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@nothingamazing one of those times where I was trying to explain something in a car on the way to the airport, & I managed to say it right.
@Faience I only know that there *will* be a soundtrack for CORALINE out there soon, for Henry Selick told me when I wanted to know for me.
Finally released into the YouTube HD wild -- the Koumpounophobia Trailer (the one with me talking about buttons)
@glinner @youngamerican (in a manly, heterosexual, entirely non-conflicted sort of way of course).
@snitty the ghouls named themselves after their first meal as a ghoul - not because they were them.
Twittering from @youngamerican apartment and studio. He has a bowtie and a flying dog.
Blog entry up: Screener Photo (still a bit like birdwatching but with people): posted by Neil In t..
@mgaiman Happy Second Google Year. Or is that third? And are Google years like dog years?
Chris at the St Paul Pioneer Press cannot be found, so I am sitting here blogging a photo instead. Bad St Paul Pioneer Press. No cookie. is an interview with me at Shelf Awareness, done in cab on the way to airport yesterday. I like the stuff at the end.
A twitter interview? Sure. I did one about CORALINE with @flamesrising that's up at
7 phone interviews. 3 in person. Still to go, 3 phoners and Public Radio "Sounds of Young America" with Jesse Thorn.
@pnh well, all my Twitter interviewers of today twitter themselves. I'd say no to writing articles about Twitter too. Ya get it or ya don't.
We've lost (literally, he wasn't answering the phone) one radio interviewer, which puts us back on schedule. So now, lunch!
Four phone interviews. Last was in person and was all about twitter. Not yet repeating myself too badly.
They've gone out of Beta with offline Gmail! Go to settings, labs, and enable it. Your life will mostly get easier.
Blog entry up: Here's the Button Trailer.: posted by Neil And yes, this was shot in my house -- in..
Was too hungry to sleep so had room service chicken soup. Now ready to sleep. Also, Mark Evanier on Coraline: and -- amazing new Coraline ads. Really funny.


Dan Guy Suw budgie Dan Wilson Diane Duane Wil Wheaton drjon Andy Ihnatko Jonathan Coulton Cory Doctorow Rich Johnston Kelly Sue DeConnick Bill Stiteler Warren Ellis Sharon Stiteler Graham Linehan Anne KG Murphy Val Trullinger Rantz Hoseley Tom Abba Jason Erik Lundberg Paul and Storm juliahobsbawm TerrinTokyo Amanda Palmer JohnCleese Kaza Kingsley Robin Slick Maria Alexander denise caruso zevemiel olga nunes jstrahan P Nielsen Hayden sarahdope Didi Chanoch
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