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California's 44th District
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Home > Student Center > Scholarship Information

Scholarship Databases and Financial Aid Information

Free Application for Federdal Student Aid (FAFSA)

This application is provided by the United States Department of Education.


Gateways to U.S. Government Grants/Money

Provides comprehensive information on internships, scholarships, student jobs and careers for students seeking involvement with the U.S. government.


Scholarship America

This is the nation’s largest private sector scholarship and educational support organization.  It has contributed more than $1 billion dollars to students through three major programs.


CollegeNet's Scholarship Database

The Mach 25: Breaking the Tuition Barrier provides over 600,00 awards for students.


FastWEB Scholarship Search

Search scholarship and find which college is right for you!


Publications for Parents

This U.S. Dept. of Ed Web site provides links to publications that provide information about the U.S. Department of Education's federal student financial aid programs. It is designed for high school students and others considering entering a postsecondary school for the first time.


Comprehensive Financial Aid Info

A comprehensive guide to financial aid. The entire site contains loans and scholarships. It also talks about the process of obtaining aid. This link leads to more information about getting scholarships.


Paying for College

College Connection is a company that provides information on financing one's education. The link connects you to scholarship information they have compiled.  There is a fee for specialized searches, but this link is to free listings.


Scholarships from Corporations

This link is to scholarship programs that are administered in cooperation with various corporations. Most scholarships include internships.

List of Scholarships

Accounting Scholarships

Ambassadorial Scholarships


American Psychological Association (APA) Scholarships and Fellowships

American Sociological Association Graduate funding

Astronaut Scholarship Foundation

Ayn Rand Essay Scholarships

Boeing Undergraduate, Minority and National Merit Scholarships

Coca Cola Scholarships

College Board Scholarship Search

Dicover Card Tribute Awards Scholarship

Fulbright Program

Harry S. Truman Scholarship Site

HBCU "Packard" SIT Scholarships (for studying around the world)

Holocaust Remembrance Scholarships

HOPE Scholarship and Lifetime Learning Credits

Intel Science Talent Search

International Students Scholarships & Aid Help

Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarships

Marine Corps Scholarships

McDonald’s Education Scholarships

Microsoft Office Scholarships

National Institutes of Health Undergraduate Scholarships

NCAA Sports Scholarships and Internships

Presidential Freedom Scholarships

Research Program for Women & Minorities Underrepresented in the Sciences

Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University

ROTC Military Scholarships

State Farm Insurance Achievement Scholarships

Student Inventors Scholarships

Student Video Scholarships

Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund

Target Scholarships

Tylenol Scholarships

Union Sponsored Scholarships and Aid

United States Institute of Peace National Peace Essay Contest

William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship for Minority Students

Xerox Internships and Scholarships