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This grilled cheese takes like soap (presumably because I didn't rinse the frying pan well enough after last use). Oh well.
"We don't have a Wii system in VT, do wii (ha ha)" - email from my Mom (ha!)
@bustermcleod Tell me more about this 100 push-up challenge
Overheard at Sunday Christmas party: "Your tweets suck"
Watching Demi Moore / Patrick Swayze Ghost pottery-porn scene in Spanish. Filthy! (just flipping channels, I swear!)
Dear upstairs neighbor, aren't you a little old to be blasting the techno dance party? I'm trying to watch Mission:Impossible 3 down here!
Me + WSJ + Hey dad, you owe me $100! @bigdig
Pandora = great because when an embarrassingly lame song queues up, it's no longer my fault for having it in iTunes... it's Pandora's fault!
Early morning LCD Soundsystem putting me in a weird funk that makes me want to clean my apartment while walking around like robot. SKIP!
My KitchenAid Superba oven just got hit with the kitchen appliance equivalent of the Blue Screen of Death. Weird.
@D_Chehab Hey, what am I looking for at Just seeing static HTML, no XML/RSS etc.
My buddy that designed original logo is designing logo for my new (not-so-)secret project. Round 2 sketches are looking hot!
Urinals that remind you that youre short can go fuck themselves.
Top 3 perks of teaching at NYU: free wi-fi, clean bathrooms and places to work hidden all over city. (oh, and students are wicked smaht)
@kevinmarks Ahhh... @pud and @case are the only non-Twitter employees who beat me. I juuuusst beat @shellen and @zephoria :)
@zemote Nah, this thing. Scout Modo (wireless nightlife guide, circa 2000) My fav startup ever!
@zemote Hey awesome... so was I right about the nod to Modo, or did my head just make that up?
@kevinmarks How'd you find that so quick? (that rael and veen had low numbers?)
According to Twitterholic, I was the 414th person to sign up for Twitter. Can anyone beat that? (nerds unite!)
Twitter for teachers/students = (thx Katie McK). Ed + Modo = think the founder is a closet Modo fan (or just coincidence?)


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Evan Williams Philip Kaplan Rael Dornfest Jason Goldman Eric Case Jason Shellen danah boyd Pete Hopkins Mary Hodder Chad Thornton Michael Sharon Buster McLeod Lilly harryh Dan Melinger joshua schachter naveen Stewart Butterfield Courtney P Josh Knowles Jyri Engeström Stacey Herron Alex Rainert Daniel Newman Megan McCarthy mishmosh Faludi Meg Hourihan Zach Klein ChrisH mike Mickipedia Matt Webb
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