Dems, Special Interests Gear Up to Sell “Slow-Bleed” Strategy | Cheney Criticizes Dem Plan: Terrorists Will “Win Because We Quit”

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on February 26th, 2007

After taking the “first step” last week, Democrats and special interest groups are plotting a “multi-million-dollar” ad campaign to sell the American public on their “slow-bleed” strategy — a proposal by Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) that would “block further relief and reinforcement for American troops, leaving them exposed and unable to succeed.” An editorial in the Cedar Rapids Gazette discusses the scheme:

“Both sides agree the non-binding resolutions were just preliminary maneuverings. The next step is likely to be a plan crafted by Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., the chairman of the defense subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee. It is being supported by top House leaders and will be promoted in a multi-million-dollar advertising campaign by a coalition of anti-war groups. The plan would make supplemental funding conditional on mandates the Congress knows cannot be met, gradually weakening the U.S. position until it becomes untenable. …

“The only question about Murtha’s plan is how its backers expect to credibly maintain they support the troops while denying them equipment, reinforcements and supplies and preventing their officers from deploying them in the safest, most effective manner.”

In an interview yesterday, Vice President Dick Cheney questioned Democrats’ plan to choke off funding for American troops in harm’s way, denying them the resources they need to fight – and defeat – radical Islamic terrorists:

“‘I think if we were to do what Speaker Pelosi and Congressman Murtha are suggesting, all we will do is validate the al-Qaida strategy,’ the vice president told ABC News. ‘The al-Qaida strategy is to break the will of the American people … try to persuade us to throw in the towel and come home, and then they win because we quit.’”

Recent surveys show a solid majority of the American people are opposed to withdrawing from Iraq without succeeding. But Democrats still seem intent on denying resources and reinforcements for American troops on the battlefield fighting terrorists in Iraq. Indeed, as the Gazette notes, Democrats seem to be “in favor of a cynical end run calculated to derail American foreign policy without taking responsibility for the consequences, including the effect it could have on soldiers and Marines currently in the field.”


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