Dennis Crowley’s Favorites

Jason Shellen
shellen Me: What would you like to get Mommy for Christmas? Miles(3): a lightsaber Me: I don't think she wants one. Miles: Ok, maybe a red one then.
matt conte
nergets The most despicable of all human behaviour occurs when the species is asked to board the plane by zone. You'd think people were looting.
Nate Westheimer
innonate @Dens: "There should be a leader-board for Saturday night, and I should on the top of it."
Jesse Boyes
jexe spacebarjustbrokeonmy3weekoldmacbook:(
Cru Jones
crujones Just finished my 8,000th consecutive day having Kix for breakfast. Thats got to be a record. Hey Kix, wanna sponsor RAD Racing?
Evan Williams
ev @miguel23 You left your Twitter account signed in on the floor model Blackberry Bold at the AT&T store on Market. (I signed out for you.)
matt conte
nergets Ex-gf has a 4-week cycle. Week 1: "I miss you." Week 2: "Let's get together." Week 3: Goes completely crazy. Week 4: Silence. Begin again.
Baratunde Thurston
baratunde #RNC08 Baby daddy Levi is the best safe sex ad ever. "Do you want to end up on nat'l TV at the Republican convention?" USE A CONDOM
hyperradiant Summer couldn't code her way out of a wet paper bag
harryh i don't think i could care any less about anything anyone has to say about second life


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Evan Williams Philip Kaplan Rael Dornfest Jason Goldman Eric Case Jason Shellen danah boyd Pete Hopkins Mary Hodder Chad Thornton Michael Sharon Buster McLeod Lilly harryh Dan Melinger joshua schachter naveen Stewart Butterfield Courtney P Josh Knowles Jyri Engeström Stacey Herron Alex Rainert Daniel Newman Megan McCarthy mishmosh Faludi Meg Hourihan Zach Klein ChrisH mike Mickipedia Matt Webb
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