
Wednesday, December 7, 2005

common sense on healthy living during the holidays

Millions of us put on the pounds during the holiday season, and the reasons are obvious: It is a time of parties and celebrations, not diets and discipline. Hosts and hostesses are encouraging us to eat, drink, and be merry. Two out of three gifts, it seems, involve chocolate or alcohol. Not to mention that eggnog seems to be everywhere!

Well, the good news is that we can enjoy ourselves and make healthful choices. Let me offer seven tried-and-true techniques that will help you to feel good during the holidays and after the holidays:

1. Plan ahead - Eat a bit before you go. Don’t go to that special event feeling ravenous. Because if your stomach and brain are both screaming “I’m starved,” then the temptation to binge will be overwhelming.

2. Exercise – Don’t talk yourself into the notion that exercise can wait until after the holidays. Between parties and celebrations, take a walk or go for a run. Get some kind of physical exercise – even if it is less than usual. Every little bit counts!

3. Focus on special foods – Stay away from high-fat, calorie-crammed potato chips, crackers, dips, and breads. Instead, try new foods or foods you rarely eat.

4. Be the slowest eater – Take your time to socialize with others at the party. And be conscious of what you are eating. It is all too easy to eat and talk, talk and eat, eat and talk. Before you know it, you’ve consumed a huge quantity of food. Slow down!

5. Watch your alcohol intake – Alcohol can really multiply the calories in a meal. Drink a glass of water in between alcoholic drinks.

6. Don’t stand next to the food table. Prepare a plate of food and walk to the other side of the room to visit with friends and family.