Statement of Senator Dodd on the Trustees for Social Security and Medicare Report
April 23, 2007

“Today’s report serves as an important reminder of the fiscal challenges our country faces in the not-too-distant future.  Since its establishment during the Great Depression, Social Security has lifted millions of seniors, surviving spouses and children, and disabled Americans out of poverty, yet this administration continues to undermine its long-term fiscal health and openly advocate for its dismantlement through privatization.  Ensuring Social Security’s continued ability to safeguard current and future generations will require a serious, constructive dialogue that puts aside political agendas and divisions for the good of the country.


“In an increasingly aging America, today’s report also shows the urgency of reigning in escalating health care costs. They are imposing a serious and growing burden on America’s families, especially our seniors.  Today’s report is a call to action for this Congress to begin work immediately in a bipartisan manner to ensure that Medicare will continue to provide quality health care to all its beneficiaries.”

