrased it, “Ms. Pelosi’s politburo”!!!

    Keep up the good work, and the political pressure. I assure you all that most of the American people are with you!

    Bob Reed,
    Long Beach, NY

  93. Jim Law Says:

    I pay taxes.

    As my representative, you were not allowed to be heard last week.

    This is “taxation without representation.” Sound familiar?

    Thank you for demanding that I - A TAXPAYER - BE REPRESENTED IN CONGRESS!

  94. Karen Says:

    You are wonderful! THANK YOU for showing what leadership is all about, and for sticking up for the everyday, hardworking Americans. Love it and behind you 100%

  95. Mark in Spokane Says:

    The stunning hubris of Pelosi is staggering. When they take the time to have massive investigations about steroid use in sports and not even consider our exportation of our whole economy to foreign countries for oil, one has to wonder about their priorities. Pelosi should be impeached for breach of office.

  96. johnny velcro Says:

    great work guys

  97. shelbysbest Says:

    Thank you for all you are doing to get a vote on ban on oil drilling to the floor of the House. Be as creative as you can, but whatever you do, please keep this going. Besides emailing our friends and relatives, signing petitions; what can we do? We understand that you need a vacation, but we need one from high energy costs and fuel prices. Do you have a plan to get more Republican House members there this week? We need to show unity on this issue by having all Republican representatives there. Speaker Pelosi must be shown in clear, concise words and by your actions, that most Americans want a vote on the ban. It’s not up to her to decide. It’s up to “We the People.” Keep touting your American Energy Act, as well.

  98. Dan Ancona Says:

    I said it on twitter and I’ll say it here: this is addiction to oil - and oil & gas industry campaign cash - at it’s worst.

    This kind of behavior is an embarrassment to your party and to our country. You’re turning the House of Representatives into a crack den.

    We can not burn and drill our way out of the mess we’re in, we have to invest & invent our way out. Get on board with the Democratic plans for this now, or you and your party will go down in history as nothing more than the people who tried and failed to prevent the transition to the green economy we so badly need.

    Dan Ancona

  99. DBO Says:

    Thank you! This is the first time in quite a while that I am proud to be a Republican. THIS is the part I remember! Where have you guys been hiding? :) Please continue to stand strong! We’re counting on you!!

  100. Sean Says:

    GO, GO, GO.

    Finally, the RINOS are recovering their memory, or simply saving their skins. Either way, it is the right thing to do. I suggest that the younger members ignore the seniority, who have brought such ill esteem to you from the party base.

  101. John Says:

    Finally! This is the representation that I have hoped for!! I stand with you all. Your cause is right, it is just, and it is timely! Do not waiver. Communicate with the people using the Democrat talking points. Their own absurdity will become more and more apparent to the people at large. This is truly a defining 21st century moment when hidden TYRANNY in our own country was exposed!!! Keep up the great work!!! Go GOP!

  102. charles Schenck Says:

    Keep doing your Jobs, I am so proud of YOU!!!!

  103. Joe in Orange, CT Says:

    Where was this fight when the republicans had control for 12 years and a republican president for the last 7!!!

  104. An Open Letter to Speaker Pelosi « What The Crap? - Says:

    […] can follow the live blog of what’s going on in the house here. Posted in Controversial Crap, Profound Crap. Tags: government, house republicans, Nancy Pelosi, […]

  105. Tracey Says:

    Awesome work! This is what the conservative base has been begging for. Please rally the troops and keep this thing going as long as possible. The true statesmanship of those participating in this great crusade is refreshing. American is with you!

    God Bless!

  106. kakypat Says:

    Kudos, and my sincere thanks, to all who are participating in this wonderful show of democracy!

    Thank you, too, for representing those of us who are under-represented by those on the other side of the aisle.

    Drill here! Drill now!

  107. Lurker9876 Says:

    Please keep continuing the revolt. We stand behind you all the way.

    What a brilliant idea to start the revolt last Friday afternoon AND to keep going.

    Thank you!

  108. MCPO Airdale Says:

    Thank you! Unlike Pelosi and her ilk, you and your Republican colleagues are standing up for the American people and the economy.

    Keep it up! Make Pelosi and the her Democrat cabal sweat until they allow a vote.

  109. a democrat Says:

    thank you for standing up for the American people, something I’ve realized my own party left at the door two years ago..

  110. Barbara Says:

    I applaud your efforts to get a vote on drilling! I believe that we should drill everywhere, seek alternative energey - living close to TMI I am in favor of nuclear power.

    We need to get the obstructionists out of the picture and get rid of madam do-nothing Pelosi. She is a disgrace to the office and needs to go AWAY and take Harry Reid with her! They apparently have forgotten that they work for the people… she does NOT have the right to dictate how the goveernment should be run! A pox on her and her house!!!

    Please… what can we do to get her out of office???

  111. KathyA Says:

    I am tired of being subservient to foreign oil! When every major (and some minor) company in the world is looking at off-shore drilling, we sit on our hands.

    The MSM is not committed to getting the word out about what you are doing, but rest assured that the internet is a fabulous tool for telling the world what is going on in Washington right now. Thousands of us have deserted the MSM to seek the information we need to make an informed decision in favor of blogs, tweets and quiks. Trust the format and we will listen.

    I applaud what you are doing and have already sent emails to my congressman. What else can we do to help?

  112. Kathy in Missouri Says:

    Mega kudos to the Representatives fighting for us while Pelosi if off trying to sell her latest “book”. All of you there in the House are speaking for those of us who have no one to speak for them. Keep up the excellent work that you are doing. We appreciate your efforts very much. God bless America!!!

  113. Suzanne Says:

    Great job. Really enjoy seeing republicans going on the offense.


  114. Ann Says:

    Hurray!! You are speaking for us! KEEP IT UP!!

  115. ed pavlinik Says:

    Keep this going! All of America is following your every word and action with this unprecedented Republican uprising against the House leadership.

    This oil drilling issue is too critical for this country to go on vacation. Democrats are trying to ignore it and hope it will go away, but the majority of Americans don’t believe them.

    Get Bush the younger to call the yahoos back in session!

  116. Becky McCully Says:

    THANK YOU!!! This is the kind of change I’ve been hoping for! Keep up the good work.

  117. Mike Says:

    Pelosi is to busy trying to cash in on her speakership to worry about the American People!

    Rock On!

  118. Nelson Perkins Says:

    Bravo! That’s the kind of leadership NO-DRILL NANCY never had!

    A Democrat in the fashion of Truman and JFK, (They couldn’t be nominated today) I wrote MD legislators five months ago saying,”IT’S TIME FOR THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO STEP ASIDE AND LET AMERICANS DEVELOP OUR RESOURCES.” Marylanders in Congress are in the eco tank.


    Yes, we need reliable energy.






    It is unconscionable to promote an America less prosperous than previous generations.

    We learned A BIG LESSON in the days of Jimmy Carter.


  119. Gary Says:

    Thank you GOP members for standing up for the American people! Keep up the fight.

  120. Jenn of the Jungle Says:

    You all ROCK!!!! Now THIS is the GOP I knew and loved. Fight the good fight and keep the pressure up. Everyday C-SPAN isn’t filming and every day the lights are out and you are there…..and the 9% approval rating Dems aren’t is gold.

  121. Cracker McDuff Says:

    Why isn’t El Presidente making a national address on the dire need to get moew oil from our land and implore the congress to get back to work?

  122. M Ruetz Says:

    It’s terrific to discover that a few true Republicans remain in D.C.! STAND UP - STAND UP AND FIGHT! Don’t you give up on this. I’ve written my GOP Rep. (Bob Ingles - S.C.) to ask where he is. I want him representing me right in the middle of this action!

    Shame on any member of the GOP who doesn’t participate.

    Finding and using OUR OWN OIL - this is the first step to economic stability, and improved national security. A child can understand this. You have a massive swelling of support to lift you in this effort so don’t squander it on party power politics. Focus on the American people and do right by them!

    Heartfelt thanks to all of you who began this fight!

  123. Mike H Says:

    You are doing the right thing! Keep pushing this, it’s going to break the Dems and could make a big difference this November; keep reminding people what party won’t act!! Thank you!

  124. Mr Smith Says:

    Why don’t you guys get a digital video camera and put videos of your speeches up on YouTube every hour?

    Keep going!!!

  125. Mike Sorensen Says:

    Drill for Oil. Win the war. Stimulate the economy.
    Go USA!

  126. Mxzptlk Says:

    Thank you, and keep up the fight for (literally) power to the people.

  127. Jim Q Says:

    Finally, the GOP is doing something conservative! This just may be the tipping point that the GOP needs to get its feet back under it! Keep up the good work and keep making the right decisions!

  128. Claudia VanLydegraf Says:

    You go GOP. I hope we get results this time and Pres. Bush calls an Emergency Session and the vote comes our way. I am proud to be American all the time, but now more than ever, because I see you folks all standing up for what we need and want. My forefathers were among the first to settle in the Boston, Mass area back in 1623 and they have a Naval Academy Training Center near Annapolis, and an Air Base in Utah named after two portions of my family. I have a long standing history of people in my family of doing right for this country and YOU GUYS ARE DOING RIGHT. Stick to it, I know you need all of us to support you in this effort and I would willingly be there to offer support in person IF I COULD AFFORD THE JOURNEY from Nevada. Alas, all I can do is offer mental help as I am not able to afford the cost of the gasoline to get to Washington DC. Keep it up, my friends. Hold strong and stay solid.

    Sicnerely, Claudia Balch-Hill Turner VanLydegraf of Reno, NV.

  129. Chris Huff Says:

    Thank you so much for standing strong.

    I wish I had the ability to join you there, but am watching through the internet when I can.

    God Bless.

  130. Fred Korte Says:

    This why Mrs.Pelosi needs to be stop. She want’s to save the plant. That means she would rather have high oil prices. Keep up the fight,the american people are watching what you are doing.

  131. IcePilot Says:

    I’m glad that the House Republicans are standing up to Speaker Pelosi.

    Points you need to hammer:

    Big Oil is American oil.
    Big Oil creates American jobs.
    Big Oil creates American infrastructure.
    Big Oil keeps our money in America, rather than sending it to OPEC or Venezuela.

  132. We the People Says:

    Kudos to the handful of House Republicans who are staging this refreshing protest. These are the true conservatives of the Republican party. Where was the Republican leadership two years ago, when they could have made a REAL difference?

  133. Michael Says:

    House Republicans bring down the price of oil 4 dollars per barrel!

    Way to go!

  134. Reid Rowan Says:

    This needs all the media attention it can get. Keep up the pressure on Pelosi, and expose her for the demagogue she is. I would like to see EVERY House Republican and all conscientious House Democrats take part in this. I encourage you all to keep up the good work and to try to make this a bipartisan effort by engaging as many people from the other side of the aisle as possible. This is after all an American problem - not just a Republican one! Thanks for finally sticking to your guns!

  135. IcePilot Says:

    I will send $10/day to the House Republican Reelection committee for every day you keep this up.

  136. Julie M Says:

    I’m so proud of you guys. KEEP IT UP!!! Shame Pelosi into doing her job, although you shouldn’t have to.

    I am doing what I can to get the word out too, by posting on my blog at myspace and sending emails to my friends and family, who happen to be a lopsided mix of liberals and conservatives.

  137. TPrice Says:

    Keep up, don’t let the Dems off the hook.

  138. Sandy Gayle Says:

    Way to go! It’s about time the Republicans fought for the American people. Please thank all of the Republican’s that are standing with you for doing the right thing. We need to Drill here, Drill Now! Don’t give up or give in to Ms. Pelosi and her inadequateness.

  139. Topiary Lady Says:

    This is outstanding. We’ve been waiting to see this sort of passion.


  140. Joseph Gruber Says:

    Why not demand President Bush reconvene the House as well?

  141. Mike S Says:

    Fantastic! This is the sort of fighting for conservative principles that we in your base have been waiting for. It’s belated by about two years, but welcome nonetheless. THIS is what we WANT to elect you to do! Keep it up!

  142. Stan Says:

    I’ve been pretty disappointed in the Republican party as of late. This is starting to turn things around for me.

  143. Marcia Says:

    Congratulations for showing the “do-nothing-Dems” HOW to REPRESENT the American people!! Keep up the fight-The American people are watching and they are PROUD of you!

  144. Scott Hebert Says:

    All I can offer is thanks and appreciation, but you can have those. Now, please, continue to request President Bush call the legislature back into session to address this issue.

  145. Jerry Clifford Says:

    Way to go I am sending in a check today! Finally GOP standing up for our us and future generations! Way to go~!

  146. Jb Says:

    I join with all these other readers who are proud of the Republicans today. DO NOT COMPROMISE! That always gets us in trouble. Consensus won’t get it. Stay with it; we are with you.

  147. Bridget Evans Says:

    I saw Pelosi on ‘This Week’ yesterday. Would love to know how the got to the studio for her interview. I needed gasoline in my truck to get to work this morning. I plan on needing gasoline to get to work 10 years from now. We can’t continue to do nothing. We can’t procrastinate our way out of this. Drilling here & drilling now will help us now & later. It will lower the price & curb our dependence on foreign oil. It’s time to rock-n-roll. Amen & God speed fellas!

  148. Careen Longhurst Says:

    Thank God for you guys standing up at last to these unpatriotic and treasonous dems. It has been a long time coming but so welcome to see. Keep up the good work and don’t let up. Americans are with you. Bless you all.

  149. DesertLover Says:

    Regular commenter on MichelleMalking also … checking in between flights from airport …

    Am ecstatic to see people standing up to Pelosi and her socialist agenda by standing up for the people you are all sent to Washington to represent …

    Do not under any circumstances compromise with Pelosi on this matter …

    Do not give the Dem leadership any opportunity to spin future events to claim they stood up for the citizens of this country …

    Thanks and keep up the good work … will check in again later ..

  150. Kathleen Says:

    Way to go GOP. THIS is the leadership this country needs. THIS is what democracy is all about. the PEOPLE’s business is not finished. Folks are concerned aobut high energy prices and is the forefront of the country’s concerns. Where is the Congressional Majority? on vacation. perfectly lame. This congress’ majority hasn’t done ANYTHING productive since they’ve had the gavel.

    GOP- you show ‘em how its done! Keep this going through AUGUST please! this is what our country is made of.

  151. Joanne Says:

    I think what you are doing is great…and I’m not even a Republican. :)

  152. Media Lizzy (Blackney) Says:

    Thank you, thank you. We covered y’all live on Friday. And we will cover this critical - and courageous stand again. Every day.

  153. Jane Says:

    I will send $10/day to the House Republican Reelection committee for every day you keep this up.

    Me too!

  154. Steven Says:

    The House Republicans standing up for the American People has caused the price of oil to plunge $4 per barrel! Thank you!

  155. RB in Texas Says:

    Every one of us has two Representatives in Washington. Today, a lucky few of us got representation in Washington!

  156. BCC Says:

    If we had started drilling when Bill Clinton said in 1996 that it takes too long to bring on new wells, we have that oil/gas today. We can’t continue to lock up the energy for the future. Sure, we want to work on alternative energies, alternative technologies, but those are also years away from being productive. We know how to drill - let’s start there !!!

  157. Karma Says:

    Thank you for standing up for America on this issue. Energy Independence is critical to our National Security. If this isn’t a legislative priority that is more important than a summer recess what the hell is?

  158. RW-(the original) Says:

    Thanks for standing up for us finally. Keep it up and I’ll dust off my checkbook.

    I dropped a note to my Congressman, Hank Johnson, to see how his vacation is going, but haven’t heard back yet.

  159. LizP Says:

    Dear Congressman:

    Thank you for being so responsive to the needs and wishes of the people. Your constituency must be vastly proud of your wonderful performance in this situation. Congratulations, and don’t let up. You are doing the RIGHT THING.

    God bless you all.
    Liz P
    Wasilla AK

  160. Bill Langston Says:


    Our Representatives are supposed to do just that - represent us and the people are really upset right now and want you to stand up and fight. Thank you for responding.

    The House has a history and some of that history includes members getting *really* riled up just like you are doing now.

    God bless you and Semper Fi,

  161. Lee Thompson Says:

    I appreciate the Repbulicans finally standing for an issue that the majority of people in this country supports Lower fuel prices and lower utility prices.

    I think you will find that if you Represent us we will send more money to help you. When you go along with the Liberals and Radical Environmentalists we aren’t so likley to send anything but dirty words.

    Drill in ANWAR, drill off our coasts, go after shale oil, build more coalfired power plants, build more nuclear power plants.

    Fight for us and we will fight for you.

  162. Bill Kelly Says:

    Please keep up the fight on this critically important ( and winning) issue! Maybe I can be a proud republican again..


  163. Brian AZ Says:


    Fight the good fight! Don’t back down! DRILL HERE DRILL NOW PAY LESS!!

    Pass my congratulations and sincere thanks to my congressman SHADEGG!!

    ~Brian in Arizona

  164. Stacy Harp Says:

    Keep up the great work! We are covering it on our blog also…keeping the word out :)

  165. LisaRV Says:

    I just read this:

    This doesn’t matter to me one bit!

    Keep fighting! If the White House isn’t going to lead, then YOU all do the leading! We need leadership, and you’re providing it! Don’t stop now! Keep the pressure on! We’re behind you!

  166. Chris Says:

    I’m warming up my checkbook to donate to the GOP for the first time in years.

    I told them I’m not donating for the spineless crap I saw in the past. But I sure will when I this fighting spirit.

    I’ve been 100% clear to the GOP. No b&llz (figuratively speaking), NO BUCKS.

  167. LSimmons Says:

    Great work! Keep the pressure on the democrats to do what must be done. Your constituents are watching and are proud of you. Thank you.

    Enough talk from the democrats about tapping our STRATEGIC oil reserves and slapping windfall taxes on “big oil.” That’s not a solution! We need to drill, research alternative energy that won’t compete for foodstuffs, and build more refineries.

  168. Don Pelchat Says:

    It appears I’m not the only one who feels proud to be a Republican today….Isn’t it revolting to see the representatives of the Dimocrats flaunting their arrogance, while jetting around the country for personal gain at a time when the American people are looking to their leaders for some relief and common sense on energy. God Bless you all and please take this opportunity to take the fight to them. America is with you.

  169. Shirley Says:

    I have been so upset by the GOP not representing us. Finally, FINALLY they are doing something I am proup of. THANK YOU! Oh - and DRILL HERE! DRILL NOW!

  170. Dave Malone Says:

    It’s about damn time. We should all DEMAND Bush call a special session and get these low-lifes back off vacation. If I were closer, I’d picket that post-menaposal wench’s house til the cows came home. Keep steppin’

    Dave Malone

  171. KB Says:

    This is what I love–keep up the good work. We’re totally supportive of this…

  172. Mike Pannone Says:

    Thanks for standing up for America. Obviously the good of the country is a far second to the good of the Democrat party. Politicians are elected to vote THE PEOPLES CONSCIENCE, NOT THEIR OWN!
    Thanks for the fortitude and integrity!!!

  173. BadCat Says:

    Good on you lads!

    And wise of you to finally come to the American people.
    A lot of us have been wondering whether you knew we existed anymore.
    You’ve been acting like nothing matters to you but hanging on to a job in DC…even if it meant betraying every concept this nation was made great by…and reaching across the aisle to traitors and enemies of this nation, the Marxist Dems.

    As long as you want to fight for taking this country back and making sure it’s future provides a setting that generations of Americans can be proud and free in, you certainly have my support.
    Just don’t stop with the oil issue.
    There is a lot that must be corrected, and you know it.

    Conservatives Forum

  174. SunnyvaleKen Says:

    The Republican leadership is right on this issue, so to speak. I’m glad you found your spines and you need to be just as strident with fixing illegal immigration.

    Pelosi’s position on drilling is a looser and I hope you will exploit her blatant stupidity in the election.
    Obama’s solution - keep your tires inflated and your engine tuned and we don’t have to drill (who knew?) - shows how completely out of touch and uninformed he is.

    The Republican leadership has a huge opportunity to play hardball with the Democrats because this is a winning issue. You’ve started, now keep up the pressure and don’t back down. You can give the Democrats and the media a serious surprise in November by kicking the Dems about on this issue.

    Once you’ve done that, you can hammer them on illegal immigration.

    You can start with depriving San Francisco of all federal funds. You may know that a father and his only two sons were murdered by an illegal who was protected by SF’s illegal sanctuary city policy. So Mrs. Bologna is left a widow whose entire family was murdered.

    Campaign slogans for free:
    Vote Democrat, Vote for High Taxes
    Rich Democrat Energy Plan - Hope for new technology, ban proven technology
    Clueless Obama Energy Plan - Inflate your tires, tune your engine - problem solved Who Knew?
    CHANGE: what’s left of your paycheck HOPE: you can live on it

  175. Tanker 4 Says:

    I’m so proud of you all and proud to be a Republican. Am sharing your efforts with all of my family and friends. Please don’t let this fade away.

  176. Les Says:

    This is great, to bad you can’t get a majority of the GOP Senators to join in on your debate. Keep it up!!!!
    Drill Here, Drill Now!!!!!!

  177. Theresa Brensinger Says:

    Guys, this is a pivotal moment in the campaign. We want our Congressmen to show gumption. Please keep this “Boston Teaparty” up - we need you guys to show Nancy Pelosi the “power of the people”!

  178. Theresa Brensinger Says:

    Make us proud!



  180. steve m Says:

    finally…you guys are showing some backbone…better late than never…millions of us have been waiting a long time for this…do not ever, ever, ever give up…shame the democrats, who are now on their paid vacations at the taxpayers expense, in to coming back to work for all of us, for a change…..we are all proud of you…drill here, drill now, pay less…no compromise..period. end of sentence. end of paragraph. end of story…case closed!!!!

  181. Bob Says:

    Where is that guy from Connecticut, Shays?

  182. Bill Johnston Says:

    FINALLY!! What took so long for you guys to stand up to these socialist Democrats who are determined to ruin the greatest nation on earth. Keep it up, keep up the pressure on Pelosi to get off of her book tour and get back to business. Also, keep the pressure on President Bush to recall Congress for a special session for the energy crisis. If the Republicans act responsibly and keep the pressure on, I might be persuaded to give some financial support. (up till now, there has not been 1 penny from me). Its time to either “Fish or Cut Bait”. You Go Guys and Gals!!

  183. Red Pill Says:

    Ms. Pelosi, TURN ON THE CAMERAS!

    Comrade Pelosi is violating the First Amendment by abridging the freedom of speech and of the press, in the halls of Congress no less!!!

    “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

  184. KHC in NC Says:

    This is what will know be known as ROCK THE HOUSE! thank you so much for listening, and standing up for what is right. You stand steel strong and rest assured you will get a restful, well deserved vacation once the vote to lift the ban is done. You are my heroes!!! See if you can get McCain to get in there and rally with you, would do him some good!

  185. mjhlaw Says:

    My family thanks you and the rest of the brave GOP for taking a stand for us!

    Thank you and KEEP IT UP!

    I concur NEVER GIVE UP and SHAME THE LIBERALS (including the RINOs)publicly.

  186. Steve Myers Says:

    We support your actions and urge you to continue the fight. We were told in 2006 that the Dems were going to solve all our problems and, if baseball steroid use is the big problem, at least they addressed it. However, I think that the energy crisis, national security, and the War on Terror are the key issues and the Dems haven’t addressed any of that. Instead:
    -Drilling is a hoax
    -Sanctuary cities are the way to go
    -The surge is not working
    I am proud of the Repulicans that have stood up to be counted. Now, let’s fight to take back our Congress from these Communists. Way to go, Guys and Gals!!!

  187. Victoria Says:

    I wanted to praise all of the Republicans who have chosen to spend their vacations in the House fighting for the American people and what they believe. I am a strong advocate for offshore drilling and especially drilling in the ANWR region. I called several of your offices on Friday to show my support. I couldn’t resist calling Ms. Pelosi’s office to inform them that my support goes out to you. I hope that she and her fellow Democrats can get themselves back to doing their jobs and help you vote on this vital legislation. Keep going, please don’t give up, and most importantly: GOOD LUCK!

  188. RuthieRoss Says:

    Hang tuff Reps! “We the People” need you & now more then ever! Thank you for standing up for all of us, Lord knows the democrat party has not. They have done nothing for “We the People” in 19+ months.
    I also believe that there are millions of democratic voters that are behind you all with this. Thumbs Up to you!

  189. TJ Brennan Says:

    Thank you for making this statement! It is about time that the Republicans stood up for what is best for this nation! I have been extremely disappointed in the party for a few years as they have shown weakness on border security and have been spending our tax dollars like Democrats! Finally – FINALLY – you folks are standing up for the nation! Keep this up and I might start voting for Republicans again.

  190. fly Says:

    From all of us at QubeTV, fighting the good fight with you! Loyal Republicans all, keep it up! Drill Here Drill NOW!!! This is a National Emergency and should be treated as such.

  191. Brandy Says:

    God Bless you guys and your efforts on behalf of the American people. If I could afford the time off (and the GAS), I would drive up to D.C. to support you all in this fantastic effort. I am with you in spirit, though.

    God Bless America!!!!

  192. Tom F. Says:

    This stunt that Pelosi is pulling has to be one of the most reckless and irresponsible things a Speaker could do. She want to “Save the Planet”. So, what if the Planet is OK, and doesn’t need saving. You will impoverish our country.

    Go Republicans, the party of sanity and responsibilit!!!

  193. Thomas Dorman Says:

    Kudos to you for having the guts to stick up for all Americans.

  194. Pat in NC Says:

    Thanks for standing firm for the citizens for a change. Listening to CSPAN (to the Debate) the Democrats say it is all Bush’s fault and yet I do not recall him vetoing any bill that included answers to the energy problems. We need to continue to seek answers but in the meantime our nation runs on oil. Drill now! Do not open the strategic reserve so long as oil is attainable but work to get us off foreign oil. As a senior citizen my savings have evaporated with the ever increasing costs of living.

  195. geminale Says:

    NOW is the time for the rest of the Republicans AND those Democrats to choose to think for themselves to join your brave brothers and sisters who started this “Tea Party.” Senator McCain, you are needed on the floor!

  196. cary Says:

    A big THANK YOU to the GOP for finally standing up and letting the DemocRATs know that WE THE PEOPLE are fed up with their crap.

  197. Bill Says:

    In your speeches, don’t forget nuclear. The Building Trades know what that means for them in jobs. I think McCain’s 45 plants is too few. We should target 80% of electricity in 20 years by nuclear. We should fast track the regulatory so they cannot be frivolously delayed by Environmental Law Suits.

    I know this is a stunt but stunts point to problems and we have a problem that 75%+ of the electorate support what you are trying to do.

    In the words of Harry truman, tell the truth and they’ll just think it’s hell.

  198. eeevil conservative Says:

    Thank you!

    We are hear- supporting you! Keep up the fight, and we will fight for you fiercely!

  199. Clusiana Says:

    Now that the pubbie House members have found their manliness, how about keeping the attitude on the rest of the House business? Ya’ll should have been doing this long ago! Instead of kissy kissy you should have been kicking arse. So, I’ll accept and encourage your new found heroism, patriotism. It’s about darned time.

  200. Joe O. Says:

    Thanks for standing up! Loyal conservatives salute you…

  201. cris m Says:

    take this issue and run with it..LOUDLY!before NObama takes it as his own and tries to take credit for trying to “compromise” with pubbies…you know he will.but we stand with you pubbies who are showing some spine on this.this issue could trigger our next revolution if people cant afford to eat.

  202. Red Pill Says:

    Vive la Révolution!

  203. Dan Says:

    Great job! If its going to take 10 year for the oil to start flowing, we better start right now!!!

  204. rich ziemies Says:

    Well,we will see in November when Pelosi and her cohorts in crime will be just a figment of our imagination. The House Republicans are doing a hell of a job to get gas prices down but,,,,,,,, its not coming down fast enough. And since we are fighting in Irag and Afghanistan, our gas prices should not be pass.25 cents a gallon like we paid 30+ years ago. Enough of the nonsense by Pelosi and her criminal empire. In November or sooner VOTE HER OUT OR FORCE HER TO RESIGN FROM OFFICE!!!!! rich Ziemies,Omaha,Ne

  205. Bruce Smarjesse Says:

    Don’t give up doing the job the Dems won’t do!
    You have our support.

    Drill here, drill now and drill deep.

  206. Kimberly Says:

    Thank you for standing up for your fellow Americans. I admire your courage and your patriotism. You all make me proud, and I’m with you 100%.

  207. Coy Powell Says:

    Thank you for standing up for the American public. I am with you 100%. I Will also vote accordingly. God Bless you all. Fight the good fight.

  208. Prof Chuck Says:

    I’m with you 100%. I called my congressperson’s office to complain about her taking a 5-week vacation without finishing the business at hand. Her spokesperson claimed the congressperson was working and not taking a vacation. Maybe so….I suppose she’s out on her solar- or wind-powered John Deere tractor taking in the alfalfa on the north 40. I hope she transfers the technology of that tractor so I can use it in my 4-Runner. I couldn’t afford to take my family on vacation this year.

  209. Gina Says:

    DON’T STOP!!!! Get Pelosi & her crew off their lazy butts and force a vote! The people want to drill here, and drill now!

  210. Joyce Carney Says:

    Thank you very much, gentlemen, for showing up for work to do the people’s business and stand up for the taxpayers. We need your help to fight for our energy independence and for America’s future. Kudos to you, for showing spine and testicular fortitude.

    Shame, shame, SHAME on the Democrats who are acting like fascists.

    Need we all need to be reminded? ….”Taxation without representation is tyranny!”

  211. Rick in AL Says:

    Keep the pressure on the Congressional leadership! I hope that my Congressman, Democrat Bud Cramer, will urge Speaker Pelosi to allow a vote on the American Energy Act. Drill here! Drill now!

  212. Jerry Says:

    Woohoo! Grats on the cojones!

    Drill here, Drill now!

  213. BizzyBlog » Things I’d Like to Post About Today ….. (080408, Morning) Says:

    […] Leader and Great American John Boehner live blogged from the House Floor today on the American Energy Act. We should be thankful, I suppose, that Nancy Pelosi didn’t […]

  214. Rachel C. Says:

    The Strategic Oil Reserve is not there to solve our energy problems caused by the dereliction of duty of Congress. What do the Democrats suggest after the SOR is used up? After they bankrupt our budgets, do they expect us all to pay premium prices for hybrid cars that will STILL need oil? Oil is used in too many necessary products to ever be “off oil”.

    We have oil. Let’s drill it and use it. We can still seek alternatives in the meantime. But it will be a very long time before anything replaces oil.

    Keep fighting, Republicans!

  215. J.J. Sefton Says:

    Hurrah!!!!!! This is truly a great moment, one that frankly I thought I would never see. Almost a scene from “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.”

    Keep the pressure on, every day, through election day and beyond if necessary.


  216. Flint C. Says:

    Pelosi wants to “save the planet”? Phhht! Give me a break. She can’t even save her own city from rampant crime, street perversion, or being overrun with illegal aliens! It’s safer in Bahgdad than in SF!

    The only thing Tax Queen Nancy wants to save is OUR MONEY in her pocket.

  217. Sam S. Says:

    Keep it up. The MSM will continue to ignore you, of course. They will make a big event of what happened when Democrats took a similar approach, but ignore the GOP. Of course, the MSM claims it is not biased, just reporting the news. It just appears to me that what constitutes “news” varies with ones political affiliation.

  218. Susan Says:

    Thank you, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! I haven’t been this charged up for the GOP since I stood outside the VP’s mansion and yelled for Gore to “get out of Cheney’s house.”

    DRILL HERE. DRILL NOW. Down with Pelosi’s Politburo.

  219. Wes Olson Says:

    Thank God, you have finely got the message to stand up and do something that so many of us have been waiting for. Take charge and LEAD. Displaying this kind of courage is the only way you’ll gain support of all Republicans and survive the November elections. You’ll have Americans cheering you on in support if you keep it up. Don’t stop now and make this look like a short term stunt. Bravo Zulu! OUTSTANDING!

  220. Susan Leach Says:

    Thank you so much for standing up the Nancy Pelosi and her ilk.

    Keep up the good work!

  221. George in Bellingham Says:

    Thank you all for growing and keeping a backbone! Please keep the pressure on and show the country that we still have some officials that care for America and its people!

    God bless the USA and God bless our Troops!

  222. Sherry Says:

    Thank you for taking a stand for the American people. Maybe there is hope for this country yet!

  223. Carrie Wigal Says:

    YAHOO! I’m so glad you all are doing something about this. Somebody needs to stand up for us. It’s crazy that the Speaker would not allow a vote on this. What are we paying our leaders for?

    It’s nice for them that they get to take a month-long paid vacation while we’re having to work overtime to compensate for these outrageous fuel prices.

    Thank you to those who are standing firm on this.

  224. Matt in Seattle Says:

    It’s nice to see a spine now and then. Take it to ‘em.

  225. Lucy Dashwood Says:

    I’ve been asking where the adults are for a couple years now. Don’t let me get my hopes up uselessly. Be dynamic. Be forceful. Be right. Be adults. Do the job we sent you to Washington to do. Look out for our best interests. We will back you 150% if you back us 150%.

  226. GF Says:

    It’s about time! Hammer this issue all the way through Nov. You have the Dems by the short and curlies DON’T LET THEM GO! Attack attack attack should be the motto of the campaign season! Pass this along to the Senators also. You guys have been issued a gift wrapped issue don’t screw it up.

  227. darwin Says:

    You guys need to ask Pelosi and her gang how much energy 50 million illegals use. Ask them how much oil 50 million illegals use. Ask them how much electricity 50 million illegals use.

    Imagine the price drop when 50 million illegals aren’t buying gas and using electricity.

    Drill now.

  228. Linda Smith Says:

    You folks are making me feel good about my government.

    The sooner we expand the use of our own resources, the better.

    I have absolute faith in American enterprise. Too bad so fear share it.

  229. David Toppin Says:

    Great job! Finally some Republicans we can be proud of again. Lets get the earmarks next. If you give your base a reason, we’ll be here for you! We want aggressive, offensive representation. Go go go, drill drill drill. You can get congress back!

  230. Sandra Norris Says:

    Bravo, Bravo!! I am so proud to be a Republican. I live in an economically depressed rural Tenn. where the higher food/gas costs are dramatically affecting our elderly and young families. Some people have to drive 35 miles plus to work, they are carpooling when they can but some are now making the hard choice of working at barely above min. wage and filling the gas tank. We can’t take mass transit…our county has never even had railroad so we are doubly insulted by liberals suggesting we are not doing enough.

  231. Vaak Says:

    Hey, keep up the good work. Thanks for trying to give us our independence.

  232. Sharon Says:

    Finally! We need Republicans who have the guts to stand up and be counted. Hopefully, this is just the beginning for Republicans actually to represent us and bring us back America from the abyss of Democrats rule to impose socialist programs to destroy this great country! Drill Here! Drill Now!

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  233. Kathy Says:

    AWESOME!!!! Finally the Republicans are growing b****!!! I love it - keep fighting for We the People! The Pelosi Dems love environMENTALists & lobbyists $$ over We the hardworking legal citizens of this great Nation. We need to stop the Dems from continuing to put our Nation at risk by refusing to use our own natural resources. Drill Here, Drill Now. GO GOP!!!

  234. Don in Detroit Says:

    Keep up the good work and keep up the pressure. Force this issue with the Democrats. Drill her! Drill now! Increase supply and thus lower prices! God bless America and God Bless our troops.

  235. Linda Schlange Says:

    Finally, you are standing up for the American People. Good on you, keep it up.

  236. Mel from Olympia, WA Says:

    This is the best thing I’ve seen in congress in a long time. Way to restore my faith. I’m surrounded by the Dem’s here in WA. but I’m with you.

    ALL OF THE ABOVE!!!! Drill, Nuclear, all of it.

  237. Pam Says:


    The Dhimmicrats won’t listen to the people. Time for a new Republican Revolution!

  238. Roger Astro Says:

    Sure hope you guys are serious. It’s important that you stand firm, and keep your powder dry. There’s a big fight ahead, and your numbers are small now. But the truth has a funny way of being important in the end.

    Your doing the right thing counts - as it always has.


  239. sue Says:

    keep going, keep on dirty harry and nancy,, you have the messiah on the run today already, he now wants to sell our rainy day fund, 4 days worth, yes, that will really help my 600 a month gas bill, (delivering crappy liberal newspaper at night)

  240. Walter Says:

    Ok, so it’s a stunt. But it’s the right stunt at the right time.

    The longer you keep this up the wider the news spreads; just in time for the sleeping masses to start paying attention to the election coming up in <90 days.

    Make sure they remember who stood up and said, “If the American people can’t afford the gas to drive to work (much less go on vacation) Congress needs to stay on the job and get the solutions on the way”.

    I say if you turn some Oklahoma Wildcatters loose you’ll have new oil in the pipelines by Christmas!

  241. Tony the Tiger Says:

    Yes, we want to drill and we want nuclear power.
    We do NOT want earmarks, by the way…

  242. Fuller Says:

    Hard to add to whats been said above, all great support from great patroits of the USA.
    I am so proud, “never have so many owed so much to so few” (Winston Churchill}. Keep it up all, I too will be making a donation for this show of fight.

  243. Diane in California Says:

    Freeper Dittos to the Texas Tea Party! At last, something for conservatives to get excited about! Pitchforks and torches, people! Pitchforks and torches! Saving humanity from bad government for two millenia! Take that Nancy Antoinette!

  244. Thomas A Smith Says:

    We are behind you 100%. Please don’t stop until Speaker Pelosi calls the house back to order for a vote on drilling.Please don’t let up hammer away until we get a vote. Drill now

  245. David Harris Says:

    Thank you.

    I have been disgusted with the abandonment of conservatism by the Republican Party and its leadership. As a result, I have declined to contribute to any Republican campaign fund this year, even the presidential race.

    You are on the road to changing my mind.

  246. Chris in KS Says:

    THANK YOU! God Bless America! Conservatives have finally gotten a backbone! PROUD of the stand on energy!
    -There is no compromising with the (progressive) liberals. Their agenda is Socialism.
    -Proud that our representatives have finally awakened and realized that it is the citizens to whom they are responsible. Our President has not had your backing for quite sometime. It has been frustrating to watch you rubber spine through the past months and years.
    -Speaker Pelosi has single handedly stopped representation and freedom of speech in our government.
    -The media has failed its mandate by not presenting objective news and cannot be trusted to keep us informed.
    -Bring our jobs home by drilling at home.
    -Bring our revenue home by buying and refining our own oil.
    -FREE UP the permit process to allow drilling.
    -NO WINDFALL PROFIT TAXES they DO NOT WORK. Increased revenues will raise the tax revenue appropriately.
    -Continue the forward march for alternative sources of energy including nuclear, wind, solar, biofuels and efficiency.
    -NO MANDATED SPEED LIMIT CHANGES they DO NOT WORK and create unneeded expenses for the states.

  247. 3 to See: McCain Ahead?, GOP Protest, Gas Prices « The Teen Conservative Blog Says:

    […] This is a great example of political theater and it keeps getting better.� The House GOP is continuing the protest today and every day that the Pelosi Dems won’t come back.� I wonder how long they’ll keep this up.� The more they talk energy and the Dems refusal to vote on it, the less chance there is of a Democrat� tsunami in November.� I agreed with Rep. Mike Pence of Indiana in his call on President Bush to call a special session of Congess.� Now Bush says he won’t do it.� I disagree however that doesn’t stop Rep. Boehner and Co. to continue their protest.� Boehner has a live blog right now HERE� .� […]

  248. BN Says:

    Great Job! Stick with this and force their hand on this issue. I’m glad to see you sticking to your guns on this issue and I look forward to seeing more American oil on the market to lowewr our dependence on foreign energy suppliers.

  249. ConservativeWoman Says:

    Thank you all for standing up for the people. Madame Speaker didn’t have the guts to let you vote and now it is blowing up in her face. Please hang in there and know that the people stand behind you. This is our Boston Tea Party moment and I am proud again to be a Republican!

  250. Jim Says:

    Don’t give up! Hammer, hammer, hammer, and stay until it freezes over–and then start again. You guys are on the right track, and 75% of the nation knows it.

  251. Jon Decker Says:

    I’m so disappointed in the Senate. Four dollar gasoline and the Senate is on vacation. The best solution the Senate can come up with is reducing the speed limit to 55 mph, or taxing gasoline, or spending a pile of my money on technology that has yet to be proven. I’ll endorse wind power as soon as the project off of Martha’s Vineyard is approved. In addition, T. Boone Pickens is a self serving jerk who’s only interested in his bank account.

    Drill now. Drill in ANRW. Drill in the shale. Drill off-shore. Build nuclear plants…….build lots of them.

    If we would have drilled ten years ago we wouldn’t be in the jam we’re in.

    Hold tough on this issue. Don’t let the gang of ten give a pabulum solution to a very tough situation.

  252. Chris in KS Says:

    -God Bless America!
    -PROUD of the stand on energy! Conservatives have finally gotten a backbone!
    -PROUD that our representatives have finally awakened and realized that it is the citizens to whom they are responsible. Our President deserves your support and backing.
    -Speaker Pelosi has single handedly stopped representation and freedom of speech in our government.
    -The media has failed its mandate by not presenting objective news and failing our trust to keep us informed.
    -Bring our jobs home by drilling at home and now.
    -Bring our revenue home by buying and refining our own oil.
    -FREE UP the permit process to allow drilling.
    -NO WINDFALL PROFIT TAXES they DO NOT WORK. Increased revenues will raise the tax revenue appropriately.
    -Continue the forward march for alternative sources of energy including nuclear, wind, solar, biofuels and efficiency.
    -NO MANDATED SPEED LIMIT CHANGES they DO NOT WORK and create unneeded expenses for the states.

  253. Christy Lovegrove Says:

    Thank you representatives for standing tall!! Please don’t stop!!!

    Now folks, brace yourselves……………foreign oil dependence is not our only BIG problem. Please take the time to log onto this article in Resouce Investor. The US is also in dire straights when it comes to mineral needs. Seems (because of our environmental wackos) we must now depend on foreign sources for much needed minerals essential for defense needs and energy development. this is worth the time to read!

  254. Roy Klinkert Says:

    Finally some backbone we’ve been waiting for. If the RNC wonders what will make contributions flow in, well this is it!
    Beware of the attempt at compromise by Obambam. He’s trying to claim credit as a uniter thereby finessing the flip-flop in his favor.

    Don’t let them off the hook!!!!!!!!!!!

  255. Dennis Fisher Says:

    If this goes anywhere and the dems want to save their own , they ought to get down there and join in the discussion! If any agree with drilling, we ought to be counting them also.

  256. captainfish Says:

    Congratulations for finally finding your spines. Thanks for standing up to socialism, marxism and liberalism as expressed in the Democrat party.

    Push for drilling. Push for mining. Push for nuclear, wind, and solar generation projects. End subsidies for alternatives. Let them stand on their own feet.

    You should have been doing this for years now.

    Now, if you would only do this to stop illegal immigration and seal our border.

  257. Gary Says:

    Proud of you guys! Keep it up and get McCain down there.
    He needs to show up every now and then. That would,hopefully, get some media attention.
    Please do this for our part and country. wtg!

  258. Gary Says:


  259. Gary Says:

    I agree with Captainfish about our borders. Maybe this will be the start of some backbone in our party.

  260. Skye Says:


    This is the GOP I knew was lurking under the surface. The Dems are quick to point out how terrible it is to outsource American jobs overseas, yet have been SILENT when it comes to ‘outsourcing’ our energy jobs.

    It is a point of pride to have a shirt with a label ‘Made in America’, why not the same for our energy supply????

  261. Rosie Ohl Says:

    Thank you so much for standing up for the good people of the United States. This is such an incredibly important issue, and I applaud you for taking a stand. Please do not back down. Keep the pressure on the democrats!

  262. Rey Dominguez, Jr. Says:

    I echo what everyone else has said…it’s about time you stood up for Conseratives in America. Keep up the pressure and keep the good fight going. Perhaps it’s time to generate a new Contract with America. This is certainly a great place to start. True energy independence. Eliminate wasteful porkbarrel spending. Kick the corrupt Repubs out. Close the borders and make jobs pay enough to hire Americans who wnat to work for good wages. Hammer the crap out of employers and remove their business licenses if they hire illegals, just like Arizona is about to start doing.

  263. David L Says:

    What can I as an American citizen do to have Nancy Pelosi removed from her position as speaker, for being incompetent? Eighty five percent of the American people (Democrats and Republicans) what to start drilling NOW! One hundred and fifty thousand high paying American jobs could be created and the cost of gas would drop substantially and the Democrats answer is the American people can go to hell if they don’t like it!

    We have enough crude oil to last us a 100 years and more than the whole middle east combined. Solar panels and wind generators are all fine and dandy but they won’t work on the top of my car. Why does the Democrat party want to degrade the American people?

  264. Catherine Says:

    Thank you, thank you. Get John McCain there with you!

  265. doug behrman Says:

    we are all behind you. you are making history and the word is getting out.every day you are there and the liberal media ignores it they look more biased and foolish. this is the beginning of the next Republican revolution!

  266. Dave in NC Says:

    WooooHooooo! Way to go guys. This kind of fire is what makes people vote Republican.

  267. Freedom's Daughter Says:

    BRAVO!!!!! THIS is what America has been waiting for from the Republicans for so long! Stand up and be counted. Show your backbone and do the job you were elected to do for the country. About time. Keep up the good work, and do not give up. We are proud of you.

  268. Freedoms Daughter Says:

    BRAVO!!!!! THIS is what America has been waiting for from the Republicans for so long! Stand up and be counted. Show your backbone and do the job you were elected to do for the country. About time. Keep up the good work, and do not give up. We are proud of you.

    DO go after nuclear as well, and stop subsidies on socialist alternatives that do not work (windmills, ethanol, hydrogen, etc.)

    THANK you from the bottom of our hearts.

  269. Merle Says:

    OK, good start.

    Now, how about getting yourselves on the news? Force it! Get some PR! PR has been lacking for the last few years, and we are FRUSTRATED!!!

    Get out of the chambers if you have to, get some damn attention!

    Get your word out! Please!

  270. Republican Uprising « Practically Creative - Weblog of Michael Dozark Says:

    […] Additional Link: House Republican Uprising Live Blog […]

  271. Rebecca Stern Says:

    Thank Heaven some of you have found your spines at last! Please keep up the good work. Pelosi must be stopped, she was elected to a seat in the House, thence the Speaker’s chair; neither is a THRONE! It is about time that the Democrats represented their constituents and not their own interests.

  272. Pat the Conservative Says:

    It’s about time you guys ! If only you had this drive when you were the party in power ( and kept your hands out of the earmark cookie jar - you would still be the party in power)

  273. Scott Dillard Says:

    Help! I’m trapped here in the Bay Area with no representation at all. I support what you are doing, and I have emailed Ellen Tauscher to tell her so ( not that’s she’s listening).

    I urge to to keep up the pressure.

  274. Ron Says:

    How can we get this heroic effort on TV? Its not getting any air time!!!

  275. Steve Brennemann Says:

    Way to go!

    Give us a reason to vote and campaign for you!

    Glad to see that there are still Republicans with patriotism and grit!

  276. C.Moore Says:

    Yea! Couldn’t believe it on Friday when we heard what you were doing. Some of us get info straight from C-Span and were angered beyond words when the Speaker censored the House by turning everything off.

    Dont give up. Dont compromise. We are behind you. Wish you had done this sooner!! So proud to be a Republican


  277. Prof Chuck Says:

    With out a doubt, Sen. Reid and Rep. Pelosi are two of the worst congressional leaders in history. And this Democratic-controlled congress has been absolutely pathetic–votes for a farm bill that takes my money and distributes it to a select few in the ag industry, votes for a bail out of banks whose poor business practices was caused by Congress in the first place, votes umteen times to “redeploy” the troops from Iraq. What a joke! I’m glad some real Repubs with real cajones are finally making a stand. I, too, may decide to make a monetary gift to select Republicans after all.

  278. J Randall Says:

    Give em hell boys!!!
    Its about time Republicans stood up, stood firm, and made a stand! This stand is shedding light on energy, gorbal warming, extreme environmentalism, and how idiotic the dem’s position is!! Ive called my congress people and told them that I hoped they could have a great paid vacation, while other Americans, are losing theyre jobs, going out of business, suffering under this energy problem.
    Your doing great, KEEP IT UP!!

  279. charles Schenck Says:

    LEAD we are desperate for it!!!!

  280. Benjamin Bosse Says:

    This is exactly the kind of action that conservative Republicans want to see. Keep up the good work Congressmen as this will surely pay dividends come elections time.

  281. Richard Platt Says:

    Bravo . . . give them hell and don’t back down. Enough of Pelosi and her Brown Shirt tactics.

  282. Cynthia Funk Says:

    I am so proud of the GOP!! I am in a blue state (DE) that gets bluer every year. Maybe your principled stand can change some minds.

    You guys ROCK!!! Please keep this protest going and I will travel down to DC you cheer you on.

  283. Jeanne Breault Says:

    I can’t believe that this is what’s happening in Congress. Whatever happened to government “of the people, by the people, and FOR the people?!”

  284. george abrahams Says:

    how about an “energy contract with america”? newt was smart to organize the gop around a core set of clearly defined goals that voters could easily understand. this is what is needed to retake the house.

  285. Harley Says:

    You Go GOP!!!!!!!!! Don’t stop!!!!! This is coming from a Democrat that’s fed up with the BS!!!!

  286. DP_Austin Says:

    Thank you so much for what you are doing. Please resend request for donations. I threw away the last one as I was getting pretty disgusted but this deal has got me pumped up. Keep up the pressure and, when you get a chance, call some Republican senators and get them in action. I like the idea to get the CSPAN cameras on the steps. I don’t think Pelosi’s rule extends out there. Again Thanks and keep it up.

  287. Anne Beard Says:

    We are with 100 percent!! I wish I could be there to cheer you on.

  288. Thomas R. Valletta Says:

    I hope Cannon and Bishop from Utah are with you. The rest of us are!!! Thank you for the leadership. Keep hammering it home. We need not only to drill, but to drill it into the hearts and minds of all Americans that American greatness is still alive.

  289. Rachelle Says:

    It’s about time!!! Keep it up….expose the Dems for what they are: out of touch, hypocritical, elitist, arrogant. I am a former Dem who saw the light and switched parties…how can anyone with half a brain support them? Hammer home this point regarding the exploration of energy sources here at home…..STOP PUTTING OUR MONEY IN THE COFFERS OF DICTATORS AND DESPOTS!!!!….and we will win in November!
    And Obama must not win…..I’m afraid the U.S. will never recover from his lame-brained policies!…or lack of them!

  290. Alexander Wild Says:

    Keep up the good work! Where are all the other Republicans? They should be standing fast with you!

  291. Dorothy Osborne Says:

    If the Republicans had fought like this two years ago we would not have Pelo$i now. I just want to remind you all that contributions to the RNC and RNCC also goes to elect all Republicans, be they Rinos. These true Conservatives deserve to be re-elected and others like them. SEND YOUR DONATIONS TO THE “HOUSE CONSERVATIVE FUND” NOT RNC OR RNCC IF YOU WANT TO REALLY CHANGE THE REPUBLICAN PARTY BACK TO CONSERVATIVE.

  292. EB Says:

    Thomas Jefferson said, “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” I am glad to see people are finally standing up to Pelosi.

  293. David Zickefoose Says:

    And here I was beginning to think that conservatism was dead. Time to take it to them for blocking any and all attempts to increase oil production, construction of refineries, coal for electrical, and nuclear.

    While your at it push new immigration. Congress, on both sides, have slept through this since Reagan.

    Push to cut spending to pay for the 50.5 trillion dollar liability from Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Those three programs are equal to the total of the GNP of Canada, which ranks #13 in total GNP in the world.

    There are Millions of us behind you. Forger about Soros, the Kos, and Moveon.

  294. Rick Roe Says:

    Thank You.

  295. Bryce Johnson Says:

    Wow, it’s about time. Please push push push, I’m finally glad to be a Republican again!

  296. Kathie Says:

    I would like to stand with everyone else here and thank every single Congressman/woman who has stood with, and on behalf of, the American people - It’s nice to have our voices being heard in the House again!!

    Pelsoi CALL CONGRESS BACK NOW so America can VOTE for the American Energy Act - You work for the People and we want this passed!!!

    Give them hell up there from all of us!! And again AWESOME job!!!! Keep it up - we’re all behind you!!!!!

  297. Rileyoldcoot Says:

    Great going, people! Glad to see all you Republicans opposing “Fancy Nancy”! She and the dimmocRATS have had free rein for too long! And it’s time Reid and company give up on the impeachment crap they’ve been trying to get for the past two years. Somebody should let him know that 73% of Americans want congress to drill now, wherever we can find it!
    We’re NOT a socialist state YET and will NEVER be!

  298. Ann D Says:

    This is awesome! This is what your conservative base has been yearning for. Keep the momentum going and don’t let this opportunity go!!!
    And thank you!!

  299. Terry Says:

    Thank you so much for going the distance on this issue! There is nothing more important. Businesses are hurting. Families are squeezed. I really worry about the American economy if we can’t address the price of energy soon. Please, please, keep it up!!

  300. SMcClintic Says:

    I’m a happy base!

  301. Dana Ryan Says:

    I am absolutely thrilled that the conservative voice has returned to the Republicans. I just wish you were being joined by the Senate GOP as well… Keep it up, I am getting my GOP fire back!

  302. laree Says:

    I can think of a few good Campaign slogans, that could come out of this for November Election.

    I seem to recall a campaign promise by Nancy Pelosi before the Nov 2006 Election, that she was going to increase the days spent in Session in the House.

    Democrats they don’t work, and they don’t want you to Either” LOL

  303. Jim Smyers Says:

    What an absolute THRILL it was to be there today! I decided to blow the day off at work, take the train up to DeeCee and witness this for myself. Fortunately, I have the GREAT Congressman, Eric Cantor, as my Rep and not only did I get into the gallery, but I called his office and the wonderful Liz got me onto the floor.

    What passion. What determination. What contempt for Nancy Girl. It was terrific.

    One thing, though. Not everyone has a Republican Representative, so some sort of outreach from R’s needs to be done to get conservatives living in exile in socialist districts the opportunity to participate. I’m sure NancyPalooza has orders to Dem staffers that NO gallery visits will be permitted.

  304. Tamar Says:

    This [almost] reminds me of the 1994 Republican Revolution!

    GO GO GO!!!!

  305. Bill Allmon Says:

    Maybe You guys should REMEMBER THIS!!

    In Congress, July 4, 1776
    The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America
    When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. –That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

  306. Zan Says:

    The Founders are not rolling over anymore they are standing up and cheering! Way to go “Rock the House” Keep it up
    8-1 Congress, we the People are behind you.
    Let’s Roll!!!!!!!!!

  307. Sheila Harris Says:

    I had just about decided that the best thing for my family was to just find a quiet little place in Mexico or somewhere to get away from this government who cares only about itself, but then Friday Aug 1st showed me that there really are some politicians who care about more than just their own pocketbooks. Bless you all! I am so proud to tell my children and my friends how my leaders are standing up for us. I have heard a lot about various types of tax reform (ie: fair tax) that many ask me if these will ever pass? With leadership like I am seeing from the gop this week, I think tax reform will pass someday. Go GOP! I have never been so proud as when I heard on Rush’s show the yelling in Congress. Go guys (and girls) GO! Many of us are more proud than we can say. Thanks!

  308. Jean Hermann Says:

    Wonderful! Wonderful! Keep it up. We’re with you!
    Tell Comrad Pelosi to get back to Washington!
    Jean in Michigan

  309. John Says:

    KEEP IT UP GUYS!!!! You guys are making a difference out here!

  310. Lee Rudakewych Says:

    Good start, Boys. Stay in the game and win one for the Gipper.

  311. Mark Roth Says:

    This Democrat supports you fully. Drill, drill, drill.

    Don’t compromise on the so-called “windfall profits” tax.

    By all means seek alternatives, but don’t abandon drilling.

    Finally, I saw a clip of Obama talking today about scrubbing carbon emissions or some such. His point was that by 2050 we will have reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 80%. 2050 is 42 years from now. If we can plan that far ahead without criticism then what is wrong with drilling now with the prospect of a return in 5-10 years. You might want to hammer on that.

    Never, never, never surrender!

  312. Gary Says:

    Maybe us little guys will donate again. I quit this time last year. I hope it isn’t all just talk, this time. Get it Right!!!

  313. Teamplayer Says:

    We at http://www.conservativesforum are supporting you in this effort. Kudo’s to leadership. Something that has been lacking in speaker Pelosi’s role.

    When we accomplish the drilling legislation lets maintain the fight to defeat the fairness doctrin and strengthen immigration enforcement!

  314. Linda Doll Says:

    YOu guys are rocking it. Please stay with it. I have been waiting for you guys to get up and be counted and this is the time. Best wishes and I’ll be following the activities.. God Bless America

  315. John Johnson Says:

    I have been waiting for this for some time. We must do what is right, not what is popular. This is right. The founding fathers would be proud!

  316. Dan Farmer Says:

    It’s not just the price of each gas that is the problem. It’s the fact that 40% of all the world’s oil goes through the strait of Hormuz and Iran is now claiming that it can close the strait! This is a matter of National Security!!! DRILL HERE! DRILL NOW!! STOP RELIANCE ON FOREIGN OIL AND THE DESPOTS THAT “OWN” IT!!!

  317. GingerH Says:

    Thank you, Republicans! This is the true American way. Hold those dems accountable. Do the dems want to lose?.. guess so… They dumped Hillary, now I’m on your side! They don’t even care enough to figure out a way for us to drill. They would rather take their vacation and get their Chosen One nominated… good luck, dems..
    Republicans, God Bless you and stand strong. We, the people, are behind you! This is remarkable.

  318. Ben Lamson Says:

    From a Nebraskan relocated to VA, you guys are awesome!! Please do not stop! It is 176 miles from my house to the Capitol (according to Google Maps), so at an average of 22 mpg, my car (2005 Subaru Impreza WRX) will require 16 gallons of fuel. Current price for premium (come on, it’s a turbo) is $3.97, times 16 gallons equals $63.52. I WILL GLADLY PAY 65 BUCKS TO COME TO WASHINGTON DC AND SEE “REAL” REPUBLICANS DO WHAT WE WANT THEM TO DO!!!

  319. D Brown Says:

    Thank YOU for FINALLY Standing up and FIRM.

    The NEw GOP Platform:

    1.) A solid National Energy Policy with an “Energy Contract with America”
    Drill for oil, ALternative energy tax incentives for home power production, alt fuels, good batteries, and Nuke Plants,

    2.) STOP supporting Mexico’s “economy” at the expense of ours, meaning:

    Close the Borders and secure them, enforce the existing immigration laws,

    3.) ENFORCE ALL FEDERAL LAWS and make the agencies actually work for the money that we the People are paying them to have their jobs.

    4.) Make it so that all the agencies have to function and service their mission and laws creating them.

    5.) Kill all bad guys that threaten America.

  320. Steven Says:

    While you are up there please put and end to the illegal MEXICAN TRUCK pilot program. There is no better evidence that our government no longer functions than when the House voted 411-3 against this program and it continues.

  321. Randall Lowe Says:

    Keep up the work folks! I may be a lone Californian, but I’ll back you as long as you keep it up! I agree with G. Abrahams! Energy Contract with America!!! Don’t back down and don’t cave please! The gang of 14 in the senate was a huge blow to our morale - this exactly what we need, and you’ve chosen the right issue to do this on.
    This is exactly the kind of action that Ronaldus Magnus would have pushed for. We need leaders like those that have stayed behind to get out on the networks, in the news papers, on the radio - educating the people of America that this is an issue worth fighting for in the interest of preserving our security and our futures.

    Highlight where America will be if we don’t start drilling more - show videos of over-packed subway trains in Japan, run-down jalopies carrying 2-3x the number of people they should, old farm trucks with hay bales in the back carrying people instead of materials. If the democrats want to play with imagery, let’s play it too.


  322. henry simpson Says:

    THIS is the kind of leadership America needs…the democrats have lied and lied to the American people…we (citizens) pay their salaries…I encourage ALL folks (who have dem reps in their state…don’t worry about being in their district….call their phones, overload their faxes, load down their emails) make them KNOW that America is pissed and we WILL hold them accountable in November.

  323. House Republicans Speak for the American People ~ Rock On! « think on these things Says:

    […] to the over 200 of you that have commented on our efforts here today.� Please keep them […]

  324. Chuck Nemecek Says:

    Since you all are FINALLY starting to act like Republicans and not RINO’s:
    Drill now for immediate fix.
    Push the shale oil conversion refining process.
    Push the coal to oil conversion refining process.
    Drop the bio-diesel/ethanol farce.
    Nuclear energy, remove restrictive policies and start building more plants now.
    Clean coal power plants, remove restictive policies and start building now.
    After all that is started then work feverishly for alternative energy sources. Solar, wind, tidal, etc.
    Keep up the good work but don’t stop with the drilling issue. New refineries need to be built. Almost all of our refineries are 30-40 years old. Remove the restrictions on building new ones as once we get the oil out you have to do something with it in order to use it.

  325. Rob Says:

    The Dems are going to resist this tooth and nail because they’ve been trying to force us into an energy dark age to meet their anti-human, pro-environmental agenda goals. They purposely have created this situation so that they can get unemployment up, reduce food supplies to create an economic and humanitarian disaster, and then try to implement more and more socialistic frameworks as part of their illusion to try to “save” us. Very Machiavellian and Orwellian at the same time.

    I would personally be VERY happy never to fill my car’s tank with dino juice ever again so that there is less smog, less noise, less pollution of ground water, and less reason to fight on foreign soil for energy. I DO want fuel cell technology for EVERYTHING.

    But we have to be realistic. That technology is just emerging as viable after years of research. Infrastructure to support it is not not going to appear out of thin air. The physical logistics are simply too complex to attack all at once. Keep drilling, but make sure the end goal is to get off of fossil fuels and on to hydrogen fuels ASAP!

  326. h. liggett Says:

    Thank you for staying and being a goverment FOR THE PEOPLE! Keep up the great work and let’s take the house back in November!

  327. Nobama Says:

    I can’t believe this lady is third in line for the White House. She couldn’t lead the girl scouts. Her thought process on letting an up or down vote on drilling is absurd.

  328. Red Pill Says:

    Oil is a Renewable Energy Resource, Not a Fossil Fuel.

  329. Cain and Mabel Says:

    Keep it up. You have let this shame go on too long, and it’s time you got off square one and did something.

    Stop congratulating yourselves and get to work. The country needs action on our energy policy and if you can’t provide it OUT YOU WILL GO.

    Don’t long for the cameras — you’re being noticed and the word is getting out. Now make some news.

  330. Max Rugemer Says:

    Drill for oil because it still powers today. Mine for coal because it also powers today. Build Nuclear Power Plants identical to the Japanese Model because they power TODAY & are the only real alternative for TOMORROW. Most importantly, DEFEAT today’s MARXIST Democrat Party at every level so that they can’t create a Soviet Amerika.

  331. Clint Says:

    You are a little late to the party (the GOP) but hey, you brought beer, so I guess it’s ok.

    Welcome to the drill here, drill now, drill just about anywhere party!

    Now.. About Anwar that still seems to be off limits.

  332. Tina Says:

    Finally, the Republicans are showing that they can stand up for the American people. It’s been a long time coming. Don’t stop. This is to important. Giving up a vacation is a SMALL price to pay for helping the American people and making history in the process. Everyone has to know what is going on. It might be up to us to spread the word, as it doesn’t seem that the MS Media is going to leak a word of it.

  333. John Diakoulas Says:

    It is time that the members of both parties be accountable for their actions. The citizens voted you in office and they can vote you out. Who ever is not there to help now should be removed and someone who truly cares voted in office. ACCOUNTABILITY !!!!! I am proud to be a citizen of the USA God Bless the USA and the proud people that serve

  334. J. Eager Says:

    I am FULLY behind you guys! You are doing the right thing! Keep it up, and DON’T give up! You are making the dems look REALLY bad! This is JUST what we need!

  335. Debk Says:

    Thank you!!!!

    To have Madame Speaker shut this session down without doing anything about the energy crisis is disgraceful!!

    She took over being Speaker with the speech of how wonderful it was to be the first woman Speaker of the House, what she wanted to accomplish…and all she has been is an embarrassment. What an example for our daughters!

    We need to get our own oil and cease our dependency on the Mideast. Drill here, drill now!

  336. Hangtown Bob Says:

    It’s about time that you Repubs started showing some moxie. If you keep this up, I might even reconsider my refusal to donate to the Party, a refusal that has been in place for the last 4 years.

  337. DangerGirl Says:

    Americans support you!! While Ms Pelosi travels on her private jet, stays in luxury hotels, to promote her book, real Americans are suffering under the weight of soaring gas prices, which in turn, increases the cost of food.
    We cannot afford to travel. We cannot afford to stay in luxury hotels. We cannot afford private jets that waste fuel and adversely affect the environment. WE ARE MAD!!

    And the Democrats WILL pay for this at the polls in November.

    Stop spinning, Ms Pelosi.

    GET BACK TO WORK while you still have a job!! Reconvene Congress to vote on the American Energy Act NOW!!!!

  338. Herb Reisinger Says:

    American oil–American jobs–Money stays in our country.
    It’s a WIN-WIN effort so keep it going! America is proud of you folks and it’s about time we get excited about our country and our future!

  339. Bob Says:

    Being on the receiving end of the gas ‘crisis’ of the 1970’s, I’ve now have to endure the new gas ‘crisis’. Almost 30 years now spent transforming the US to an oil dependant country with the promise of renewable and ‘clean’ energy. I want to know where’s my return on the money that’s been spent for the past 30 years? What can you show me for all of the millions that were spent?

    What’s being done now is good, but it should have been done years ago. I really hope that this isn’t just a one time, one event type of occurrence. DC has wasted and squandered that which they have taken and the people are getting tired of it. People want a change, and it’s less government. Remember that if you don’t remember anything else.

  340. J Mc Says:

    Finally! Thank you for standing for all Americans who make this country work. We were afraid that we had been abandoned. Please don’t give up the fight! This is a willing issue for Republicans and all Americans. Keep up the pressure! We need to be realistic about our energy consumption. Right now our economy is driven by fossil fuels…that may change in the future but it’s all about the here and now! We are Americans! We can do anything we set our minds to! Drill here, drill now! Unleash American ingenuity and watch it provide a solution!

  341. Bill Melton Says:

    Although I’m an independent I’m a conservative and would like to express my thanks to you gentlemen in your effort to attempt to carry out the people’s wishes.
    keep up the good work.

    what you’re doing here is a marvelous idea and here’s hoping for a successful conclusion to your efforts.

  342. Marianne Says:

    BRAVO!!! Don’t Stop! Don’t Stop!! FINALLY Repbulicans are showing the rest of the country the real agenda of the democrats! I am so proud of you all!!! :o)

  343. michaele anderson Says:

    This is really worth doing….for the bragging rights of principle and the reality of showing some gumption. Don’t just slowly fade away. I’d love it if you could just do a rotation with the full GOP membership. Have maybe 10 members keeping the debate going until Congress comes back into session according to Pelosi’s timetable. I know it’s a sacrifice but it could be very much worth it for reelection campaign ads.

  344. lyndse rae faba Says:


    for years i was so very proud to be a republican but lately i have seen nothing coming from the few real conservatives left in my beloved party. i have recently become so disillusioned that i have considered leaving the party after this november’s presidential election.


    i call everyone i know every night and tell them what you’ve been up to all day. media blackouts won’t work on us, just like blackouts won’t work on you.

    if you take a stand, we will stand with you!

  345. jeff maschler Says:

    Way to go guys! Its time for another tea party!

    Please tell Lights Out Pelosi - drill here, drill now, READ ECONOMICS 101

    TO think that drilling our own oil would not be a part of a comprehensive energy package is silly.

    BTW What is the Energy Dept good for???

    Preserve Liberty - CAN a Liberal!

  346. Widget Says:

    How exciting to see so many people riled up and waiting for the House to do the proper thing for the American populace! Isn’t this the catalyst that was needed to mark the difference between the Pelosi/Reid came and the Republican camp? American needs energy sources until we can develop alternative fuels. If we were to apply the amount of the pork being taken home by the corrupt members of Congress to developing other resources, we would be way ahead of where we find ourselves now. PLEASE HANG TOUCH, THE FOLKS ARE SQUARELY BEHIND YOU AS YOU REPRESENT THEIR WISHES.

  347. Kat Says:

    It’s about time that some of you stood up for the American people. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and their democrat colleagues should be ousted from their positions. In fact, I think it’s time for the people to insist on TERM LIMITS to stop the non-productive bickering and deadlock that has stopped all progress in Congress. Let’s restore intellectual debate and common sense in Washington or as they say in Brooklyn, “Throw the bums out!!!”

  348. Douglas Durkin Says:

    Keep on keeping on! It’s about 30 years behind schedule but, better now than never. Eventually the news media is going to have to cover this event. We need Senator McCain to talk to the press about this. It’s a party winning issue and it’s what all Americans need, releif at the pump and relief from the expenses of a/c and coming heating cost. Damn it’s getting hard to cut back the money from my THREE KIDS, the future.

  349. Mark Irwin Says:

    Keep the faith. You are doing the right thing to show the Democrat leadership for what they are, weak on any issue. They never have good reasons for their actions other than trying to maintain power (no pun intended). The only way to stay strong is to stand up to the Democrats and let the American people know that you do ably represent them. Most Americans are not looking for a handout but for sound government policy that will eliminate our dependence on unstable foreign countries. Their silly argument that drilling now won’t help needs to be shown for what it is, silly. If foreign suppliers saw that we were serious about ending our dependence and were willing to take the immediate steps of drilling, I guarantee that the price would drop like a rock. Look what it has done with the President’s announcement last week. Keep up the fight for America!!!!!

  350. Stytz Says:

    Keep taking this stand, we’re standing right with you!
    Get rid of the Energy Dept while you are at it.

  351. Marmolade Says:

    Thank you to all who have stayed in Washington,D.C. and those who will be joining you. Finally, someone is speaking on behalf of the American citizens about an issue that hits us all on a daily basis. Stay the course, don’t stop till the DEMS come back. We are behind you and are spreading the word.

  352. Mary Paley Says:

    I am filled with renewed hope and pride in the Republican party. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. My family and I applaud each and everyone of you!

  353. Bobbi Simmons Says:

    Thank you for standing up for American citizens while Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats step over us to do their vacationing and book promos! I have never in my almost 40 years felt so looked down upon and snubbed as a citizen in this great country. I have ALWAYS been proud of my country because my country doesn’t just consist of Democrat and Republican politicians, there are also the “little people” called regular American citizens who vote the pompous jerks into office. I am tired of the arrogance.
    Please, please keep this going. Don’t lose heart because you are being supported and prayed up all over this great nation. If we don’t start standing up for what is right, we are going to FALL!

  354. Peter Sahd Says:

    I think the time has come that the “rest of us” or the so-called “american people” start to fight back. I don’t how all of you who’ve responded to this debacle in Congress feel. But I’m tired of watching a group (or groups) of people such as the ACLU, Environmentalists, Socialists, Elitists, Lobbyists and others I’ve failed to mention determine the direction that this once great nation will head in for us, our children and our grand-children. My blood ran cold hearing Obama “appologize” for our nation to those who gave the world the holocaust. If the leftist in Congress had their way, all we’d have to do tomorrow morning is put a couple of sails on our cars and let the wind blow us to work. Well, it ain’t gonna happen. Whether it takes 5 years, 7 years or 10 years to start refining oil drawn from under our own soil, then by gosh it’s worth the wait. And while we’re waiting, why don’t we start letting our voices be heard and let the above named organizations know that “we the people” are taking our country back and we’re no longer going to “sell-out” to those who want to see America become something like England, or France, or Germany or Switzerland or whatever. We’re America. The greatest damn country the world has ever known. It’s time we shut those left-wing people up. If they’re so damned unhappy with this country, maybe Hugo Chavez has some room for them where he lives.

  355. darwin Says:

    Fantastic with the discharge petitions. Asking the dems to put up or shut up. Deception is the only strategy the dems have. Expose it.

    Great work!

  356. jeff maschler Says:

    another thing -

    Do you want to give us a real economic stimulus?

    Then eliminate the $1.61/gallon Pelosi premium on gas!

    And for intellectual stimulus - silence the environmental wackos!

  357. Susan Woo Says:

    Go!Go! Go! The House of the People has finally listened to the people. Keep up the work of the people and put the egomaniac dems in their place, doing the will of the people. Thank you, thank you, thank you. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!

  358. Ted Says:

    You Republicans are awsum!!! Keep it up. As a party you are finally showing some stones and you are doing it as an organized group instead of just a handful of heroes.

    Don’t compromise with the liberals. If the polls are believable you have about 70% of the American people behind you. All areas should be open for drilling, fast track refineries, go nuclear, use our coal and any other method so we as a nation can become energy independent. In fact, fast track everything. Keep up the fight! This is our issue and just maybe we won’t take the shellacking the libs are predicting in November.

  359. Joyce Says:

    Thank God there are some who feel that they should be doing their job instead of taking off for vacation when a lot of their constituents cannot. Where can we get a list of who is participating? If it hadn’t been for the Democrats and in particular Bill Clinton, we would have been using our own oil instead of making the middle easterners rich.

  360. Mary Says:

    This is the issue that can limit R losses in Nov.

    Our Reps need to keep bringing the issues directly to the people in this way, without complaining about media treatment. Really guys, we know they’re biased already-that’s beside the point.

    Just stay on message. More oil=more jobs, more supply, more security, and maybe MY family will get a vacation some day again too.

  361. Lisa S Says:

    I am a small business owner and I rely on people spending money. Gas prices are too high, and people aren’t spending. Please help the people by standing up to that maniac Pelosi and dim-wit Reid. Also, all of this oil stuff will creat many jobs. Thank you. I’m really not happy that brother Bush, won’t call the Dem’s back to Washington. :-(

  362. Chris Simons Says:

    Roll On!!! Thank you for your dedication to our country. Keep up the fight!

  363. Claudia VanLydegraf Says:

    Hi there all you wonderful LOYAL Representatives of America and its founding principles. I am glad to see you hanging in there and showing Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid what being “on the job” as an elected official is really all about, even though you have not gotten the President to join forces with you YET, he may well still do what is right for this country. I wish that more people were paying attention to the real issues of this country and more attention to you and what you are doing. It is a shame that the MSM won’t even give you any airtime at all, as you are very admirable, in my humble opinion.

    Please keep standing for what is right and know that there are a huge lot of us that are totally behind you. We want nothing more than for Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to come back to their jobs that we elected them to do, and to give a fair shot at an UP OR DOWN VOTE on DRILL HERE, DRILL NOW and giving this country the freedom to have our own OIL from our own lands and shores.

    Day two, or is it three, cause I don’t know if you are counting Friday as a day, is over now, and I hope you will be there tomorrow. Hang in and keep up the good work. We support you……
    Claudia Balch-Hill Turner VanLydegraf, Reno, NV

  364. Jon Decker Says:

    I sent this note today to my Congressional Representative Mary Fallin (R-OK).

    “Why aren’t you in D.C. supporting John Boehner?

    This is a chance to undo all the years of neglect and poor legislation enacted by Congress and the Senate. I’m working full time to pay for gas, I’m a little irritated you guys are on a five week vacation. I don’t even get that much time.”

  365. mary g Says:

    It really bothers me that Democrats are having expensive fund raisers in places like Switzerland while planning new ways to coerce us into giving up our money, free time and mobility.
    What you are doing is crucial to the future of our nation.
    Thank you.

  366. LtCol Brad Shultis, USMC Says:

    …but the “Lady” ‘…has a planet to save…!’”

    She, and the Democrat cowards running the Congress should be honest enough to allow an open vote on this issue, BEFORE THE ELECTIONS, so that each and every Member must run on their voting record and not hide behind the skirt of the Speaker (who, as we know, has an iron-clad re-election from her ultra-liberal voting base in San Francisco).

    What is more, the President should exercise the power and authority vested in him by the Constitution and ORDER THE CONGRESS BACK IN SESSION TO DEAL WITH THIS EMERGENCY! I’m a die-hard conservative, but I cannot for the life of me understand why he refuses to take a tough stand and force HIS WILL upon the Congress, in a true demonstration of LEADERSHIP.

  367. free Says:

    You are beyond awesome. Finally, not a bunch of Rino girls, actual real live Americans…NOW do the same for illegal immigration and you will be the heroes we know that you really are….80 per cent of America has been waiting for just this kind of noise….MAKE IT LOUDER….

  368. David Says:

    Senator McCain needs to bring his cameras with him to the House and voice his support for the work you’re doing. This is a winning issue because it’s right and the American people see it as right. Thank you Republicans for standing up. It’s never too late to make a difference.

  369. Steve Says:

    Keep it up. I want more!!!
    From a proud conservative in South Carolina.

  370. stytz Says:

    Keep going, every day until September if you have to.

    This is a make or break issue.

    You should have live streaming video as well as 24 hour/day activity; not just a few hours during the day but really drive the point home by running a continuous “debate” on the need for drilling and discussing the Democrats’ lathargy and incompetence.

    Make your voices louder and reach out directly to the people of this country, don’t wait for the MSM, force them to come to you.

    Keep going we’re behind you 100%

  371. Michael Says:

    For what its worth, I applaud your efforts to conduct the business of this nation while your democrat counterparts left so they could further obstruct and impede the will of the American Citizens.

    Thank you!

  372. Frank Morley 3rd Says:

    Rock on, Brothers. The longer you keep it up, the more Americans who think the government doesn’t care, or who think political correctness is correct will have another think coming.

  373. Bill Allmon Says:

    One would think that with all these kudos on this board that something outstanding is being done. I have read a lot of posts about Republicans FINALLY getting “backbone,” “courage,” and doing the job that WE THE PEOPLE have elected you ALL to do. I suppose that it is better late than never. However, I can tell you unequivocally that WE THE PEOPLE are sick and tired of the childish, high school-ish rhetoric that goes on while you are all in session. WE THE PEOPLE need results from our government, NOT childish antics!

    I am STILL NOT as excited (based on the past performance of ALL of you) as the rest of the bloggers here. I will wait and see IF you all truly have backbone, or IF we are just getting lip service as usual.

  374. Suz Says:

    i am so proud of the house republicans for standing up to the democrats in this hour of great concern. thank you for speaking up for we the people! this is the best way to call the speaker to responsibility. if republicans want to return to the majority, they should start modeling this type of position: a position of strength and bravery. america is angry with congress for being too accommodating. try to be more firm in the true values that a reagan republican can be proud, and stand up and fight for it! thanks again.

  375. Betty Haynes Says:

    Thank you, thank you. Words can’t adequately express
    how proud of all of you I am. It’s been a long time
    since we’ve had anything to really feel good about.
    Keep up the terrific work and by all means get Senator
    McCain to join you and as previously stated bring the
    cameras with him. This will help him more right now
    than anything I can think of. Keep the pressure on through the vacation. A lot of us can’t afford a vacation now so the Democrats shouldn’t have one either.

  376. Tom Nix Says:

    We conservatives are itching for a fight with the left. One major problem most have is that Republicans will not engage or even stand up to the liberals. Fact is the modern Democrat Party are a bunch of Marxist and must be stopped. If our country is to survive we have to get away from RINO’s like McCain and liberal Republicans like President Bush.

  377. Dan Says:

    I’ve written to my Dem representatives and Senators (McNerny & Feinstein) and neither see any need to challenge Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid to bring the congress back into session to deal with the energy issue. They all know that if that happens, many in the Democratic Congress will desert her and vote for drilling because their constitutency has been hammering them severely to vote on this. Pelosi and Reid are stating that even if their Democratic partners in Congress want to side with drilling to save their chances for re-election go ahead. But she’ll bear the torch for the parties principals and keep it from coming to a vote and ruining Obama’s chances in Nov. More and more Americans are realizing that Obama’s position on energy is unworkable in the next 8-10yrs. We need to get ourselves energy self-sufficient while we continue developing alternative energy sources which will generate a ton of jobs which are sorely needed. Even the air-head, Paris Hilton understands that concept. Producing our own oil and Nuclear Power can happen much sooner than the Democrats would have us believe while we effectively fund Hydrogen, Solar, Wind and clean-air coal technologies. We keep hearing about air in tires, wind & solar power, acceptance of the high gas prices as being good for the country from the Democratic leadership while they state the need to reduce our dependence on foreign oil in the next ten years. Pleeeze. For an oil based economy, that tells me that the Democrats are pressing hard to put this country on it economic knees to achieve their leftist principals. Today we’re witnessing many in the Democrats party base deserting the fold because they can no longer afford the same level of oil-based comfort and personal entertainment they’ve become accustomed to under an oil-based economy. Funny how that works. It all boils down to hoping this short-sightedness by the Pelosi/Reid dictatorship blows back into their face this Nov. It’s also about time the Republicans are making some noise. Thought for the longest time following Reagan’s demise that they had become a gaggle of sheep with no teeth. Quite embarassing to say the least especially after losing so many seats in the last election. I certainly support the Republicans on the house floor in their efforts to bring this to the publics attention. But it’s clear that the news media which heavily favors the Democrats is not providing equal coverage of this event which by the way was suggested as a tactic by Mike Reagan to a Republican Congressman from Texas last week. Eveyone in the country needs to know of this. Blogesphere is good but news-stand headlines for the average and low income wage earner are better.

  378. Ryan Ali Says:

    I am a born Democrat, a conservative; but the Democratic Party today is a party that runs on special interests and listens to special interest politicians like Al Gore. The Democratic Party runs on pure lies and hypocrisy. Rush Limbaugh definitely rules America! The Democratic Party believes in “saving the planet,” but their response is to impose unnecessary burdens on our economy. They want to enact European cap-and-trade systems on our free people. While they think global warming is a crisis created by man, they are wrong on the mark! God bless you John Boehner and the GOP, and may God continue to bless America!

  379. Independent Thinker Says:

    All I gotta say is, if my boss (in their case “We the People”) want a job done, then it better get done before we take a break!

    It’s about time someone took a stand! Well done!

    Now let’s kick some butt!

  380. Claudia VanLydegraf Says:

    I just received an email from Congressman Dean Heller with the information that he is currently traveling to Washington DC as I write this on the blog.

    I want to thank him for his participation in this issue and for going back to DC to stand with the others who are activvely trying to force some action on Energy prices and thus on our behalf. I know you may think that this is a very thnakless job you are doing, but I want you all to know that every one of you on that floor or outside letting the people know what is or is nOT happening is the best thing any of you can do for us. It shows us that you care about our needs and desires.

    Thank you again Dean Heller of Nevada.

    I also heard today that our VERY LOWLY esteemed Senator, Harry Reid, from Nevada finds it more important to be in Germany and Afghanistan and somewhere else NOT DOING HIS JOB as a representative of the PEOPLE who elected him. And Nancy Pelosi is currrently pushing her book for all it is worth all over the TV screens and NOT DOING HER JOB for the constituency of the State of California.

    Way to go Dean Heller, BRAVO!!! Please request John Ensign to come back and give his support also.
    Claudia Balch-Hill Turner VanLydegraf of Reno, NV.

  381. Steven Says:

    “House Republicans are Bringing down the price of oil!”
    There is now a consensus that the brave men and women in the House who stayed in session while the “Do Nothing Democrats” left town to do nothing, is actually bringing down the price of oil. Last week prices were edging up as the market watched the Democrats do nothing, but since the Republicans have demanded a debate and vote on drilling the price has PLUNGED! One analyst says “this is a direct result of a sensitive market responding to the conviction of the Republicans in the House that will likely lead to more oil production in the near future”.

  382. Drill here, DRIVE HERE, Save our Country Says:

    When the oil companies get their hands on the vast oil resources of America, and sell it to China and India and any other high bidder, they are going to make TRILLIONS of dollars. Much of this money will be siphoned off to the government in the form of taxes, to fund the new world order in legislation like the
    48 billion dollar AIDS Bill. You know, the AIDS Bill, where the money doesn’t have to be spent on AIDS. This money of course, comes out of the pockets of the honest, hardworking American People, directly into the hands of those who are systematically and intentionally dismantling the sovereignty of our Country.

    We should demand that the resources stay in our Country and the oil companies can work on a cost plus basis. They get the cost of production plus a reasonable profit and the American People will benefit from THEIR OWN RESOURCES for a change.

    Loudly Doeswell

  383. Lisa McGalliard Says:

    Way to go guys, keep it up! This is an important issue, and we need people fighting for us. Cheering you on from sunny California!

  384. Widget Says:

    Your heroic stand is the only way to get the attention of the biased media and make the American people understand what is at stake here. It is an issue that must not fade away and a big chink in the inevitability of a Democratic president and Congress. Please hang tough and know that you have (at long last) earned the gratitude and admiration of your constituents.

  385. Nicholas Says:

    It’s about d@mn time somebody in Washington listened to Americans from all over the country!!!!

    (In case you can’t tell, I’m thoroughly p. o. at the Dumbocrats.)

  386. Barbara Says:

    Keep up the good work and don’t let up on the pressure that you have put on the Democrats. And, while you’re at it, please put a muzzle on the Gang of 10!!! They are NOT helping!!


  387. Sharon Says:

    I really hope someone is reading the comments posted here and passes the word on.

    Just over the wire…..The Gang of Ten has just come to an agreement on the energy crisis. The 5 rinos, led by Ms Linsey Gram, has given in on all the demands of the donkeys in the name of bipartisinship! Effectively cutting McCain off at the knees! What the HELL is wrong with this picture?

    Mr Boehner, KEEP THE PRESSURE ON! This American is watching and is cheering you and all those good Americans on. I’m also taking names of those who pussyfoot around and are trying to be on both sides of the issue. Sir, I wish you and those that are standing with you could hear the mighty cheer that is resounding out here in the Silent Majority!

    Never, Never, Never give up! Not on THIS issue! It’s far to important.

  388. Betty Says:

    I was listening to Rush and learned about the so called
    gang of 10 which includes 5 RINOs, one of course being
    Lindsey Graham. How could they so blantantly betray us
    like this. It’s a stab in the back. I’m just sick..I
    had such high hopes. I hope the Republicans in the House will keep up the good fight and if at all possible find out why these 5 don’t seem to care what
    the majority of the American people want.

  389. Fred Korte Says:

    Keep it up, Mrs Syria does not give a rats ass about the American people. Without us she would not have a job.

  390. Jon Decker Says:

    Do not cave to the gang of ten! If you guys cave you’re going to set the Republican Party back years. We know anything from the gang of ten will be useless and expensive.

  391. Steve Says:

    I will not vote for Lindsey Graham again. I am an SC conservative. Don’t give in.

  392. Richard Platt Says:

    Please don’t compromise with the RINO “gang of 10″. When you make a deal with the devil you’ll surely get a pitchfork in the backside.

  393. Steve in SC Says:

    Say NO to the Libs. I dont want the Strategic Petroleum Reserve tapped. I dont want “windfall” profit taxes for the oil companies. Let companies keep their profits. Open up everything we can to get the oil. When are the Republicans as a whole going to stand up and stop trying to save their skins by standing with the libs with this “lets compromise” BS. Conservatism wins every time it’s tried.

  394. Jon Decker Says:

    Don’t cave in to Nancy Pelosi. We need a real energy bill not a half-a$$ comprimise effort. You’ve got the folks behind you on this one, use this good will to make a real change.

  395. jim in ill. Says:

    i see why palin was pick now, big oil wants her out of the way,so they can do what they want in alaska,more of greoge bush.

  396. Steve in SC Says:

    Where are you conservatives? No new posts since 8-18-08. Don’t forget about this important issue. Don’t fall back to sleep.

  397. meanfull Says:

    thank you for you share!wonderful!

  398. Barbara Says:

    PLEASE! PLEASE PLEASE do NOT give into the democrat weasels! You’ve got the pressure on so don’t let up! We need to drill while we are working on alternative fuels.
    A die-hard Republican!

  399. Acai Says:

    I have to agree with the majority of commenters on this topic, we NEED a REAL energy bill. Prices skyrocketing for fossil fuels, rcession, it is getting to be too much too fast for many americans to bear.

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