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Contact: Dave Yonkman 202-225-4401

Hoekstra Introduces the State Temporary Economic Priority Act
Legislation would Allow States to Direct Federal Grants to Most Important Priorities when Nation Experiences Two Quarters of Economic Growth of Less than 1 Percent

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Washington, Jan 29 - U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland, has reintroduced legislation (H.R. 737) that would provide all states with the flexibility to direct specific transportation, education and workforce improvement federal grants to their most important priorities when the United States experiences two quarters of economic growth of less than 1 percent.

“State leadership should be free from Washington mandates when determining how to respond to a contracting economy,” Hoekstra said. “They should have the ability to direct resources to their most pressing needs as part of any effort to stimulate the U.S. economy.”

States will have the flexibility to use transportation, education and job training grants for an additional 18 months after the country experiences two consecutive quarters of economic growth (when Gross Domestic Product increases at a rate of one percent or more).

“Leaders need the freedom to think creatively during an economic crisis,” Hoekstra said. “Those closest to problem are best able to address them, and the bill will allow states to determine how to best allocate resources to fit their own unique individual needs.”

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