




January 29th, 2009 by Jack

After a highly partisan version failed to garner a single Republican vote in the House last night, Congressman Jack Kingston (R/GA-1) today called on President Barack Obama to consider bipartisan proposals in crafting a package to stimulate the nation’s economy.

“In his inaugural address and his meeting with House Republicans earlier this week, President Obama called for bipartisanship to address the most pressing issues facing our nation,” Congressman Kingston said.  “I agree with the President that taking all viewpoints into consideration is the best way forward and took this opportunity to provide him with proposals I believe would garner the bipartisan support we both seek.  In working together, I’m confident that we will find the best solution for America’s future.”

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ICYMI: Jack on Washington Journal

January 29th, 2009 by Press Staff

Sorry for the delay but, in case you missed it, Jack appeared on CSPAN’s Washington Journal yesterday morning to discuss the economic “stimulus” plan offered by House Democrats.  To view the segment, click below:


January 28th, 2009 by Press Staff

Congressman calls on bipartisanship to find ultimate solution

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Jack Kingston (R/GA-1) today voted against an economic spending package crafted by House Democrats.  The bill, which would cost taxpayers an estimated $1.1 trillion, did not do enough to create jobs and bring about middle-class relief according to the Congressman.

“If this kind of spending was the way out of an economic crisis, we’d be in great shape,” said Congressman Kingston, “We’ve been down this road before, last year Washington doled out $2 trillion in deficit spending to ‘stimulate’ the economy to little avail.  I want to work with President Obama and folks on both sides of the aisle to find a better way because I know we can do better than this.”

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JACK ON THE FLOOR - Economic “Stimulus”

January 28th, 2009 by Legislative Staff

Jack again took to the floor today to speak out against the economic “stimulus” proposed by House Democrats.  To view his speech, click on the link below:

JACK ON THE FLOOR - Economic “Stimulus”

January 27th, 2009 by Jack

Jack took to the floor tonight to discuss the economic “stimulus” proposed by congressional Democrats.  To view his speech, click below:

Over 200 Economist Beg To Differ

January 27th, 2009 by Legislative Staff


CATO Ad: Over 200 Economists Beg to Differ

ICYMI: Jack on Lou Dobbs Radio

January 27th, 2009 by Press Staff

In case you missed it, Jack was on Lou Dobbs Radio yesterday discussing his efforts to ensure that any jobs created by the economic “stimulus” proposed by House Democrats go toward creating jobs for legal workers, not illegal immigrants.  To learn more about Jack’s efforts, click here.

 To listen to the segment, click here.

ICYMI: Jack featured on Lou Dobbs Tonight

January 24th, 2009 by Press Staff

In case you missed it, click on the video below to see Jack on Lou Dobbs Tonight:

TUNE IN OR TIVO - Jack to Appear on Lou Dobbs Tonight

January 23rd, 2009 by Press Staff

Jack will appear on CNN’s Lou Dobbs Tonight at 7 p.m. (eastern) to discuss his efforts to ensure that any jobs created under the “stimulus” package are created for legal workers, not illegal immigrants.

Earlier this week, Jack successfully amended the “stimulus” package during a hearing of the House Appropriations Committee which would require any contractors or subcontractors who are employed as a result of the bill to participate in E-Verify.  E-Verify is a program sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security, in conjunction with the Social Security Administration, that allows employers to easily and instantly verify the work eligibility of their employees.

While Jack does not support the “stimulus” package at this time, the Kingston Amendment is an important provision to ensure that American taxpayers are not financing the employment of illegal immigrants.

Lou Dobbs Tonight will air tonight beginning at 7 p.m. (eastern) on CNN.  Please check your local listings for more information.

Jack to Obama: Stimulus Jobs Should be for Legal Workers

January 21st, 2009 by Jack

Jack, along with Congressmen Elton Gallegly, Ken Calvert, and Brian Bilbray sent a letter today to President Obama calling on him to immediately implement Executive Order 12989 which President Bush issued in June 2008.  The order, which was set to take effect on January 15, would require all federal contractors to participate in E-Verify, a program that would allow them to easily ensure that all their employers are legal workers.  The Department of Homeland Security, in the face of a lawsuit brought forth by five industry associations, has halted implementation.

As Congress debates a near-trillion dollar make-work “stimulus” package and millions of Americans are unemployed, we cannot allow the taxpayers to employ illegal workers.  Companies that wish to do business with this government must abide by the regulations put forth by this government.

To read the full text of the letter, click here.

Jack to be on Alan Colmes Show tonight at 10:15 p.m.

December 11th, 2008 by Spokesblogger

Tune in tonight to hear Jack on the Alan Colmes Radio Show at 10:15 p.m. discussing the auto bailout.


December 11th, 2008 by Press Staff

Washington, Dec 11 -

Congressman Jack Kingston (R/GA-1) today voted against a $14 billion loan program created to bailout the “Big Three” automakers.  While he noted significant progress from the original $34 billion proposal, Congressman Kingston expressed concerns with the potential to nationalize an industry, failure to address the out of sync wages of autoworkers and Washington’s bailout spending spree.

“While American families are tightening their belts, Washington’s running to the printing press and borrowing from China,” Congressman Kingston said.  “So far this year, Washington’s poured more than $3.2 trillion into bailing out the economy, the national debt has risen to $11.3 trillion and all we’ve got to show for it are spotty results.  This is all deficit spending and it’s got to stop.”

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December 10th, 2008 by Legislative Staff

The text of the auto bailout legislation is available here.

AUTO BAILOUT UPDATE: Rules Committee to Meet at 12:45

December 10th, 2008 by Legislative Staff

The House Rules Committee has announced that it intends to meet at 12:45 today to create the rule under which the auto bailout bill will be considered on the House floor.

This is usually the first time a bill like this becomes available.  When the full text is made available, we’ll share it with you.