



Jack on the Floor

June 27th, 2007 by Legislative Staff

Jack went on the floor yesterday evening to offer and defend his amendment that would require all federal contractors to verify that their employees are legal workers.  (For more information on the amendment, click here).

To see a clip of his remarks, click below.

Jack on the Floor

June 22nd, 2007 by Legislative Staff

Jack sponsored the Motion to Recommit on HR 2771 which would have returned the bill to the Committee on Appropriations with instructions to remove $16 million in funding for the former FDA building now known as Federal Office Building 8.  Yesterday, members were denied the chance to debate the merits of the building when the Democrat-controlled House Rules Committee refused to allow Jack’s amendment during debate on the Legislative Branch Appropriations bill.  Unfortunately for the American taxpayers, the vote failed 181-217 (click here to see how members voted).

In his remarks, Jack reminds members that there has been no debate on using this building as “swing space” during renovations to the Cannon and Longworth House Office Buildings.  He also notes the more than $140 million that has already been spent by the executive branch to clean and gut out the building.  Moreover, the total cost for the House to use the space is closer to $84 million in addition to the $12 million annually that would be paid in rent.  The building also violates the “carbon neutral” goal of Speaker Pelosi.

Perhaps the $741,000,000.00 the Democrats have authorized this week alone and the $37,347,000,000.00 they have appropriated for next year just was not enough to satisfy their tax and spend addiction.

To see a clip of Jack’s remarks, click below.

Jack on the Floor

June 22nd, 2007 by Legislative Staff

Jack addressed the House again today about the Legislative Appropriations bill to expand on the lack of transparency on the bill.  Despite campaign promises of open and honest governing, the Democrats blocked amendments that would force them to justify and defend their bill.

In his remarks, Jack discussed his proposal which would require all federal contractors to verify their employees are legal workers.  Rather than honor their promises, the Democrats refused to hold the federal contractors to the same standard federal agencies are expected to uphold.

In his remarks, Jack noted several examples of federal contractors employing illegal immigrants.  His examples include:

  • December 2005: 22 illegal workers found to be working on Kirkland Air Force Base in New Mexico
  • January 2007: 21 illegal workers found to be working on Fort Benning in Georgia
  • March 2007: 10 illegal workers found to be working for the Golden State Fence Company.  NOTE: The company was employed to construct portions of the fence along our southern border with Mexico.

It’s important to note that these are just a few examples of when the taxpayers’ dollars are used to pay illegal immigrants.  In addition, these are only instances in which the contractor was caught.  If the Democrats had allowed Jack’s amendment to be debated and the measure had passed, every person employed by a federal contractor would be required to verify any information given them by their employees against the databases of the Social Security Administration and the Department of Homeland Security.

To view a clip of Jack’s remarks, click on the image below.

Jack on the Floor

June 22nd, 2007 by Legislative Staff

Today, Jack addressed the House about the Legislative Branch Appropriations bill (HR 2771).  As a former chairman of the Legislative Branch Appropriations Subcommittee, Jack has been one of the strongest proponents of fiscal discipline in executing the duties of the first branch of government.

Yesterday, the Democrat-controlled House Rules Committee refused to allow debate on two amendments Jack offered to enhance the bill.

The first would have removed more than $16 million in funding for unnecessary office space.  With the Cannon and Longworth Buildings due for renovation, plans were made to acquire and renovate the old FDA building for use as “swing space”.  Some may remember during the anthrax scare on the Hill when the Longworth was evacuated and offices were relocated to an offsite location for which no renovation and no excessive spending was needed.  Rather than allow an open and honest debate, the Democrats rejected even allowing Jack’s amendment to be heard.

The second amendment would require all business with which the Legislative Branch does business to verify that their employees are legal workers.  The Basic Pilot Program, which the amendment required government contractors use, is a verification system put in place by the Department of Homeland Security and Social Security Administration that allows employers to confirm the eligibility of new hires by checking the personal information they provide against Federal databases.  Government agencies are already required to participate in the program but, rather than even allow debate on whether government contractors should comply with the same standards, the Democrats on the Rules Committee shot down Jack’s amendment.

To see a clip of Jack’s remarks, click below.


Jack on the Floor

May 10th, 2007 by Legislative Staff

Jack was on the floor again this evening discussing the agriculture disaster supplemental.  A clip of his speech can be found below.

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Jack on the Floor

April 25th, 2007 by Legislative Staff

Jack addressed the House tonight in regards to the Democrat’s “emergency” supplemental appropriations bill.  A clip of his remarks is available below:

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Jack on the Floor

March 27th, 2007 by Jack

Last night, Jack address the House in support of his bill, HR 670, which would reduce our oil consumption by 20% in 20 years.  For more information on the bill click here.


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Jack on the Floor

March 22nd, 2007 by Legislative Staff

Today, Jack spoke on the floor during the debate on the Democrats’ “emergency” spending bill.  During his remarks, he highlighted the progress made since the implementation of General Petraeus’ plan as well as “extracurricular” spending items in the bill.

To see a clip of Jack’s remarks, click below.

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Jack on the Floor

March 22nd, 2007 by Legislative Staff

Last night, Jack led the Special Order to discuss what he calls, “the most controversial bill since [he’s] been a Member of Congress.”

 Watch Video

NOTE: The emergency supplemental offered by the Democrats exceeds the President’s request by nearly $23 billion.  It is expected to come to the floor under a “closed rule” which abandons the collegial nature of the appropriations process and spends $124 billion without the chance for an open debate or the opportunity for those elected by taxpayers to amend its provisions.

Jack on the Floor

March 6th, 2007 by Legislative Staff

Jack spoke on the floor today in support of HR 710, the “Living Kidney Donation Clarification Act” which was introduced by the late Representative Charlie Norwood of Georgia.  He discussed the merits of this legislation and the importance of carrying on Congressman Norwood’s legacy in the House.

 To view a clip of the speech, click below:

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Jack on the Floor

February 13th, 2007 by Legislative Staff

Today, Jack went on the floor to participate in the ongoing debate on Iraq.  Below, you’ll find a clip of his statement.


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