1/27/2009- Statement of Repeal of Global Gag Rule PDF Print

Washington D.C.- “On Friday, January 23rd, 2009, President Obama issued an executive order repealing the ‘global gag rule’, which banned U.S. funds from being appropriated to family planning organizations overseas..."

Congressman Albio Sires released the following statement in response to President Obama’s repeal of the “global gag rule”:


“On Friday, January 23rd, 2009, President Obama issued an executive order repealing the ‘global gag rule’, which banned U.S. funds from being appropriated to family planning organizations overseas that either provide or give counsel regarding abortions.  Unfortunately, because of the sweeping nature of this policy, the ‘global gag rule’ left women all across the developing world, not only without access to family planning information, but without access to heath care and contraceptives to protect themselves against HIV/AIDS.  I believe the issuance of this executive order is positive step towards continuing our global fight against the spread of HIV/AIDS and providing needed health care and counseling to those women that need it most.”