Jason Shellen’s Favorites

beeftopher if authorities had any idea how many Thai babies getting eaten here every week...
Scott Simpson
scottsimpson Proposed names for Beyoncé's big dance move: The Angry Undertaker, The Empire Builder, The Invisible Elliptical Trainer.
emilybrianna "Help Wall•E clean up Earth... with this kit!"
Nick Douglas
nick Ever put in headphones, then forgotten to turn on music for three hours? Ever feel like you're no longer human?
hotdogsladies Watching two pigeons fight over who gets to peck at a yellow paint stain on the sidewalk. This recession is already getting weird.
hotdogsladies Apparently, I'm not the only one hoping the 5D Mark II comes with a marriage counselor and a couch to sleep on for a couple nights.
Joshua Green Allen
fireland I didn't get where I am today by explaining things to retards, so either pick a dipping sauce or have your baby shower at another Chili's.
Taylor Shellen
tshellen Substitute taught my son's 2nd grade class today. Not sure which one of us was more excited.
hotdogsladies (Hint: the one who does fist pumps and yells, "Fuck, yes!" gets the "Sue 'em!" guy's old office)
Steve Jenson
stevej I'd never seen a cat eat a spider before tonight.
Tim Siedell
badbanana The Big 3 automakers now have to sit in an uncomfortable little office while Congress goes out and talks with the manager.
plinky Consulting our copy of "What to Expect When You're Expecting a Product": "Wk. 29: You're probably starting to experience rapid weight gain."
Steve Jenson
stevej sending @jeremy an actual sms, not a direct message. let's see if this old tech still works.
hotdogsladies Valleywag's the kid who ate dog shit for a nickel and hated you for not watching.
ashellen I just finished a work out and Miles brought me some ice cream, he totally gets me.
SabinesGarden If Google Reader was a man, I'd be making out with him *right now*
Cameo Wood
cameo 2/3 of worldwide spam volume disappears after a NoCal company, McColo Corp, is taken offline:
bodyvisual OH: "He's gonna configure it to show the burrito..."
Nick Douglas
nick PR lady, you invited me to this women's social network, so I'll drop your name when they ask why I'm tagging everyone "ANAL MILF."


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