



Out of touch Democrats deny energy solutions.

May 29th, 2008 by Spokesblogger

AAA reports today that the average price of gas in the United States has reached a record-breaking $3.95/gallon.  this is a full $1.62 increase in the cost of gas since Democrats took control of Congress promising to bring “commonsense” solutions to America’s energy crisis. Also today, a new Gallup poll was released showing 57% of Americans believe that more energy exploration here at home is a key way to help bring down the price at the pump. 

According to the poll:

“Frustrated by political deadlock and inaction, Americans are beginning to consider some more drastic efforts to control the surge in gas prices at the pump.  For example, a majority of Americans now support drilling in U.S. coastal and wilderness areas.”

Increasing domestic energy production has been a staple of Jack’s proposal to help alleviate the energy crisis and to help America realize her energy independence.  It’s also a key element of the energy plan introduced by House Republicans last week. If we’re going to solve this energy crisis, we need to do everything in our power - from promoting alternative energy, opening up domestic supply, and increasing our use of clean and reliable sources of energy like nuclear and new coal technologies.  A key way to do this is to increase tax incentives to encourage Americans to take up new technologies and energy sources (a key provision of Jack’s DRIVE Act). 

Six in ten Americans support Republican policies to alleviate the energy crisis - how long with Democrats remain out of touch and continue to block the road to energy independence?  Oh wait, their idea is to nationalize the energy industry and bring Hugo Chavez style policies to our shores.