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quality time with coffee, laptop, and new cat friend, Minnie, while next to a blazing pellet stove
in redwood city w/lots of holiday decorations. suspect i'll have nightmares involving martha stewart tonight.
@mlevel (from ben) uncle steve, i love you. @laikalou you are so silly. i love you too!
watching quicktime movies with my nephew. what's an elk? i never saw a weasel. what's a gopher? do dogs like gophers?
trying to keep up with my dog's social networking correspondence...
have boxes destined for ohio packed. now have to figure out where exactly i'm going to ship them to!
getting home-made xmess presents ready for shipping. wish i could use amazon prime for *that* is heavy!
if Moonlight Brewing ever sells "to go", i might take someone up on an offer related to rotting on a beach surrounded by bottles
@plangardeni mostly want to know if there's any grain that's feasible to grow for one small household with no oil- or animal-powered input
@Mark_Lough aw, it was a good time! pics soon on flickr. too bad there was no chance to release you from attachment to contents of wallet!
@plangarden would love to hear -- is it worth planting a plot of grain that small to get a usable yield?
off to Zen Fest in Sebastopol; beautiful crafts & other gifts! stop by for lunch or to say hi; across from Safeway
the upside to cold weather is that i get to wear my favorite sweater that smells so good
dreamed of being under a sky filled with a tidal wave of rocks
really impressed with the quality of the things for sale at zen fest tomorrow. we would all like to buy stuff before the doors open!
nice article in SFGate about one of my permaculture teachers, Brock Dolman of Occidental Arts & Ecology Center:
beautiful day at pt reyes, nice siting of adult ferruginous hawk; but unfortunate new "no trespassing" signs at usual xmess bird count spot
@dalepd wondering if "dog eat dog" is exactly what it is. ugh. but thanks -- posting it to
possibly my new dental plan (with margaritas!)
trying to remember why i don't want to make a trip to the store


Tony Stubblebine Sarah Milstein Jay Laney Nic Werner Marc Hedlund Rael Dornfest Rich Gibson ed casey Mark Frauenfelder Gareth Branwyn Steve Miller Shawn Connally Adrienne Edd Dumbill Mark Patrick Finnern Brian Jepson Darth Vader Coda Laika Lou Schuyler Erle hotdogsladies Nat Torkington Josh Knauer Cassandra Project Lewis Shepherd Sara Winge Mark Jussein Levitt Joseph Kimojino Urban Hike Nan  Barber Dave Sims Chuck Toporek marsee henon Tim Hubbard towelie