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spent all day being wrong place at wrong time. NOT GOOD WEEK.
ada's fascination with list-writing has inadvertently led to me scheduling ahead a few days
unconstitutional levels of cute-ons by the executive branch:
apparently i was hit by the "bernal plague". is this some kind of initiation rite?
argh why am i suddenly so hellishly sick?
i ♥ marzipan
ensconced in new place, full of fresh bread and anchor christmas ale
i am moved! deeply and geographically
you will not prevail, either, @missludmilla rebecca
You will not prevail @Rebecca! Buy an EFF T-Shirt and donate at *my* friends and family rate!
haaaate the moving even tho have lots of hayelp
@Minnie oh no china :(
hot eggnog and pumpkin icecream purchased from mitchell's. That's as domestic as I plan to roll this thanksgiving.
if i suck my cheeks in. a lot.
not sure if it's good or bad, but in a certain light these days i look like General Zod
holy cow my life just got 1000 times easier -- google reader has a "translate into my language" option for each feed.
bay area's public transport options got a lot better, from SJ to Sonoma:
apparently i fight the sleep meds like a fugitive
at what point does David Plouffe start emailing me about paying my taxes on time?


Sarah Milstein danah boyd Jason Cosper Rod Begbie Xeni Jardin Matt Jones Scott Beale Stewart Butterfield Zack Rosen Mark Frauenfelder spaceboy Andre Torrez Gabe Wachob ChrisH Yoz Simon Willison Tom Coates Matt Biddulph mac Meg Pickard Phil Gyford alanconnor Edd Dumbill Bobbie Johnson Nick Sweeney Paul Hammond Matt Webb Ben Cerveny Andy Baio paula Kim kass schmitt Manar Liz Henry Alice Taylor Ian Betteridge
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