
Thursday, March 6, 2008

common sense on: applying to u.s. military academies

With Iowa Senator Tom Harkin

Why would someone apply to a U.S. Military Academy?
Our nation’s military academies offer young Iowans the opportunity to develop physically, ethically and intellectually while building a foundation for a challenging and rewarding career as a military officer. The Academies are ranked among the top learning institutions in the country. Students can specialize in a variety of fields at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, the Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs and the Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point.

Who can apply?
There are strict requirements for applicants. First, the person must be a United States citizen and between ages 17 and 23 by July 1 of his or her year of admission. He or she must also meet strict medical qualification requirements. Applicants can not be married, pregnant or have a legal obligation to support a child or children.  For a complete list of requirements the applicant should contact the academy in which they are interested. 

How does someone apply?
Interested Iowans should first contact the military academy and open a candidate file with them. It is possible to apply to more than one academy.  Then to compete for a nomination from me, the applicant must complete the Service Academy Nomination application which can be found on my website Any additional questions or concerns should be directed to my Academy Nomination Coordinator, Tom Larkin, at (319) 365-4504. Applications must be completed by September 30, 2008.

How are the applicants selected?
For every opening that I have at an academy, I can nominate up to ten Iowans. I will submit this group of ten nominees to the academy and, from this group, the academy will make the final decision on which nominees will be offered an appointment.  I use a competitive method to screen my applicants including the evaluation of ACT or SAT scores, high school grade point average, leadership abilities and physical aptitude. I have also appointed an academy selection committee that conducts personal interviews with finalists.