Financial Services

Financial Services

I believe Federal Government should play a consistent and well balanced role when working to benefit the financial sector. Though the U.S. economy has been structured to survive both positive and negative market fluctuation, I support legislation that parallels our changing economy in an effort to bring stability and future economic growth. It is also my belief that all Americans deserve affordable housing. I am a strong supporter of legislation, like the “Expanding American Homeownership Act of 2007”, which will give more Americans the opportunity to purchase their first home while also allowing these homeowners to contribute to our vibrant economy.

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Press Release - Cuellar: "A Once-in-a-Lifetime Crisis Demands a Once-in-a-Lifetime Response" 1.28.2009

Press Release - Economic Recovery Package Could Deliver Tens of Billions to Texas 1.15.2009

Cuellar Reports - Associations Praise Congressman Cuellar's 'Yes' Vote for Broad-based Economic Recovery Legislation 10.14.2008

Recent Vote - Congressman Henry Cuellar Votes for New and Improved Broad-based Economic Recovery Act 10.3.2008

Recent Vote - Congressman Cuellar Supports $60.8 Billion Economic Stimulus 9.26.2008

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