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RT @igniteportland To those reporting server errors, try again. Site's working OK for me. Issue seems to be gone.
RT @igniteportland Talk lineup for Ignite Portland 5 is up! Check out the burning ideas you'll see on the 19th: #IP5
Watching @gabebancroft at home, on the phone for a meeting, and trying to write the blog post announcing #IP5 speakers, all at once. Whee!
Hmm. Seems Twitter Search (via Tweetie, anyway) is all of a sudden not returning results newer than about a day old. Bummer.
Google Reader on iPhone seems to have received a UI update. Less jumpy scrolling. Nice.
@drthomasho I can't remember, but I've become a HUGE @tweetie evangelist. I don't know how many copies I've sold. I need a commission! :-)
Showing @jerry_makare Tweetie. He likes it! :-)
Giving @jerry_makare an iPhone crash course. Keyboard tips, useful sites and apps, etc.
@pdxjdangel @lawduck Here's my Amazon store with the DS games I have, like, and recommend. Make me rich! ;-)
@LeStew Oh I know he can. I just want to show him all the cool iPhone sites, apps, and tricks that I've accumulated. I love showing off! :-)
RT @turoczy Sweet! @igniteportland gets a mention from @rogoway in the Silicon Forest blog
@Alsymer I must have missed the meetup info. Totally my fault. I'm just bummed to miss out!
@jmoriarty When he asks about copy/paste on the iPhone, I'll ask him why he needs it? I live just fine without it. :-)
Sorry I can't make the Westside tweetup happening at CPR right now. Didn't know it was on for sure. Use Upcoming next time, and I'll come!
@jerry_makare just informed me he's on his way to get an iPhone. Whee! One of us! One of us! :-) I promised to give him iPhone Boot Camp.
@LenEdgerly Got more info on the "pre-order now, receive a Kindle 2 when they come out" thing? That's just a rumor, no?
@pdxjdangel Wii games? Which ones? I usually order from Amazon. Lemme know which titles you're after, and I'll see if I can find them.
@kveton The question is, whose faces DOES iPhoto 09 think all of your bacon pics are?
Waiting for all the #IP5 speakers to reveal themselves is oddly similar to waiting for the Cylons to come out. (via @TylerInCMYK)
have you all read @mettadore's #IP5 post? you should. (via @camikaos)


Rael Dornfest Chris Wetherell Xeni Jardin Ross Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Jonathan Greene Surj Patel Jason Ruby Scott Beale Frank McPherson Matthew Miller Anna Johns Matthew Gifford Victor Dave Winer Derek Powazek mdy brady forrest Josh Hallett John Roberts Mark Frauenfelder Chris Brogan John Federico Beth Kanter fake mat honan Beth phillip Mark Bao Bre Pettis Jacob Reiff  Chris Heuer Sandy Robert Scoble Marc Orchant Michael Lehman
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