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Hoekstra Votes to Approve Great Lakes Compact
Compact will Ensure that Water Withdrawal Decisions Remain under Control of State, Regional Authorities

Grand Haven Lighthouse

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Washington, Sep 23, 2008 - U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland, today voted to approve the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact, which will ensure that water withdrawal decisions from the basin remain under the control of regional and state authorities.

“The Great Lakes Compact will ensure that water-starved states in the other regions of the U.S. will not have the authority to tap into the Great Lakes,” Hoekstra said. “They are a defining characteristic of our state and region that help to attract individuals and businesses.”

The Great Lakes are the nation's largest fresh water resource, containing nearly 20 percent of the world supply. Michigan’s Second Congressional District contains nearly 200 miles of Lake Michigan shoreline.

The states of Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and the provinces of Ontario and Quebec all approved the Compact with no changes after it was crafted over the past decade.

“Eight U.S. states and two Canadian provinces approved the Great Lakes Compact with no changes, so clearly those in the region who care most about the Great Lakes consider it a good agreement,” Hoekstra said. “Those closest to the issue determined that it was the most appropriate route, and I trust and support their judgment.”

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