Energy Efficiency PDF Print

As the new Congress begins, my colleagues and I have the opportunity and responsibility to expand our commitment to promoting the use of sustainable and clean energy in the United States.  One critical part of promoting clean energy is investing in alternative fuel sources, but it is also important that we encourage investment in energy conservation technologies and ensure their dispersion throughout the country.  In the last few weeks, I have been active, expressing the need for such investments that can improve the quality of life for all of us. 

As you know, Congress is constructing a large economic recovery package to improve our economy by funding projects and programs that will create jobs and put money back into our communities.  In order to improve our economy and advance clean energy initiatives, I sent a letter to leadership in the House of Representatives requesting that a part of the stimulus package include funding for grants to state and local governments to support programs that increase energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions in our neighborhoods.


I have also joined my colleagues in sponsoring two pieces of legislation, the Green Act and the School Building Enhancement Act, to increase energy efficiency in building, which are responsible for over 75% of our energy consumption. The Green Act would improve environmental standards for Federal housing programs, educate consumers and financial institutions on energy efficiency standards, and create principles for green mortgages, helping consumers who wish to purchase energy efficient homes.  The School Building Enhancement Act addresses the large problem of wasted energy and wasted resources in our country’s schools.  The act would provide funding to establish simple initiatives in schools that can reduce their energy usage, thus reducing their energy costs.  In turn, these savings can be used to more educational opportunities. I have also become a member of the Green School Caucus to further raise awareness of the benefits of improving energy efficiency in school buildings.   

By focusing on developing new energy sources and committing ourselves to increasing energy efficiency and conservation, we can create new jobs in new industries, improve our environment, and save money on our energy bills.