



New Dems see the light

June 10th, 2008 by Spokesblogger

Even if their leadership can’t, freshmen Democrats Bill Foster and Don Cazayoux saw the light when it came to the largest tax increase in American history.  The tax hike came in the form of the Democrats budget resolution which passed the House last week.

From today’s The Hill:

“I can’t support a budget, from either party, that raises taxes on the middle class,” Foster said in a statement posted on his website. “I campaigned on a platform of middle-class tax relief, and I was elected to Washington to bring about change. When asked to choose between my party and the people I represent, I will choose the families of the 14th district every single time.”

“I voted against [the budget] because it allows tax cuts to expire in 2010, raising taxes on most American taxpayers,” [Cazayoux] said in a statement given to The Hill. “I promised the people of the 6th district of Louisiana to vote with my party when they are right, and vote against them when they are wrong. My vote today was the right vote for my constituents.” (Full article here.)

This goes in exact opposition to what Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on the floor last Thursday:

“This year’s budget plan does not include a tax increase. It actually calls for a $340 billion reduction in revenues,” Pelosi said on the House floor Thursday afternoon. “The problem that our friends on the Republican side have is that these tax cuts are for the middle class, not just for their friends in the upper 1 percent bracket.”

So what is it?  Did Pelosi and her tax and spend friends pass the largest tax increase in history or are their newly elected members lying?