



JACK ON THE FLOOR - Economic “Stimulus”

January 28th, 2009 by Legislative Staff

Jack again took to the floor today to speak out against the economic “stimulus” proposed by House Democrats.  To view his speech, click on the link below:

JACK ON THE FLOOR - Economic “Stimulus”

January 27th, 2009 by Jack

Jack took to the floor tonight to discuss the economic “stimulus” proposed by congressional Democrats.  To view his speech, click below:

Jack on the Floor

July 17th, 2008 by Legislative Staff

Jack took to the House Floor today to praise House Democrats for finally hearing the call of their constituents and acting on energy legislation.  The only problem, is that their “DRILL NOW” bill does nothing but restate current law and the status quo will do nothing to bring down gas prices.  Not only does today’s bill do nothing to increase supply, it completely ignores the two other necessary components of a sound energy policy - conservation and innovation.

 To view Jack’s speech, click below:

 For more information on Jack’s push to realize America’s fuel independence, click here.

Jack on the Floor - Business Card on a Basketball Court

June 12th, 2008 by Legislative Staff

As you may remember, the Kingston interns developed this visual aid to remind everyone that, if ANWR were the size of a basketball court, the area reserved for drilling would be the size of a business card.  (For the full blog post with all the visual aids, click here)

 Jack took to the floor to drive home this message and remind Americans just what the extremists are blocking us from doing - realizing our Nation’s energy independence.

To see Jack’s speech, click below.


June 11th, 2008 by Legislative Staff

Jack took to the floor of the House last night to discuss his recent fact finding mission to the middle east.  The purpose of the mission was to question the high cost of oil and seek assistance to bring down the price American families are paying at the pump.

When Jack and the other members on the trip questioned the oil leaders, they highlighted the hypocrisy of asking them to increase demand when we won’t drill for oil at home or even build new refineries.  As they pointed out, oil production was increased in response to President Bush’s recent trip to the region but it won’t effect the prices here at home because we don’t have the refinery capacity to handle it.

Jack also reminded listeners that China and Cuba are drilling 45 miles off the coast of Florida while government regulations forbid us from doing so.

Keep in mind, America is the ONLY country in the world to restrict its domestic energy resources.

JACK ON THE FLOOR: One more day without addressing gas prices

June 5th, 2008 by Legislative Staff

Jack took to the floor today to highlight that today is one more day that Congress has ignored the rising cost of fuel.  Rather than do anything to help American families with the squeeze being caused by $4 gas, the House yesterday passed the “Soapbox Derby Appreciation Day”.

As Jack points out, this could prove to be significant legislation.  At the rate taxes are increasing, we could go Flintstones-style and start soapboxing our way around.  Since Speaker Pelosi took control of the House promising “commonsense solutions” to America’s energy crunch, gas prices have gone from an average of $2.33 to $3.99.  What are the Democrats doing about it?  Absolutely nothing.  They have ignored any serious legislation to address gas prices.

To see Jack’s floor statement, click below:

Jack on the Floor: Combustible Dust Bill

April 30th, 2008 by Legislative Staff

Jack took to the floor today during the debate over H.R. 5522.  The bill, which would regulate combustible dust standards, was drafted after the February 7th explosion at the Imperial Sugar Refinery in Port Wentworth.  While Port Wentworth sits just outside the First District, Jack represented the area for a long time and many employees are Jack’s constituents.

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Jack Talks Budget, Earmarks

March 13th, 2008 by Legislative Staff

Jack took to the floor today to talk about the Democrat budget being considered.  He notes that while earlier this year Congress approved $1200 checks to Americans in order to “stimulate” the economy and now they plan on raising taxes $3,155.

 Jack also discusses his earmark reform proposal and the need for Congress to address comprehensive earmark reform.

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House Passes Legislation to Honor Liberty County’s Sid Flowers

November 14th, 2007 by Legislative Staff

Last night, the House passed by voice vote a bill that would honor Liberty County’s own Sid Flowers.  The bill, H.R. 3470, would rename the post office at 744 West Oglethorpe Highway in Hinesville as the “John Sidney ‘Sid’ Flowers Post Office Building” and was introduced by  Jack on September 4th.  Mr. Flowers was a long-time public official and friend of the First District and the State of Georgia.

To watch Jack’s remarks on the bill, click below.

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The bill must now be approved in the Senate and signed by President Bush in order to become law.

Jack on the Floor

September 26th, 2007 by Legislative Staff

Last night, Jack addressed the House during the debate on HR 976, the “Childrens Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2007″.

In his remarks, Jack points out that Democrat leadership stifled the minority’s ability to offer an alternative plan.  In addition, the Democrat plan expands the program to cover adults and includes a massive tax increase that, in order to cover the increased cost of SCHIP, would require an additional 22 million smokers in the United States.

The bill passed but is expected to garner a veto from President Bush.

To view a clip of Jack’s remarks, click below:

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Jack on the Floor

July 27th, 2007 by Legislative Staff

Yesterday, Jack addressed the House during debate on HR 2419, the 2007 Farm Bill.

While he praised the committee for working with our office and other members of Georgia’s congressional delegation to ensure that issues facing cotton, peanuts, and fruits and vegetables were addressed with sound legislation, Jack raised a number of concerns.

  1. Tax Increase - The Democrats’ proposal would significantly increase taxes.  The benefits of the proposed tax increase would not go towards helping our Nation’s farmers but towards expanding entitlement programs.  In addition, it was not vetted through the House Ways and Means Committee which is charged with reviewing and reporting on any legislation that would change the tax code.
  2. Food Stamp Privatization - As reported to the House, the bill blocks the privatization of USDA services, a major blow to states like Indiana which have sought to privatize their food stamp program as a means to reduce government bureaucracy and get more money to the people who benefit from the program.  As the Republican Ranking Member of the Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee, Jack has participated in a number of hearings on privatization and found that many in the agriculture community support the initiative.
  3. Union Payoff - The bill would also require plants producing ethanol to use unionized employees, thereby increasing the cost of achieving energy independence for America.
  4. FSA Office Closings Blocked - The bill blocks the closings of Farm Service Agency county offices, an initiative of the FSA to reduce unnecessary bureaucracy in order to get more funding and better services to its customers.  Currently, 58 offices have now employees but continue to cost the American taxpayers an estimated $3 million dollars annual which could go towards improving services provided to family farmers across the Nation.

HR 2419 passed the House today, by a vote of 231-191.  As his concerns were never addressed, Jack voted against the bill.

To view Jack’s remarks, click below.


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Georgia Welcomes its Newest Member

July 26th, 2007 by Legislative Staff

Yesterday evening, Georgia’s newest Member of Congress, Dr. Paul Broun, was sworn in to represent Georgia’s 10th Congressional District.  The seat has been vacant since the death of Mr. Norwood.

Jack had the chance, along with Congressman Lewis, to introduce Dr. Broun to his new colleagues.  To view a clip of the video, click on the picture below.


Jack on the Floor

June 28th, 2007 by Legislative Staff

Jack addressed the House again today offering his amendment which would forbid the funds in the Financial Services Appropriations bill from being used to contract with companies that do not participate in the Basic Pilot program.  For the third time, the Democrat majority refused to ensure that taxpayers’ dollars are not being used to pay illegal immigrants.  For more information on the amendment, see previous posts here, here, here.

You can also check out FAIR’s action alert on the amendment here.

To view a clip of Jack’s remarks, click below.

Jack on the Floor

June 28th, 2007 by Legislative Staff

Jack spoke on the floor of the House today during the debate on the Financial Services Appropriations Bill.

In his remarks, Jack outlined four areas in the bill in which spending could be reduced.  They are:

  1. Unnecessary increases in spending above the President’s request for the Federal Trade Commission, the Federal Elections Commission, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
  2. $300 million for election assistance to states which risks federalizing state and local elections.
  3. $80 million in new, unrequested subsidies
  4. $3 billion for a huge new campus for the Department of Homeland Security at the old St. Elizabeth’s Hospital site in Anacostia which the then-Republican controlled Appropriations Committee rejected last year.

To view a clip of Jack’s remarks, click below: