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@wilw clear skies in Portland too. Very bright.
Gitting my diff on.
Relaxing in my newly assembled Aeron chair. Hmm, I think it might be more comfortable with the lumbar bit completely disengaged.
Ended up giving an impromptu Futon tour at PDXjs.
Leaving Martha's bday party. Headed to Cubespace for PDX.JS
I wonder if part of what makes my dog stupid is that he sleeps with his head by the power-strip
@dalmaer I've been having Gmail outages on Safari but not FF. "Bad Request Error 400". Go figure
Just another CouchApp iteration: (((fun comments)))
@jeresig I know the feeling... been using your for #couchapp can't wait to see the rest.
@zdzolton it doesn't hurt to start a thread on the dev mailing list
@meghanv whatcha reading?
Sry, didn't mean to insult your industrial by-products. makes me glad I only eat food.
"Studies find mercury in much U.S. corn syrup" make me glad I don't eat crap.
Don't tell anyone but I added a \n character to my command prompt, right before the $
@rcoder that's the most depressing question I've heard all day.
@CDMoyer made a quick screencast: from installing CouchDB to building a CouchApp
Freaking TED talk flash-embed hard crashed my laptop. Let's pretend it won't take me an hour to get all my windows back.
Like everyone else in Portland, woke up to thick snowfall. Days like this make me glad I work from home.
Keep hearing "Mr. Brownstone" around town the last few days. "Used to do a little but little wouldn't do, so the little got more and more"
@saraveza the lamb pastie rules tonight! As does the dark hefe.


Biz Stone Evan Williams rabble kellan Steve Jenson Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest casey Chris Wetherell veen Jason Shellen Chris Sacca danah boyd nanek Mr Messina javan Jeremy Hubert Rob Hayes Josh Bancroft Matthew Gifford Dave Winer lane becker Mike Merrill Josh B randy stewart Stewart Butterfield Brent brady forrest Jason Watkins Nelson Minar John Beppu Allison Mark Frauenfelder Nick Gerakines Geoffrey Grosenbach Amy Subach
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