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Rebecca RudmanFriday, September 29, 2006



WASHINGTON. September 29, 2006 – Today Congressman Ken Calvert (R-CA) voted for the FY2007 Homeland Security Appropriations Conference Report which passed the House. The conference agreement provides $34.8 billion for operations and activities of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in fiscal year 2007, an increase of $2.3 billion above fiscal year 2006.

"This month we commemorated the fifth anniversary of 9-11 when our country was viciously attacked," stated Rep. Calvert. "Since that time, Republicans in the House and Senate, in cooperation with President Bush, have made homeland security a top priority. This bill reflects the importance of border and immigration security; nuclear detection, port and transportation security and providing for local first responders."

Highlights of the border security provisions include:

$2.77 billion for border patrol, adding 1,500 new Border Patrol agents, brings the total workforce to 14,800 agents;

$1.5 billion for border fencing, vehicle barriers, technology and infrastructure;

$3.1 billion for the Coast Guard’s homeland security missions;

$1.38 billion for ICE custody operations, adding 6,700 detention beds, for a total of 27,500;

$238 million for transportation and removal of undocumented aliens;

$1.5 billion for border security technology and tactical infrastructure;

$600 million for Air and Marine Operations for border and airspace security;

$183 million for a total of 75 fugitive operations teams nation-wide, an increase of 23;

$137 million for the Criminal Alien Program;

$44 million for Alternatives to Detention;

$362 million for the US-VISIT program; and

$135 million to support immigration verification systems.

The conference report provides $4.3 billion for port, container, and cargo security. Provisions include:

$2.05 billion to support Coast Guard port and waterway security operations, including the tracking and screening of high-interest vessels and inspections of domestic and international port facilities;

$1.4 billion for Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) cargo inspection and trade operations;

$139 million for the CBP Container Security Initiative, increasing the program from 44 to 58 foreign seaports and supporting coordination with the Department of Energy’s efforts to screen cargo for radiation at foreign ports of origin;

$54.7 million for Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism, supporting 100% validation of over 6,070 certified partners every three years;

$178 million to acquire radiation portal monitors (RPMs), bringing the total provided for RPM procurement to $383 million over the last three years;

$241 million for non-intrusive inspection equipment;

$210 million for port security grants, bringing the total provided to over $1.1 billion since 9/11; and

$23 million for Science & Technology’s Cargo Security Program, supporting the implementation and testing of cargo security standards.

The agreement provides $3.4 billion for first responders, including grants to high threat areas, firefighters, and emergency management. Highlights include:

$1.2 billion for high risk area grants, including $770 million for urban area grants, $175 million for rail security, $210 million for port security, and $74 million for other infrastructure protection;

$525 million for basic formula grants;

$547 million for firefighter grants and $115 million for the SAFER program;

$375 million for state and local law enforcement terrorism prevention grants;

$200 million for Emergency Management Performance Grants; and

$352 million for First Responder training, exercise, and assistance programs.
