



Jack on the Floor

June 28th, 2007 by Legislative Staff

Jack spoke on the floor of the House today during the debate on the Financial Services Appropriations Bill.

In his remarks, Jack outlined four areas in the bill in which spending could be reduced.  They are:

  1. Unnecessary increases in spending above the President’s request for the Federal Trade Commission, the Federal Elections Commission, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
  2. $300 million for election assistance to states which risks federalizing state and local elections.
  3. $80 million in new, unrequested subsidies
  4. $3 billion for a huge new campus for the Department of Homeland Security at the old St. Elizabeth’s Hospital site in Anacostia which the then-Republican controlled Appropriations Committee rejected last year.

To view a clip of Jack’s remarks, click below: