



145 Days and Counting…..

November 8th, 2007 by Press Staff

It’s been roughly 145 days since the House passed a critical spending measure -the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs appropriations bill (H.R. 2642)- and 62 days since the Senate passed the bill.

President Bush has indicated he will sign the bill when it comes to his desk, but the Democrats apparently can’t have that. Instead this week they attempted to attach the VA bill to the Labor-HHS bill which President Bush has stated he will veto because of excessive spending. Yesterday Senate Republicans split it back into two separate bills. The Senate then sent back the Labor-HHS bill back to the House but not the VA bill. What about the VA bill? We don’t know.

So now we are coming up on Veterans Day and we still have no funding bill because Democrats prefer to play games. Our veterans deserve better.