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@stephenfry Peter J or no Peter J, you couldn't pay me enough to put a Weta on me!
Making posole (traditional NM meal on NY's Day) and black-eyed peas (traditional Southern States meal on NY's Day). I'm a tradition mutt
Headed out to a mosaic workshop in Graton. Wine is part of the deal. Sweet!
Working on finishing CRAFT 10, thinking of wrapping presents tonight, and feeling hungry.
@shortyawards I nominate @MAKE for a Shorty Award in #green because... it's all about making it yourself and re-using what we've got.
@shortyawards I nominate @MAKE for a Shorty Award in #science because
Back from the food bank -- we stuffed carrots into bags for 3 hours straight -- orange fingernails.
Noticing that sometime since my arrival at work the fog has lifted and it's sunny outside. Going out for a quick walk.
New on the office Quotes Board: "Maggots are not fun." -- Goli Mohammadi
Finally figuring out that I can catch up on most of the world's news on Twitter. Thanks to all of you who keep me informed!
Homemade wonton soup is a big hit. The pot got too full so we brushed the last dozen with butter and baked them for 10 minutes. Yum, crunch!
Getting ready to eat some sticky toffee pudding and watch "Hounds of the Baskervilles." Feeling very British!
Wondering if Bill Maher is new to Twitter, or someone pulling my leg. Oh well, off to work and then to a crowded grocery store.
working on CRAFT 10 -- celebration issue -- and thinking about rain and turkey and pie. Celebrate!
finishing up my day. I was busy as hell but not sure I got to anything on my To Do list. How does that happen again and again?!?
In the waiting room at the Toyota dealership. Love the free wi-fi, don't like The View blaring on the nearby TV. I need Mitch Altman!
Thinking about headaches, practicing the piano, and Crafty Chica, not necessarily in that order.
Getting ready to catch up on Jon Stewarts and The Office that I missed last week.
Heading home to make rosemary flatbread for tomorrow's potluck. Welcome, Mrs. Grossman!
Setting up meetings and interviews for the week. Where does the time go?


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Tony Stubblebine Evan Williams Sarah Milstein Jay Laney Rael Dornfest danah boyd Xeni Jardin Dave McClure Scott Beale Jason Calacanis lane becker Stewart Butterfield Caterina brady forrest Jyri Engeström Mark Frauenfelder Gareth Branwyn Beth Tantek Çelik Bre Pettis Terrie Miller Steve Miller Adrienne Edd Dumbill Bradley Horowitz Robert Scoble Justin Hall John Gruber Anil Dash jimbo wales Ewan Spence Brian Jepson Brian Sawyer Laika Lou
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